The Omniscient

Chapter 223

In the afternoon, Jr. Yoton continued to herd the magic spell master and the others.

The magic spell master found the opportunity, went behind a big rock, and got the airdrop.

“TX?” The magic spell master stuffed the poison bottle and freshener into the jacket from the neckline.

He stuffed the hem of his shirt into his pants and fastened them with a belt to prevent them from falling, so his upper body looked bulging, but he still had a suit jacket, so he wrapped the jacket directly around the waist In the upper position, the two sleeves are knotted in front of him.

It looks like I was working too hot and tied my jacket to my body, but actually took the opportunity to cover up the ten bottles of poison and freshener hidden in the shirt.

Next, he kept quiet and worked hard, cutting a lot of wood with Alan, and then carrying it into the cave.

After going in and out, after transporting the wood for more than half an hour, the magic spell division continued to return to the forest to log, and at the same time began to look around, watching the reptilion’s sight from time to time.

Then in batches, the poison bottles were hidden in various places.

Behind the scenes, Cogas saw that the magic spell master was so careful and cautious, and he felt comfortable.

“Everyone, everyone can bet on who this magic spell master will kill first!” Kogas grinned.

Evil Dragon ignored him, he didn’t need to continue to take part in the gambling anymore, his eyes were just staring at Alan on the screen, the other party was tapping his finger to pass the code.

Other rich people are quite interested. After all, this playoff has been too long. It doesn’t make sense to watch a group of people work boringly. Now that the magic spell master wants to make trouble, they naturally have to participate.

So almost a large number of people bet Alan, because this guy with the highest military force value is the most opposed to escape.

Others may still fight for it, but Alan will never run away with the magic spell master, so the magic spell master must be the first to kill him.

However, when everyone was betting almost, Kogas bet the money on Maizi!

“Huh?” The rich are very surprised.

as everyone knows, Maizi is the person who trusts magic spellers the most, even their group of Old Fox can see that although Maizi is a technical girl, he truly falls in love with magic spellers. .

The magic spell master also knows this very well. It can be said that the relationship between the two of these racehorses is the best.

How could the first person to be killed today be wheat?

Korgas laughed without saying a word, and did not explain to everyone.

I saw that in the forest, the magic spell division cut trees on the surface, but actually moved towards intermittently moved towards the wheat gathering wild fruits approaching.

Moved several times intermittently, the magic spell master came to Maizi, one meter away from him.

The magic spell master cuts down the tree, and the wheat digs taro roots, the two smiled at each other.

“Are you tired?” Maizi cared.

The magic spell master shook his head and said: “I’m not tired…”

While speaking, I looked around and saw that the little Drakonians were not paying attention to this side, so they took it out of the collar. A bottle of TX poison spray.

The rich people behind the scenes smiled, thinking that the magic spell teacher was going to tell Maizi the truth, and the two cooperated as before.

What the magic spell teacher said in the next second: “I have this freshener, not only insect-controlling. If you feel tired, spray it on your face for a few times, and you will immediately feel refreshed.”

After speaking, put the poison spray on the wheat.

Maizi took it without any doubt, and hid in his clothes neatly.

She also looked around, and said: “Where did you get this thing? I bought it?”

The magic spell teacher mysteriously said: “Of course I bought it. While the reptilion didn’t pay attention, I contacted the drone in the sky and bought some medicine to eliminate fatigue.”

Waizi’s eyebrows and eyes curled up said with a smile: “I feel own after a day’s exposure today. My face is dry and cracked. You are so kind to me, have you already thought of a way to escape?” The magic spell master said: “Don’t use it now, anyway, you should put it away first and don’t be discovered . It’s good to find a chance to spray yourself a few secretly. If reptilion finds out that we can buy airdrops, it’s done.”

Maizi quickly nodded and said: “Don’t worry, I know… Do you have a way to escape?”

The magic spell master shook his head and said: “Not for the time being, let’s not talk about it, reptilion will look over.”

After that, he Leaving with a log.

