The Omniscient

Chapter 224

Magic spell’s words are boring.

Obviously Hua Ji saved everyone, but the magic spell master said that he actually harmed everyone.

Alan and Old Wang were furious, but they were dull again.

The most terrifying and powerless negative energy in the world is the heartfelt desire to refute someone else’s boring and irritating words, but after careful consideration, it feels true and powerless to refute.

The tortoise race won the rabbit, and it still relied on the rabbit’s charity. After another ten thousand times, the rabbit still won. What’s the difference between treating coincidences as opportunities and just waiting for you?

People laughed at the stupidity of waiting for the hare while praising the miracle of the tortoise and the hare.

“When you think that you can use the rules to defeat the superior, you don’t know that the superior can change the rules. Hua Ji is very clever, but he didn’t break out of this vicious circle. Isn’t he dead?”

The magic spell master said, a package in the sky fell under the tree.

He bends and picks it up. Inside is a tablet-style device.

The magic spell teacher said with a malicious smile: “This thing can control all drones. I equivalently bought countless weapons with a little money.”

“Why? You may be wondering why those rich people would sell this thing to me. It’s very simple…Because I am their pawn, I can make this game more interesting.”

“There is only one way to win in this game! That is obediently and honestly, take your lives to perform a wonderful killing for the organizer.”

He seems to be determined to kill. All dead.

“That’s great!”

The rich people behind the scenes are all excited. Although Hua Ji’s previous performance was also very exciting, it was another level of fun.

It is not in line with their original intention, and it is really uncomfortable to be beaten frequently.

At the moment, the magic spell master is showing another extreme shrewdness. Bloody must win! All teammates are dead, but I live alone!

Not only that, but the words of the magic spell teacher are more in line with their three views. a wise man submits to circumstances.

The attachment to the powerhouse is not because of justice or evil, but simply because he is a powerhouse.

This is exactly what Illuminati does. They don’t know they are dogs? No, they were very happy, because they had the strongest leg that a human could hold.

Even if it’s just a tool, or even a victim, so what? Compared with the above, there is more than the below. This is still much stronger than not even being a dog. On the piece of land, the Illuminati is the strongest on the thigh of the space alien.

I have dominated the earth for hundreds of years. I don’t know how many Illuminati executives have enjoyed the space alien dividend all their lives. No matter what the price is, others will pay, and future generations will bear it.

They are superiors on the earth, and their concept is destined to be the only choice.

Even if it is not in the interests of most earthlings, even if many people are sacrificed, it is enough that they can survive on their own.

Because the so-called majority does not include them. For them who successfully hug their thighs, this is the optimal solution and the most realistic choice.

“If this guy survives, let’s let him join Illuminati,” said a rich man.

“Will you give a Level 1 mix? It’s not impossible.” Another rich man said.

They occasionally raise a hand of ordinary persons, even if the weave is low, they are equivalent to holding Illuminati’s thigh. For most earthlings, this thigh is already an amazing bonus choice.

Seeing other rich people talking like this, Cogas sneered in his heart: “Hehe, I actually think that the magic spell can survive…”

In fact, Cogas also likes magic spell. The teacher’s, but what he likes is that the magic spell teacher can help him win the money back.

Use the magic spell to teach all teammates, including the magic spell master, own life, give him a wave of money, and even join the ranks of 20,000,000,000 net worth.

Although the truth of the magic spell teacher said, many rich people appreciate it, but Kogas from the very beginning did not intend him to live.

“You…you have already agreed with the group of people behind the scenes that you will kill us all? If you kill us all, can you live?” Old Wang angered.

The magic spell teacher said: “Idiot, don’t you understand? Only those who obey the rules will not make things difficult for me.”

While he said, heaven There are also drones gathering here.

One, two…a dozen, twenty…

The magic spell division complexion changed, so difficult to control! In other words, he can control at most three drones at the same time at the same time. It is impossible to select all the drones in one breath and let them go to a certain place collectively, just like playing a game! No such function!

“This…understand, I will kill them immediately…” The magic spell master browses slightly wrinkle, seeming to think that the rich man behind the scenes is using this kind of trickery to force him to kill faster.

“Magic spell master! Wait a minute! I will cooperate with you!” Alan roared.

