The Omniscient

Chapter 225

Lin Li is eating fried chicken with Seti and the others.

Ding dong made a sound, and the computer on the side made a beep. Lin Li checked it quickly. It was Huang Ji who sent the message.

“Don’t eat, work!” Lin Li swallowed the chicken drumstick roundly.

Seti came over and said: “What instructions?”

Lin Li said: “Let us create the illusion that the reptilion has escaped somewhere outside of Santa Fe.”

Yam asked: “What does the reptilion look like?”

“Here, there are photos sent out.” Lin Li transcoded the data uploaded by Huang Ji, which are just photos .

It is the appearance of Drakonians such as Alexei and Vahana standing in the cave.

These photos, ordinary PS must be fooled by Illuminati, Lin Li directly took out the Buddha bone guard!

He is the second only to Huang Ji, the second person who came into contact with the Buddha bones, and worked very hard after that, he had time to learn the space alien programming language compiled by Huang Ji. Apart from other things, Lin Li’s test-taking ability is really great.

In addition, Lin Li does not need to be able to program at this moment, as long as he understands and can use the various software left by Huang Ji.

I saw Lin Li, who directly used the sandbox function of the virtual Small World to restore the fake Drakonian models, which looked as lifelike as real.

Then set up a scene similar to a jungle in the south of Santa Fe, cut a few pictures, and spread them on the Internet.

This is true… The screenshot of the game is used as a photo!

The rhetoric that Huang Ji said to Vahana and the others obviously had a flickering element.

He lied to Vahana, saying that as long as he lied to the netizens, the netizens would spontaneously complete the rumors. And declared: “The point is not the photos, but our disappearance. Illuminati can’t find us, so naturally it will go to the only place with clues to search vigorously, as long as there are things that ordinary person impossible knows, such as’Tai Li’. The posture of the tail standing is something that most people outside of the world are basically impossible to know, and it is not mentioned in the conspiracy theory.”

“When a place spreads your tail standing image, combined with our bizarre disappearance, the anxious Illuminati is bound to Adopting the principle of proximity and deploying the military to encircle that place. Lest you escape too far, finally the sky is unlimited for birds to fly at ease.”

These words successfully convinced everyone, But Huang Ji knew very well that this would at best let Drakonian’kill out’ instead of absconding.

If you kill it, the Illuminati’s guard force hasn’t gone far, and it will turn around and surround it, and it will eventually be wiped out.

So Huang Ji wants Lin Li to ensure that everything is lost and everyone is led away.

I saw Lin Li spread the’reptilion legend’, and then rushed to the southern jungle of Santa Fe with Seti and the others, where he left several paw prints and footprints, and even tail prints.

After that, he lay in an ambush, waiting for Illuminati’s middle and lower-level combatants to come and explore.

They are going to kill the people who came to investigate, Lin Li is now S2battle strength! Although the combat experience is very poor and can only play the effect of S1Peak, there are four S1 swept arrays beside Seti.

With the shield of Buddha bones, even if Illuminati sends an S2 team, they will be killed!

In this way,’this jungle has reptilion’ becomes a real hammer! Except for the adult reptilion…how could anyone else here kill the S-class combatants? So reptilion really escaped!


The photos sent by Huang Ji were undoubtedly taken with equipment removed from the drone. With the drone controller, Huang Ji directly Manual programming, the original control procedures were changed, all drones were taken away, and the materials were dismantled.

Of course, although this kind of wrong instruction cannot be prevented, it cannot be concealed. It immediately caused panic among the ranch supervisors.

They wanted to contact Kogas, but they couldn’t.

It stands to reason that if they find this kind of anomaly, if they cannot contact their superiors, they must immediately notify the combat department.

Even leapfrogged to report to the top of Santa Fe, in any case, it must be reported.

However, Kogas had already greeted his men early, saying that he was going to start a game against the rules, and nothing would happen, and he would take care of himself after it was over.

Including putting all kinds of supplies, even throwing the controller in, these people also helped to hide it.

After all, as long as you can hide it for a while and finish the aftermath without any major event, it is okay, bypassing the superior to make a small report, if there is no major event in the end, it will be bad.

So those supervisors, at this moment, are just calling Corgas frantically.

