The Omniscient

Chapter 221

Drakonians easily dug a 60 meters deep shaft, which is sufficient.

As for Huang Ji, he learned the Drakonian language with Wahana.

Hani was surprised. At first, she thought she was learning from Wahana, but she quickly discovered that she was not!

“You two, how do you learn from Xiao Youmi together?” Hani asked in surprise.

Xiao You Mi, is a five-year-old Drakonian.

Adults and children learn to talk? Co-author of the Drakonian language of Wahana, don’t have an own child to master?

Huang Ji said: “Drakonian has a language recorded in its genes. It will learn it automatically as it grows older. Some people teach it faster. If no one teaches it, it won’t be finished until the age of five. “

“After five years of age, this automatic language activation function disappears. You must take the initiative to learn the language and rely on rote memorization.”

“Alexey These human changed Drakonians, because they were 20 years old after being transformed, they didn’t know how to speak a dragon at first, but they learned from the little Drakonian after they gave birth to a child.”

But in this way, for Vahana and the others, it is equivalent to a second language, not a mother tongue, and their mother tongue is still English.

Hani listened to Xiao Youmi’s words of “screaming loudly” and grinned: “Our physiological structure is different, can’t you learn this Tianlong language?”

How can I expect Huang? Ji immediately followed Xiao You Mi and got up there at ao wu. Although Huang Ji was obviously struggling and lacked some’tone’, Xiao You Mi still understood, and the two actually started a conversation.

Of course, Huang Ji is just saying some everyday phrases.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “Fortunately, Tianlong language has no grammar, or their grammar is very casual, mainly by understanding. For some common sentences, I will pronounce a few keywords, Then I can add other conjuncts, and I can communicate.”

“I can even say a few wrong pronunciations, and they can guess what I mean. This language contains an extremely rich culture. The short phrase contains the magnificent meaning behind it.”

“In addition, the overwhelming majority pronunciation can be uttered by humans, but it is very laborious. It may be impossible to speak clearly, but face to face. It’s okay to communicate softly.”

Hani sighed with emotion: “It’s so amazing. You can bring your own language as an acquired learning thing. They learn it automatically before they are five years old. Directly recorded in the gene?”

Huang Ji said: “In fact, humans also have this gene.”

“en?” Hani was stunned, full of question marks.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “Drakonian’s language database genes were implanted into the human genome. I guess this may be the legendary’forbidden fruit’.”

Hani said in disbelief: “How is it possible? How can humans have this kind of function? I have never had a mother since I was a child, and my father has rarely cared about me. I only speak when I am over three years old. If no one teaches me, I would be impossible to learn a language automatically.”

Huang Ji said: “The language system of the human brain has a critical period. From birth to five years old, it is easy to learn own mother tongue. This is a language sensitive period, even if you do not deliberately teach it. Normally, adults communicate normally, and children can gradually learn the language when they listen to them. Generally speaking, they can speak at the age of three.”

“But this ability to learn a language at a high speed fails at the age of six. It seems that the door to the language database is closing. If this child has not learned any language before the age of five, it will be very difficult to teach him language afterwards. It will be very difficult for him to learn every possible way, and the child’s mind will be far worse. Ordinary people.”

“If he has not learned a language before he is ten years old, the child will never learn language, and the language function of the brain will completely disappear.”

Hani said: “Is there such a thing?”

Huang Ji nodded and said: “The language sensitive period hypothesis, or the language critical period hypothesis. The reason is that almost everyone in this world It is a metropolitan language and lies in the issue of human rights. I have not done a rigorous experiment to prevent children from learning to speak. It can only be seen from a few examples of wolf children that wolf children did not understand language since they were young. No, there were detailed observation records and discipline records in France in the last century.”

“In addition, biologists can see this hypothesis in the brain’s reflex area responsible for the language center. .”

“The human language system is like a warehouse. The door slowly grows from 1 year old, opens to the largest at 5 years old, and then slowly closes again.”

“So children learn all kinds of languages ​​very fast, but adults are more difficult.”