“Sorry, I can’t believe you anymore.” The magic spell master leaned on the big tree and controlled the equipment in his hand, and suddenly three drones rammed towards Alan.

“All die.”

“xiu!” Alan moved away sensitively, but the drone directly Self-destruction!


Alan protected her with her hands in front of her, and was blown up directly by the explosion, hitting out two meters, falling to the ground covered in blood, chest, abdomen, arms, legs and feet. A few pieces.

“Farewell, macho.” The magic spell teacher limped up.

Alan struggled to think about it, but only vomited a mouthful of blood, as if it exploded and suffered internal injuries.

The magic spell master pressed the spray, and the poisonous spray covered Alan’s cheeks. Alan twitched for a moment, and there was no movement.

“Help!” Old Wang yelled and rushed into the cave.

The magic spell division controlled the grenade launcher on the drone, blasting into the hole.

“bang bang bang!”

Several grenades went down, and gunpowder smoke came out of the hole.

Seeing that there was no movement inside, the magic spell master controlled three drones to take a look.

In the tunnel of the cave, Old Wang was squatting motionless next to a crater, his body was bloody.

The clothes are in tatters and smoking, and there are even three fabrics burning.

In order to guard against the unexpected, the magic speller even used a highly toxic spray to spray a few times on Old Wang’s face.

After confirming that Old Wang is dead, the magic spell master said: “Now they are all dead! All the money is in my hands!”

“Master Kogas , Give me what I want!”

Korgas said with a slight smile: “As you wish.”

The magic spell teacher looked up and saw There was a parachute falling from high above, and a huge box fell below it.

“What! Why do you have to tie a parachute! Nothing before!” The magic spell master cry out in surprise.

In this case, he would have to wait for the airdrop to fall danglingly.

However, time is running out. Because of the explosion just now, a group of Drakonians such as Alexei in the distance are rushing to the cave like crazy!

“Damn! Kogas, you did it on purpose! You want to kill the magic speller!” a rich man said angrily.

Korgas said with a smile: “Don’t talk nonsense, I am to prevent it from breaking, but there are explosive items inside.”

Then he said with a smile: “magic Master Spell, the reason why you didn’t use a parachute before was because you bought small-value goods. This time, it’s a car and a hydrogen tank. The weight is too big. Don’t use a parachute. I also said that I deliberately cheated you…”

His words are not leaking, but other rich people are impatient but have nothing to do.

Fortunately, the magic spell division is also very clever. He immediately manipulated the drone and hit the parachute. He wanted to cut it and landed immediately.

He tossed for a long time before finally letting the airdrop fall to the ground.

The magic spell division hurriedly went up and unpacked, and it was indeed a motorcycle and various hydrogen and oxygen cylinders. Even the nitrogen accelerator is a very sophisticated one! There is no shortage of equipment parts, and nitrous oxide and other compounds are also full.

But…the weight is too big! Both the oxygen cylinder and the hydrogen cylinder were of the kind taller than one person.

The magic spell master crutched and found that the motorcycle was in the innermost position. He could only try to remove the hydrogen cylinder, but even the people with the bottle fell to the ground.


Alexei and other Drakonians, getting closer, the magic spell master is inconvenient with his legs and feet, and no one can help.

I can only move heavy objects and drag the motorcycle out by myself.

At this moment, he looked lonely and helpless, and death was approaching.

“Why! Why make things difficult for me!” the magic spell master roared.

These small arrangements are blameless and do not violate the rules, but from these small details, it can also be seen that Cogas wants him to die.

The magic spell division collapsed and said: “Why is the drone controller not selected collectively? I want to control one by one?”

Korgas calmly said: “Huh? Originally That’s it. Even me, I can’t add those convenient functions to Dashegu’s drone monitoring system…Don’t you know?”

What he said is true, other rich people There is no way to accuse him.

Master magic spell’s eyes were red, he struggled to get on the motorcycle, and immediately started moving towards a distance.

The traps and explosives originally planned to be deployed have no time to deploy.

“Weng weng!” The magic spell master controlled the motorcycle with one hand and one foot, and controlled the drone with the other hand, constantly hitting Alexey.