“Go crazy, why doesn’t the supervisor answer the phone!”

“It is estimated that the supervisor went to see the level 32 executives, didn’t he bring his mobile phone?”

” What should we do? Shall we follow the procedure?”

“Not good… the other party used the controller to control our drone, but this did not allow them to escape. How many are there around Dashe Valley? Thousand guards, S4 alone has three, and two missile positions. No matter where reptilion breaks through, it is courting death.”

“Then what if reptilion starts to break through? This is a major event. “

“Breakthrough must be reported. No matter which direction is attacked, there will be a mobile response of combatants. Of course, you can’t hide it when you fight!”

“Otherwise, just wait. If the reptilion does not break through, we will wait for the supervisor to deal with it. If the fight is about to start, we will immediately report all the situation to the combat department.”

When these supervisors decide to have an accident, the card will be reported. .

For this, they specially Sect a helicopter to patrol the valley above the valley. Once there is a reptilion moved towards the edge of the wall, they will immediately report.

But they waited nervously for a long time, but there was no sign of reptilion breaking through.

Don’t talk about breaking through, they didn’t even see a silhouette.

“Oh? They are all hiding in the cave. It seems to know that even if we rush to our position, it is courting death.”

“That’s it, reptilion will be honest, Everyone is to live together in harmony.”

The supervisors are relaxed. Of course, they don’t want something to happen. After all, they are all accomplices in this Kogas violation.

Reptilion doesn’t do things, just hello, me, everyone.

However, just when they felt that the reptilion was at ease, a man staggered out of the cave.

“Hua Ji!” The supervisor had heard something from Cogas and knew this person.

But… isn’t he dead?

Not only the people on the helicopter looked dumbfounded, but the rich people in the studio behind the scenes looked dumb.

Although all drones have failed to monitor, the camera on the helicopter can still transfer the image to the studio.

It’s just that under the suppression of Evil Dragon, Kogas couldn’t communicate with his men.

“Hua Ji didn’t die? How could it be possible! He didn’t die even if his neck was broken!” Kogas was the most incredible one.

All the wealthy people who thought they died at first came out alive at this moment.

So, doesn’t it mean that he is the last person alive?

“Damn! He actually lived to the end?”

“Could it be that he pretended to be dead and plot against everyone? But why didn’t reptilion find out?”

“Reptilion didn’t find out, but cooperated with him! We believed that he died before because we thought he could not hide from reptilion, but now that he is still alive, it proves that Alexei lied to us before! Come together!”

“How is this possible! Why does reptilion help him? What is it?”

Several rich people see the living Hua Ji, their eyes are all Almost staring out.

I saw Huang Ji in the picture, looked up at the helicopter, and beckoned.

“What is he going to do?” The rich can do nothing now, they can only watch.

The one in the helicopter is a subordinate of Cogas, who is also the supervisor of the Great Snake Valley.

When they saw Huang Ji beckoning, they were also very curious about the situation in the cave, so they lowered the height and cautiously dropped the rope ladder.

Huang Ji climbed the rope ladder and got on the plane!

The camera is in front of Huang Ji. Huang Ji sat on the seat in the helicopter and said: “Master, go to the Southern Great Gate.”

The supervisor browses slightly wrinkle. “Boy, please be honest! What’s the situation in the cave now?” Huang Ji said: “The group of monsters are dismantling drones. Combining the various materials you gave, it seems to be making something Something. It is said that that thing can help them fool the sentry…”

Did the sentry? It’s impossible, Dashegu surrounded a circle of sentry posts, it can be described as airtight!

Although the surveillance of reptilion has been temporarily lost, the entire valley itself is a cage. If they want to escape, they will inevitably be discovered and then be devastated.

The supervisor did not care about this sentence, but asked: “The group of reptilions are still in the cave?”

“Reptilion? You really look like a lizard that way, yes. Yes, they are all in the cave, what’s the matter?” Huang Ji said.

Everyone relaxed, are the reptilion still in the cave? That’s all right!

Then they stared at the entrance of the cave, as long as the reptilion tried to escape, they would immediately report to the combat department.

Don’t run… then wait for Kogas to deal with it.

“Your name is Hua Ji, isn’t it? Why did reptilion let you out?” the supervisor asked.