The rich people behind the scenes all looked straight, the magic spell master was simply opening his eyes and talking nonsense.

“He is lying to that technical girl, this is a freshener? Hahaha, it is obviously very poisonous!”

“so that’s how it is, deliberately said so, let that skill Female suicide! That woman will personally poison to death in her deep love.”

“What a treacherous guy! He chose the one he trusted the most?”

“Look at this woman, her face is full of tenderness, tsk tsk tsk…”

You all understand the magic spell master’s plan. Blood, you don’t need a knife.

But there are still many people who don’t understand why the magic spell master wants to kill wheat seeds first.

Korgas said with a smile: “Of course it’s because… it’s convenient.”

“Remember that in the two previous games of Magic Spell, he also trusted him when he died. Drunk? He normally accumulates popularity and sells it when necessary. When encountering a crisis, in a rush, he often targets familiar people to ensure that he will kill.”

Now, think about it, the magic spell teacher really seems like this.

“It’s interesting, it’s right to play like this. Sure enough, the team’s heart broke after Hua Ji died. This magic spell master only prepared for himself to live alone. Facing the terrifying reptilion, he didn’t expect Bring anyone more to live, so without the slightest hesitation, first kill the best wheat. Raise an extra sum of money as soon as possible.”

They saw the game enter the “normal” In the slaughter’s part, all people immediately became happy.

In their opinion, this is right, this is normal performance. The unity of Hua Ji before, made them always unable to grasp the current situation and felt out of control.

Now on the right track, not only are other rich people comfortable, but Cogas is also happy to see it.

Everyone wants to see the current situation.

Sure enough, but ten minutes later, Maizi took out the TX spray bottle while reptilion was not paying attention, and moved towards her face and sprayed a few times.

When she sprayed, she still showed a happy expression on her face, and then…

Then she puffed and planted her face in the mud, her beautiful little face deeply buried Into the silt.

This kind of falling down posture, even if it does not poison to death, it will suffocate to death.

“Ah! Maizi!” Luther rushed up when he saw Maizi fall.

Little Drakonian Jotun jumped down from the tree and strode to the’corpse’.

People gathered around one after another, only to see Luther pressing his hand on Maizi’s neck, crying: “She is dead!”

Old Wang turn pale with fright said: “How could this be? How did she die? Too tired?” Luthor turned the body of Maizi over and saw that her face was all muddy and dirty.

Little Drakonian Yodon reached out and took the TX spray bottle from the corpse.

“What is this?” The young middleman was crying out in surprise.

Unexpectedly, Jordon couldn’t understand him, and when he saw him squeaking, he sprayed two sprays on the youth’s face at the Imperial court.


The young man in the middle division shook his whole body, and immediately fell forward, his hand still unconsciously grabbing to Jordon.

Little Yodon staggered to the side, and saw that the young middle-aged man was also lying motionless in the silt, there was no movement.

Now everyone understands that this is highly toxic.

“aaaaaah!” Luther was both shocked and angry, didn’t expect another person to die so easily!

“Be careful, everyone, this is very poisonous!” Alan covered his nose and mouth, immediately stretched the distance, and stayed in the upper air.

Little Yodon turned around and shouted at his companions, and then restrained everyone on the spot, not allowing them to leave.

After a while, Alexei came over. He looked at the corpse on the ground, and asked Jr. Yodon.

After the two Drakonians had a conversation, Alexei angrily took the poison bottle and said in English: “Whose poison is this?”

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, no one said anything.

It is reasonable to say that this was found in Maizi’s hand, so everyone thought that Maizi should have bought it, but now she is dead, and this is another bottle of poison, why did she buy a bottle of poison? , Poisoned yourself to death?

Seeing that no one admits it, Alexei sniffs the poison bottle and walks in front of the magic spell master. Said with a sneer: “Why does it smell like you on it?”

From the discovery of the body to the present, the poison bottle has not been touched by anyone except Drakonian and the dead.

“It smells of your sweat, is this what you gave her?” Alexei asked in a row.