However, he could only control one with one hand, and a large group of Drakonians chased up quickly, unable to stop it at all.

The motorcycle has reached a very high speed, but the Drakonian is not too slow, at 65 kilometers per hour, on this bumpy dirt road, it is faster than a motorcycle.

Even more how, Alexei can also burst speed to 80 kilometers each hour for a short time!

“ang!” With a roar, Alexei caught up with the magic speller and dragged him out of the car.

The magic spell master turned pale with fright, he was lifted up by Alexe pinching his neck, his feet were not touching the ground, and he struggled.

He quickly took out the TX highly toxic spray moved towards Alexey’s face, and Alexey threw it out immediately.

I saw the magic spell master fell to the ground and rolled a few times, and the remote control tablet controlling the drone was directly crushed by the stone on the screen, cracks were everywhere, and the screen was black on the spot.

Not only that, the poisonous spray in the hands of the magic spell master was also broken, and the poison mist inside leaked out, spraying the face of the magic spell master.

“no!” The magic spell master cried and lay motionless on the ground.

At this point, all horse racing teams have been destroyed.


“hahahaha! The group is gone!” Kogas jumped up in surprise.

Perfect! He won the bet!

He won 20,000,000,000 this wave! Not only paid back, but also won six 1 billion more.

“Ooo!” Kogas got on the table excitedly and danced.

The other rich men looked dead, and were disgusted by Cogas.

Although they have lost a lot of money, it is actually not hurt to share it among so many people.

So if you lose, you lose. Before doing this, they would be very happy after seeing a series of performances and the whole group disappeared.

However, Kogas obviously moved his hands and feet, the airdrop landed slowly, the cargo inside was extremely heavy, and the motorcycles and other cargo were entangled together. All of this seriously wasted the deployment time of the magic spell division and made him rush away in the end.

Obviously the magic spell master can still show off, he bought that many things, maybe there will be a series of magic operations.

Even if it is still no match for the powerful reptilion in the end, it is a wonderful thing.

How should the horse racing do its best to survive to the end, and then die in despair!

In this way, they lost the money and watched happily, but it turned out to be so successful!

“Fuck!” Several wealthy people are foul-mouthed.

It can be said that Kogas defeated his character, at least the rich people present, he offended all!

“Count the money! Count the money!” Kogas was reluctant to be polite, and directly let many rich people put the money in his account.

At the same time, he saw that the Drakonians were picking up and cleaning the corpses and various supplies on the ground.

However, those supplies are useless, even if they are given to Drakonian.

The only important thing is the drone controller, but that thing seems to have been broken.

It doesn’t matter if it is not broken, the screen is broken, and the screen is black. Drakonian doesn’t know what this thing is for.

Sure enough, Alex picked up the controller, threw it into the airdrop box, put a lot of supplies, including motorcycles, together, and moved them in as if they were tattered In the cave.

Seeing that Drakonian will not know the usefulness of the thing for a while, Kogas decided to immediately pay off the huge debt first, so that it will not cause any inquiries and investigations from Illuminati’s subordinate banks. Then he has more time to deal with the mess left by the battle royale.

When the time comes to find a few high-level activities, play reptilion this matter, the major event is made smaller and the trivial matter.

Everyone cleared the accounts unhappily, and at the same time, Evil Dragon’s cell phone rang and he answered the phone silently.

“Damn! Don’t call me when you bet on money from now on!”

“Listen, Kogas, we are all raising your hand for your life today!”

“Go away! You don’t want to find me in business in the future!”

Some of the rich did not show any face to Kogas, they just cursed and left.

Korgas didn’t refute, he knew he would have lost a lot of contacts in this wave, but he entered the 20,000,000,000 club, and maybe he could befriend another group of Great Family children.

In general, he is not at a loss.

He received the money, paid back the debts owed by Morgan Bank, and then casually explained to the bank. After confirming that the bank had not established an investigation team, he was relieved.

“It’s okay…” Kogas took out the bank, and then took out his mobile phone, ready to find a Nirvana who has a good relationship with him, and asked him to help transfer a group of combat teams into the valley and recover the materials .

As for the reason, just use the name of an experiment.

However, before he could call, Evil Dragon suddenly stood up and said: “Stop!”

