The Omniscient

Chapter 222

Illuminati, has tested the critical period hypothesis.

In other words, both humans and Drakonian have this trait.

But thinking that Huang Ji said that humans within the body have Drakonian language genes, the magic speller still wondered: “What does the human language database have to do with Drakonian? Drakonian also has this critical period. It can show that all intelligent species are like this.”

“Drakonian uses technology to implant language in his genes, which is equivalent to pre-setting in advance, and automatically has a language to fill in the warehouse when he is born. However, human beings do not have the ability to automatically learn a certain language, and can only fill it up the day after tomorrow.”

Huang Ji said with a smile: “It is extremely difficult for creatures in nature to evolve language functions. It should take a very long time, and very accidental factors.”

“The human language system is extremely unstable. From birth, it does not need to shrink directly in five years, and it does not disappear in ten years! This It looks more like a species with incomplete evolution. The function of language system has been added by external forces. Until now, our genes have not adapted to it, so that if a language is not loaded for a long time, genes will judge’what is this Wasting my energy, simply has nothing to do with survival, it’s closed and closed!’”

The magic spell master will say again, Huang Ji interrupted him and said: “Now, human beings really do not automatically understand one. The function of language.”

“But maybe humans have it before! It’s just that the data in the language database was emptied later, resulting in humans having only a blank language database, which can learn languages ​​from their parents or the outside world, but can’t think The language system comes out automatically.”

The magic spell teacher wondered: “Why do you guess like this?”

Huang Ji shrugged and said: “Because the Bible you believe in is That’s how it is written.”

“What?” The magic spell master was shocked.

Huang Ji said: “In the beginning, people on the earth had the same speech accent. Later they wanted to build a Heavenspan Pagoda and go straight to Heavenspan to the place of the gods.”

“God is not worried about this tower, but worried:’Look, they become the same people, all with the same words. Now that they have done this, what they will do in the future will not fail. That’s right. Let’s go down there and mess up their accents and make their speech uncomprehensible.’”

“The gods succeeded. They made people all over the earth begin to speak different accents, spreading to After a few generations, various languages ​​have been derived from various places. Because of the language barrier, people can no longer unite and work together to do one thing.”

The magic spell master has nothing to say, this is indeed Genesis. It is clearly recorded and indeed used the term “we”. It is not only about the Tower of Babel, but Jehovah uses “we” to self-proclaim in various things. The religious Scholar’s interpretation of this is…The Lord is a Trinity, so we use “we”.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “Everyone on the earth speaks the same language, which is very unreasonable, so it is widely regarded as a religious story.”

“But if It’s true, then I can only think that the so-called forbidden fruit that the’old snake’ tricked Eve into is to give out their own language database gene, which allows humans to learn automatically within 3-5 years from birth. The language of Drakonian also makes their thinking multi-threaded, and can define the things that natural species like’good and evil’ will never think.”

“This way, people on the earth will The accents and words are exactly the same, and people actually use this to concentrate their efforts on a major event…Looking up at the starry sky, want to climb to the sky.”

“There is another situation here that is very inconsistent with my three views. That is, God is not worried about the tower threatening him, but feels that’this unity’ is very bad. He feels,’You can build this tower today, don’t you want to build something in the future?”

“So in the story of the Tower of Babel, in the ending, God did not at all move that tower, but it just messed up people’s language.”

“I think that Gods confuse the world. ‘, the language of the’evil snake’ has been deleted from the human genes, but a blank language library is left. This leads to people being able to learn languages ​​from others, but they will not automatically master the’ancient snake language’ independently. “

“In this way, the child learns the ancient snake language through his parents and the external environment, and then grows up to the next generation. Over time, in different regions and different environments, there will be different The accent deviation!”

“After years and months, people who are far apart will have more and more language deviations, and they will become different languages.”

Magic spell teacher With eyes wide open, at first the Drakonian language database genes allowed humans to learn standard language as if they were copied.

Later, there was no such function, the language library was kept, but the content was deleted. Then the child can only learn from the outside world, can learn this thing, there will be differences between individuals.

When the little child learns words, his accent is all kinds of strange things, which is very non-standard. This kind of non-standard little by little continues to accumulate, the older generation dies, the new generation inherits, and naturally many different languages ​​will be formed everywhere.

“Even if there is a deviation, it shouldn’t be so different! Many languages ​​have different structural logics from each other!” said the magic spell master.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “Do you know the biggest change after losing your own language talent? That is… the language can be’improved’, there is no standard language.”