The rich people behind the scenes are all bad, the reptilion’s sense of smell is too strong, even if the magic spell master covered it with freshener in advance, it was still smelled.

The magic spell teacher trembled and said: “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t hide it from you, in fact, I also have a bottle of this poison.”

Speaking, the magic spell teacher is in his arms, He took out a bottle of TX highly toxic spray and handed it to Alexe obediently.

Alexei took the bottle and said, “What’s the matter?”

“I don’t want to…” The magic spell master pointed at the woods across the river with a weeping face. Said: “I met a robust man in the forest over there and gave me two bottles of poison, and he forced me to find a chance to poison you. He said that after everything was done, he would rescue me and release it. Me.”

Speaking of this, the magic spell master cried: “I really don’t dare to use it at all!”

“I’m afraid you will kill me, so I don’t dare Said, but I can’t throw away the poison because the robust man said it would kill me.”

“I gave a bottle to Maizi, because she listened to me the most, I hope She can do it.”

“But…but I didn’t expect her to commit suicide.”

“She has been terrified by you. She is desperate for the status quo. Alive…”

The magic spell master squatted on the ground holding his head, howling and crying, as if he had collapsed.

“I really dare not use this poison at all. I didn’t even remove the seal!”

Alexey angrily kicked the magic spell master down He stepped on the magic spell master and fumbled for a while, and asked: “Is there someone else in the valley? Where is that strong human being?” The magic spell master pointed to the other side of the river and said: “Just that In the woods beside him, he must still be hiding there! I really don’t blame me, he said I would kill me if I didn’t do it.”

Alexey stepped on the magic spell master. On one of his legs, regardless of the scream of the magic spell master, he flew towards the other side of the river, and he wanted to find the guy in his own territory.

The rich people behind the scenes said with a smile: “Didn’t expect this can also be mixed in. This magic speller casually compiled a non-existent person and fooled the reptilion?”

“Wait later, I feel that this magic spell master is still going to die.”

Kogas said with a smile: “Don’t forget, there is no robust man at all, so reptilion Will dig three feet and look everywhere, at least for a long time, will not care about the collapse of the magic spell division and useless ordinary person.”

“After all, those reptilions thought there was a sentinel sent by Illuminati. Now.”

“Now is the last chance for the magic spell division.”

When the other rich people behind the scenes heard it, too, reptilion must pay more attention to an unknown person who does not know how to hide. Where is the enemy.

“This magic speller is so smart. He doesn’t even know the existence of Illuminati, but he knows to make up a mysterious enemy to divert the contradiction.”

Sure enough, Next, the Drakonians made a big move, looking for people everywhere in the valley.

The magic spell division and the others continue to be forced to work.

They are unattended, but they dare not run away, because no matter what direction they run, they will encounter Drakonian who is searching everywhere.

But this way, the magic spell division can find opportunities to communicate with the drone.

“Korgas…Master Korgas! I want to buy something…whisper!” The magic spell master crawled on the ground, pretending to dig plant rhizomes, and confronted a person hidden in the bushes. The drone speaks.

His left leg looks like it is broken. Although the trouser leg is covering the injury, from the performance of the magic spell master’s pain and sweat on his forehead, it may be very painful.

Korgas said: “Do you want to buy a car?”

“No… I’m not going to drive a car now… Those monsters are scattered everywhere… “Magic spell said in pain.

Korgas also regrets that although the magic spell master is not dead, it seems to be useless.

The magic spell master said bitterly: “I want to buy a weapon!”

Kogas eyes shined, it seems that the magic spell master is finally going to make the biggest death.

In his opinion, no matter how many weapons a magic spell teacher buys, he can’t beat reptilion.

Korgas said: “Your money is not enough to buy many weapons…”

What the magic spell master said: “I want to buy… The remote control equipment of the machine!”

“Huh?” Kogas was stunned.

Master magic spell said: “There are bombs on drones, right? And some are equipped with weapons…Theoretically, I don’t need to buy any weapons at all, I just need to buy your drone to control it. Equipment!”