He pulled back the rich man who was about to leave, and at the same time took the only one The door is locked.

“en? What’s wrong? Didn’t the gambling break?” The rich felt unfathomable mystery.

Unexpectedly, Evil Dragon has a straight face, and hehe haha ​​who gambled with them before.

“About the Santa Fe Big Snake Valley Ranch, a traitor illegally transported supplies to assist the reptilion in the rebellion. The Phoenix team fully intervened in the investigation! Level 32 sword bearer, Nirvana Luo Yan is the Chief-In-Charge , Is solely responsible for investigating this matter.”

“None of you are allowed to leave this place until the above investigation is clear! Nor are you allowed to pass any information to the outside world… Violators, die!”

“I, Sasha, are temporarily authorized to supervise you. I have the right to beheaded and executed later.”

The rich people were dumbfounded, and one of them was anxious, and roared: “It’s my shit to deliver supplies. I didn’t send it! Find Cogas…I’ll go first…”

“Yes! Sasha, you also bet! You can’t imprison us…I…I’ll fight first A phone call.”

A rich man walked to the gate, and a rich man took out his mobile phone.

Unexpectedly, Evil Dragon ruthless blasted the head of the rich man who took out the phone with a punch, and the other person was scared to leave immediately.

“You are not allowed to pass any news to the outside world, don’t you understand?” Evil Dragon said indifferently.

“You…you really killed him?” A group of rich people were terrified.

Seeing that Evil Dragon really dared to kill his own people means that the so-called investigation team has really been established. The sword bearer Luo Yan authorized the sentry in front of you!

“Now you all person hand over communication tools, those who don’t cooperate… die!”

Before Evil Dragon finished speaking, a group of rich men slid back to their seats. And took out all communication tools such as mobile phones.

Korgas’s face is stiff and bloodless!

His brain was blank, he fell on a chair, and the phone in his hand was already out of the address book, but he was trembling not to press it.

These rich people are not combatants, how can they twist a sentry? Moreover, the sentinel is notoriously a combat weapon that only listens to higher-level orders and never shows mercy.

“How…how could it be? How could it be so fast! I obviously blocked the news…” Kogas said hoarsely.

Evil Dragon ignored him, but turned back and called: “Mark, take their phone.”

“Understand.” Coyote complied, stepped forward and carried One box for cell phones.

“Sasha, you also bet. You are also a participant. Why do you authorize you to supervise us?” Kogas handed over his mobile phone and questioned.

Evil Dragon calmly said: “Have I gambled? I only participated in the game that Kim hosted and they built, what battle royale, I don’t know, I never urge you to take control of the drone All the instruments are handed over.”

“You…you lied! You…” Kogas didn’t finish.

Other rich people even echoed: “Yes, Sasha didn’t participate, don’t slander others!”

“What battle royale? I didn’t participate, Koga Si, are you crazy! How dare you put supplies into it casually?”

The rich have also followed the Evil Dragon saying, anyway, here is the only person who has the authority to do these things.

He should have carried this pot alone!

“You… damn it!” Kogas was anxious and angry, but helpless. Even if the above did not believe the words of these rich men, they were at best accomplices, plus instigation.

In addition, the connections of this group of rich people are also very scary. As long as they stay in a group, I am afraid that only themselves will suffer.

He can’t make any calls or do anything now. He is controlled here, and it seems that he can only wait for Luo Yan’s investigation and trial.

Korgas was desperate. He was puzzled. How could the investigation team be established so quickly? Shouldn’t it.

He blocked the news early and wanted to make a time difference. First, he played the game against the rules to make money back, and then he finished it. Even if he found out that he had done this in the future, it was a past thing. At once, you won’t be too careless.

Didn’t expect that he had just got the money, and before he had time to deal with it, the investigation team just posted it on his face.

“How could this…how could this…” Kogas was dumbfounded.

As everyone knows, there is no investigation team, but he turned it up from the very beginning, who is the organizer of this game.

From the very beginning, Kogas didn’t plan to let go of the magic spell master, but didn’t know that Huang Ji also didn’t plan to let him go from the very beginning.

And this group of money gambling…’horses’.

Evil Dragon sneered when he saw Kogas with a dazed face, “Do you think you are the host?”


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