“Drakonian’s language is actually quite unsuitable for humans, because it’s a bit complicated, has too many comprehensible components, and requires a high level of human tone control. It’s difficult to learn and control.”

“People are adaptable and change their own language system according to their own needs and social needs. There are some difficult sounds, speaking of which mouth is exhausted… Naturally it will move towards a simpler direction change.”

“To put it bluntly, be lazy and save trouble, and learn the day after tomorrow, it is naturally how convenient to say… Remove a few words that are used less, create a few newly invented words in real life, and delete a few more Pitch.”

“Several generations of smart people, simply simplify the structure and create a new language. One thing is easy to change from difficult to easy.”

magic The spell teacher pondered then said: “It’s true…but it’s just your guess, just one of the probabilities…”

Huang Ji said: “Yes, but I was learning Drakonian language just now At the time, I found a corroboration.”

“Since the language differences caused by learning the day after tomorrow, the earlier you learn the words, the harder it is to change, right?”

“Yes…Yes…” The magic spell teacher said blankly.

Huang Ji said with a slight smile: “So after so many years, the first word humans learned at birth still retains the old pronunciation of the year…’mother’.”

Everyone was stunned: “This…”

If human language differences are caused by acquired learning, then the earlier the child learns the word, the more similar the pronunciation will naturally be.

Conversely, if the voices of mother are very similar, it means that a long, long time ago, everyone was in the same language, but the learning has branched off.

The magic spell teacher looked towards Vahana, I saw Vahana nodded…

Everyone understands what she means. This means that they are indeed called ‘ mother’.

Vahana opened her mouth and said: “We have many names, among which the simplest pronunciation is mu or ma, but strictly speaking is to be pronounced together…”


Drakonian, it is like they interpret the own language alive,

The name of mother in their language is so similar to that of humans, which is almost ironclad. After all, genuine Drakonian is a space alien, and this language is also stored in the genes of genuine Drakonian.

From this, the story of the Tower of Babel may be true.

At first, human beings were born to automatically load Tianlong language, but it was deleted by God, so modern talents must speak from elementary school.

Bible stories have been read by everyone in the United States. Regarding the source of language, the Bible does not write it. God has never given human language, but it has messed up human language.

As for the reason, it is not that Heavenspan Pagoda blasphemed God. In the original text, God said very clearly: “Now that they have done this, there will be no failure to do what they will do in the future. Let’s go down. , Disturb their accents and make them language barriers.”

“If this is true…” Old Wang murmured.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “To be honest, even if it has nothing to do with reality, it is just a simple story. After reading the Bible, my scalp numb.”

“I think Isn’t this a problem? The ancient snake is guilty of letting Eve eat the forbidden fruit, because after human beings distinguish between good and evil, there will be disputes. This is the original sin of snakes that confuse the world. But God made humans language barriers, forming differences between different ethnic groups. Hatred, that’s great?”

“This is probably the most widely spread and longest spread double mark.”

The magic spell master sighed: “You think too much In the general religious interpretation, this sentence means that God does not want humans to replace him in the future. This is blasphemy.”

Huang Ji shrugged and said: “So God has admitted… Human beings are united into a community and can replace themselves in the future and become an’omnipotent’ existence?”

“…” The magic spell master was dumb and speechless. How could this deny God’s omnipotence?

Hani said with a smile on the sidelines: “Laughing to me! Don’t let go!”

She has a miserable life and has never been to church since she was a child, so she I only believe in practical benefits. I saw the magic speller who was once very talkative.

The magic spell master said bitterly: “Although I was very upset, I couldn’t find any reason to refute it. In short, I don’t argue anymore, because people cannot explain God clearly, and it is impossible to truly understand God. .”

Huang Ji said with a slight smile: “I am not destroying your beliefs. In fact, God’s behavior is not wrong. Without it, there is no such thing as chaotic language, and there is no culture in which a hundred flowers blossomed. I can only say this motivation…”

“Actually…Even Illuminati does not believe in the God in the Bible.”

“What?” Everyone already knows Illuminati quite well. Vahana told everyone a lot, so I was very surprised to hear this sentence.

“Illuminati and the existence of the belief behind them, they are hostile to Drakonian, discredited and fought against each other. Doesn’t this correspond exactly to the God Jehovah in the Bible?” Hani was puzzled. She fully supported Huang Ji’s idea, so I feel even more puzzled.

Huang Ji said: “Vahana, when you introduced Illuminati to us last night, you said that they are based on ‘666’ and that there is a statue of Ning Lu in the Santa Fe Institute, right? “

Vahana nodded and said: “Yes, Illuminati is indeed the Antichrist.”