“This is not against the rules! And the weight of this thing must be very light, I finally thought of…”

“Master Kogas! Please Now, I will kill them all. You can do whatever you ask me to do. I only hope that you don’t have any tricks on the remote control, and don’t prohibit its permission, play word games…”

“I want a device that can really control drones. Please!”

The rich people behind the scenes are in an uproar, is this OK?

“There are more than 3,000 drones standing above the valley, and the explosives are equivalent to five tons of TNT!”

“even more how, some have additional installations Howitzers.”

“If he could control these weapons, he might be able to escape!”

The rich people behind the scenes immediately realized how smart this wave of purchases is.

The shipping cost is 10,000,000 per kg. This is a very large purchase limit. In theory, buying weapons is the least worthwhile.

But the magic spell master, but very smart choose to buy the remote control! The numerous drones in the sky and the weapons in it were all used by him.

Korgas didn’t expect magic spell. The teacher could think of this trick, and his attitude was very low. He asked him not to be deceitful, so he couldn’t get off the stage immediately.

“No, how can this thing be sold to him!” Kogas has a master control device in his hands, just like a tablet.

How do you expect other rich men to say: “This does not violate the rules of the game, are you persuaded?”

“What are you afraid of? You really think he can control three thousand by himself More drones? He can’t control it.”

“You know, even we can only control a limited number of drones, most of which are automatically patrolled by the system according to the program.”

Korgas pondered for a moment. If he didn’t buy it, he also had some rhetoric. For example, although the equipment was portable, the permissions inside were very expensive. The asking price was 5,000,000,000, so the magic spell master would definitely not be able to afford it.

But if you think about it carefully, it doesn’t matter if you sell it. The magic spell master thought that he could control all drones by holding the console. This idea was naive.

Unless he can write a set of control programs temporarily, it is impossible to operate by hand.

But Illuminati’s programs are complex and sophisticated, and the advanced algorithms are unique. What is the meaning of writing a set of programs? Within the valley impossible Some people have this kind of technology, even if they do, but they don’t have computer assistance, is it possible that just rely on their brains to fight with their hands and make a program?

Other rich people think they have this thing, so the magic spell master buys a car, maybe they can really escape.

But Kogas knows that it is impossible. No one here knows better than him, how strong S4 is! In the same level, reptilion is much stronger than humans.

“Well, I can sell it to you!” Kogas said.

He can’t afford to hold off either. He only hopes that after the magic spell division gets the weapon, the situation is like a fire.

However, the magic spell division immediately said: “very good! Kogas lord…I want a sand motorcycle and a high-concentration compressed hydrogen cylinder…”

Gas said with a sneer: “Hey Hey Hey! You have no money!”

The magic spell teacher said humblely: “Sir Kogas, I’m making an appointment for what I want to buy! Money… etc. If I kill them, naturally there will be!”

“Say well in advance so that you can prepare in advance. Once the money arrives, you can airdrop immediately, and I can get things instantly…”

“That’s all, I don’t have time to wait slowly. When the monsters come back, I won’t have a chance to get the airdrop again!”

Korgas and the It is clear to others that it was originally to get the airdrop faster, so order in advance.

Every time I bought the goods, I had to wait for a while, after all, Kogas had to send someone to prepare and deliver it.

But now the intermediate steps can be omitted. Prepare the things you want to send in advance. The magic spell master can use this to kill all his teammates and get what he wants immediately.

“Yes, you are very smart…Let’s talk about it, what else do you buy.” Kogas said with a smile.

Master magic spell said: “The formidable power of the weapon on the drone is still too low. I need a high-concentration hydrogen cylinder to set up an ambush at the entrance of the cave. In addition, I also need a high-concentration oxygen bottle to help. The response…”

“Finally, I will add a nitrogen accelerator to the motorcycle… I hope I can buy a set of… the fuel must be sufficient.”

Kogas said with a smile: “No problem, I will prepare it.”