Huang Ji said: “This is an agreement between me and them. They are still very honest and trustworthy. They said that as long as I helped them deceive a bunch of Illuminati fools, they would let me go.”

“…” Behind the scenes, Cogas looked at the screen with a dull expression.

Evil Dragon said with a sneer: “so that’s how it is, this Hua Ji is using you to provide supplies to reptilion… reptilion has a bunch of good things for nothing, so naturally let him go “

Korgas said in a cold sweat and trembling: “I remember, at the very beginning, reptilion destroyed several drones, leaving Hua Ji with a one-minute monitoring blank period. .”

“At that time, everyone was so scared that Liushen Wuzhu saw the collapse of Reptilion Sanguan…Hua Ji, he reached an agreement with Reptilion in just one minute? Then pretend to be dead and escape our vision…”

“Also let us take it lightly and defraud the materials from us…”

He didn’t expect, Huang Ji finally took the risk Coming out, this directly overturned all his’thoughts’ about the scene.

Kogas has realized that things are completely out of his control.

All the drones flew into the cave just now, and the monitoring failed and Self-destruction was not possible…This all means that he was plotted against. It was a long time ago to buy a controller!

“Hua Ji…really can rewrite a set of programs? Tamper with our control system… Isn’t he a doctor? How can he even program! There is no information in the information!”


“Then magic spell teachers, are they real death or fake death?”

“Reptilion is this going to escape from prison? And I am an accomplice?”

” No… Impossible, what if there are those things? Impossible escape.”

Korgas is so confused, he can only comfort himself continuously.

He yelled at the screen, hoping that the supervisor would ask more about what happened in the past two days.

However, the supervisors don’t care about the game process. The reason why they descended the plane to pick up Huang Ji was just to ask if the reptilion was still there.

“What are you going to do at Southern Great Gate?” the supervisor asked again.

Huang Ji said: “Isn’t that an exit? Now I am the only player left. As long as I get there, I will pass the level and the game will be over. Kogas It shouldn’t be come again A game, right?”

The supervisor is anxious: “Well, you Hua Ji, you play the game to clear the customs, why do you get on our plane!”

“You still want us to give You send it over? Get off!”

Huang Ji said: “As you please, reptilion has already determined to let me go anyway. It’s nothing more than the difference between ending the game quickly or ending the game slowly, that’s all. “

After hearing this, several supervisors rolled their eyes and said they were right!

Hurry up and finish the game, and Kogas will start to deal with the aftermath.

Holding like this now, let Huang Ji walk slowly for more than ten kilometers. What if Kogas does not have time to deal with the aftermath if there is a reptilion riot in the middle?

Simply, send Huang Ji to the end and end this farce as soon as possible.

Whether he wins or loses, Kogas should be able to contact him when the game is over.

“Let’s go to Southern Great Gate!”

The supervisor hurriedly transferred another plane, looked at the hole, and then another plane sent Huang Ji to the Southern Great Gate .

Huang Ji got off the plane and was directly outside the Big Snake Valley Ranch, where there is a military base.

“I…I’ve cleared the level. Kogas promised that he will set me free.” Huang Ji said.

The supervisor said with a sneer: “Really? He promised, but I didn’t promise. Take him away and send him to Santa Fe!”

After that, one person directly Huang Ji was injected with anesthetic.

Huang Ji angrily said: “I knew you would be like this…I knew it! I knew I would stay too!”

A guard dragged Huang Ji away on the road Huang Ji yelled: “Don’t take me away! I know a lot! Let me join you!”

The supervisor said with a smile: “You are coming, Hua Ji, I know you , Our supervisor said that you caused him to lose a lot of money… He had asked us long ago to send you to Santa Fe once the game is over… haha, you fall into his hands, you will suffer in the future.”

Huang Ji shouted again: “You can’t do this! Reptilion has a conspiracy! Let me go, don’t you want to listen? Let me join Illuminati and I will tell you!”

Supervision Personnel said with a smile: “No conspiracy can escape from here! This is absolute power.”

“Isn’t he particularly sensitive to our anesthetics? Give him another shot!”

Huang Ji’s shouts are getting farther and farther away. In the end, he seems to have a medicine efficacy attack. He gradually lost his voice and closed his eyes and fell asleep.


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