“This…” Everyone is in chaos, whether it is 666 or Ning Lu is a representative of the Antichrist.

Illuminati persecuted them in such a way, and listening to Vahana’s introduction, it was simply a ball mole, a spare little white mouse that was of no use, and it would be sold out to be eaten by space aliens. They all knew about it. .

There is nothing wrong with saying that they are demonic forces. However, Huang Ji has already washed the so-called “old snake”, “devil” and “Satan” white.

“Wait a minute, Hua…Hua Ji, don’t you want to wash Illuminati?” Old Wang was surprised.

Huang Ji shook his head and said with a smile: “Didn’t I say that before? Illuminati is hostile to Drakonian, and has been discrediting Drakonian, even processing conspiracy theories, saying that he is controlled by Drakonian…”

“So what’s the purpose? To fool the world? It doesn’t make sense, because they know that the world doesn’t believe in the existence of space aliens. Is it just a simple slander of Drakonian, and my heart is secret?”

“No… it must be of practical significance!”

Alexei is very smart, he suddenly said with a smile: “This Uncle knows… It seems to be spread in the earth, In fact, it’s stinking Drakonian’s reputation in the stars…”

Huang Ji said with a smile: “Yes, Illuminati likes to blackmail themselves, they don’t care about the reputation of nothingness, they themselves are tools . So I am always good at profiting from self-discipline. From all the conspiracy theories circulated, Illuminati seems to be the biggest villain on the planet, extremely evil. Obviously they actually control public opinion and have first-rate cleaning skills, why don’t they just wash themselves ?”

“There is a logical key point here, that is, what Illuminati does is not tolerated by the order of the stars!”

“What should I do if I find it? It doesn’t matter , You can throw off the pot. Because everyone on the earth knows that Illuminati was established and controlled by Drakonian behind the scenes!”

“This is in the interest of the true messenger behind the scenes.”

Country A is engaged in trouble on the territory of Country B. If the deeds are revealed, Country A can also say that all this is instigated by Country C.

Huang Ji secretly sighed in his heart that the real “will of 6” behind Illuminati is so hidden that he didn’t even tell Illuminati his own name, only the Antichrist, the criminal The group’s symbolic sign ‘6’ is used to express oneself, vaguely calling himself a’pronoun of crime’.

Although Illuminati also believes in bird-shaped space aliens, is ‘6’s Will’ really a bird Human Race? Not necessarily.

If deeds are revealed, Xingkong Law Enforcer is just a rough survey, then the bad luck is Illuminati and Drakonian.

If the investigation is rigorous and in-depth, and the entire interest chain is overturned, there will be more bad luck with some little gray people, and at most a bird Human Race.

The real criminal behind the scenes is simply a non-stick pot, it doesn’t even touch him at all.

Behind the scenes, You Ge is a free, cold, powerful and illegal guy, and a star-level extrajudicial fanatic among all influence.

Huang Ji said to the magic spell master: “The Gods in the Bible are more like a powerful order. I don’t want to break your beliefs. In a sense, God is not good. It’s bad, he’s more like acting in a certain order.”

“The Devil Satan is not talking about the Drakonian race alone, but talking about a big classification. It should be translated into… criminals, rebellious In fact, doesn’t Satan mean that he has rebelled against the dogma of the gods?”

“Why can God double mark? Why can one be said to be guilty is guilty? Because…he has the greatest power! The greater the power, the easier it is to double-label, and the more qualified it is to double-label! And others can’t do anything about him.”

“I said that many bad things about God before, but I don’t mean to say that God is a bad person. Gods just don’t love people. They have a lot of positions that’s all.”

Alexey understood: “I understand what you mean, Illuminati and behind the scenes are criminals, genuine Drakonian Civilization They are also criminals. They are all objectively’devils’, but their motives are different from their original intentions.”

“The god who is hypocritical to humans is precisely the spokesperson of order and the force of justice.”

Huang Ji said with a smile: “Justice and so on, forget it. Because it is ridiculous to use good and evil to judge alien groups…”

“Even if they are different Individuals also have different positions. Now that we are behind bars, the Illuminati power on the earth is standing firm, and we are clearly committing crimes but there has never been anything.”

“Heaven knows…Is God taking bribes?” Oh, this order and so on, that’s it… at least God never listens to people’s prayers.”

Everyone is speechless, God collects money?

The magic spell teacher almost burst out when he heard it, and said: “This…how is this possible!”

Hani said with a smile: “Okay, stop talking , Are you full? Go out to work when you are full.”


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