“The airdrop location, just throw it at the entrance of the cave, behind the tree…” The magic spell master said, go to Alan and the The others put the body of wheat in the cave.

Then the remaining four people sat at the entrance of the cave.

“You bought that thing, right? What mysterious robust man, no one at all, right?” Alan looked at the magic spell master and asked.

The magic spell teacher calmly said: “How can I save my life if I don’t say that? Thanks to you for not breaking me, we must not let the monsters know that we can buy resources.”

Alan said: “Why did Maizi commit suicide?”

The magic spell teacher shook his head and said: “I don’t know.”

“You don’t want to be perfunctory!” Alan grabbed the magic spell teacher The collar said: “What else did you do? Don’t hide it from us!”

The magic spell master said after a moment of silence: “You come with me…”

, He pestered a stick and staggered towards behind a big tree.

Alan follow, I saw a bottle of TX highly toxic spray dug out from behind the tree by the magic spell teacher.

“Do you still have a bottle?” Alan moved away immediately, not daring to approach the magic speller, even if the opponent was just a cripple. This poison is really too cruel, and it will kill you when you spray it.

The magic spell master holds the poison bottle, coldly said: “After the group of monsters can’t find the mysterious person to return, it’s my death date. Even if they don’t kill me, I’m afraid I’ll never get it again. It’s airdropped…it’s equivalent to a death sentence…”

“I must flee here, now is the only chance.”

Luther echoed: “The group of monsters is fundamentally Don’t take our lives seriously! Fight with them! Do you still have this poison? Give me a bottle!”

Alan squinted in silence.

Magic spell teacher nodded and said: “Well said! Luther! Take this bottle, I still have…”

After all, he put a bottle of poison On the ground, I was one-knee kneels and continued to dig behind the tree.

Luther walked up unsuspectingly, trying to pick up the bottle on the ground.

“Everyone…” Luther said.

Unexpectedly, the magic spell master suddenly turned his head, picked up the poison from the ground like lightning, and sprayed it on the face of the shocked Luther.

“Uh…” Luther covered his face, his feet fell and hit the tree trunk with two strides, and suddenly fell to the ground, no movement.

Old Wang yelled: “What are you doing! Did you kill him?”

Alan coldly said: “Don’t you understand? Wheat seed was killed by his plot against ! That woman is very afraid of dying, why would she commit suicide?”

“She believes in this magic spell teacher so much, she must have been deceived by him.”

Magic spell Master Chu Holding the stick and holding the poison in his hand, he said: “Yes, I lied to her to say that this is a freshener.”

Old Wang said angrily: “She believes you so! You are crazy! We are all trapped now. This, we should unite and escape together.”

The magic spell master shook his head and said: “I can’t think of how everyone is going to be alive, if we use transportation…our money can only buy motorcycles… “

“Alan, I originally planned to cooperate with you to leave, but you refused. You want to silently obey and wait for the opportunity here? So naive!”

“You Think about it, the rich people behind the scenes, would they be willing to watch us work hard? How boring is this. This is a battle royale game…”

Alan said indifferently: “No Obedience is death, and surface surrender is only a real opportunity. You rush to resist and harm others and yourself.”

The magic spell teacher calmly said: “We are the weak, caught between the monster and the rich behind the scenes. You must obey one side to survive.”

“It’s just that you chose to obey the devil who looks like a lizard, and I choose… to obey the devil who looks like a man…”

Alan and Old Wang were taken aback. The magic speller just chose the more human-like one between the two demons.

“he he he…” The magic spell master gradually said madly: “from the very beginning, this is a cruel game, the essence has never changed.”

“Three We spent the games together. But it was not us who made the rules. Three games…but three more…When this extra battle royale appeared, I understood a truth…”

“I want to follow, not a smart person like Hua Ji, he is very difficult to deal with, and can even unite us, what use is it?”

” Hua Ji…instead, he killed you. He made you believe that unity, resistance and man’s conquering the sky are real, hahahaha!”


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