Hani asked: “But there are still 20-30 years old people who learn foreign languages, and there are many people in them. “

Huang Ji said with a smile: “That’s because they learned their mother tongue when they were young, and filled in the human language warehouse, it is equivalent to the gold of a trump card. As long as they can During the period when the language warehouse was opened, one learned a language and gained a “mother tongue”. Then the language function was fixed forever, until death Will not degenerate. After that, you can learn the second and third, and the language library can be filled in. As long as you have a good memory, you can learn until you die. “

“On the contrary, if you have not learned to speak before the age of ten, this person will directly’degenerate’ into a’human species’ that expresses emotions with roars. Unless he was genetically modified or activated his brain language center, he would never be able to teach him any language, and he would directly lose this function. “

“Does not know language, this is a matter that affects intelligence very much, and the thinking mode becomes extremely simple. Just like a cat and a dog, you ask the dog to sit down. Do you really think he understands you? No, he just remembered the sound you said’sit down’ and linked it to the action. This is a single thread, a straight line of thinking. “

” But human beings are different, so they will make a lot of brain supplements and define whether you are a bad person or not… The reason why human beings are regarded as higher intelligence is that human thinking is divergent. It’s like a lush and forked tree diagram. “

“This’tree’ is called the’wisdom Fruit Tree’, or the’tree of distinguishing good from evil’. Scientific name, multi-threaded divergent thinking. “

Everyone was stunned to hear, the magic spell teacher corner of mouth twitching, didn’t expect Huang Ji, this can all be on the Bible…

Vahana looked towards Yi A teenage female Drakonian said: “Hua Ji, you are right. Illuminati has done such an experiment. In the mass society, not teaching children language is a very serious human rights issue, so there is no rigorous experiment to prove this. hypothesis. But Illuminati’s experimentation has no taboos. “

“Anne is such a child. She grew up in the Santa Fe Life Science Center. Researchers never talk to her, and no one talks to her, so she doesn’t talk to her until she is ten. Understand any language. “

“I only know how to express emotions. The thinking is extremely simple, she even feels that the researcher gives her pain and then gives her food, which is as it should be by rights. “

“Because of her well-being, Illuminati transformed it into Drakonian. She is also the only Drakonian who has eaten food thrown by Illuminati so far. “

Everyone looked at the female Drakonian who was quietly digging a hole by the side in amazement. She was very quiet from beginning to end.

It turned out that she didn’t like talking, but she didn’t know how Speak.

“Since she has eaten Illuminati’s food, it can be domesticated. Why did Illuminati leave her here with you? Hani asked.

Vahana shook her head and said, “That was just the beginning. Drakonian’s dignity is imprinted in her genes. Even if her perception is biased, she will become very active. , And dislike passive. “

“Anne’s initial understanding was that she could only eat through experiments, so she accepted Illuminati’s food calmly. “

“But after she became a Drakonian, the focus was not on eating, but the’work’ being tested by the human body…”

“Eating is the lowest level of human physiological needs… …But not from Drakonian, Drakonian is not afraid of hunger, what he wants is the need to be respected. So under the influence of hormones and various physiology, her thinking mode changed. “

“She doesn’t know anything. She basically only knows how to experiment and eat. After eating a few passive meals, Annie feels very depressed. The feeling that this kind of development cannot be controlled by herself will make Drakonian. Instinctively feel uncomfortable. “

“So while she was being tested, she gradually learned how to operate the experiment. After that, she took the initiative to cause a prison escape. She smashed out of the cell, voluntarily killed the research area, repeated the last experiment perfectly, and then reached out to the researcher for food. “

“But it’s okay, because she escaped from prison and hurt a lot of people, so the combat troops were dispatched to suppress her. Annie fought with Illuminati angrily. “

“After she was suppressed, Illuminati injected her with tranquilizers, and found that the tranquilizers were not absorbed by the body! Annie is refusing to absorb it! In her judgment, the food is’something that someone gives me after I have done a human test, and then I eat it myself to fill my stomach’. This kind of forced injection within the body is not recognized as food, so she refuses to absorb it. “

“Refusing to absorb is all Drakonian’s rebellious behavior. Illuminati thought that her child, who was already domesticated, would still actively resist after being transformed into Drakonian, so she reluctantly exiled it to us. ……”

Huang Ji raised his eyebrows and said, “Anni…just asking for a salary…why I took the initiative to work overtime to do the experiment, and you won’t give me the reward I deserve? impossible! “

Vahana said: “Her habit still exists with us. She has to work first before eating. She has no concept of storing private property. She never saves the food obtained until the 2nd day, but works again on the 2nd day to obtain food. “

“She is still angry now…Always remember that Illuminati owes her a meal! “

Huang Ji knows that this Annie is the only Drakonian that’can be domesticated’ for the time being.

Because she has a flaw in her intelligence, she does not speak, nor human language. , She doesn’t understand Tianlong language.

Her thinking is very simple, she has no culture, and not many concepts of cognition. As long as this is used, this female Drakonian can still be used and controlled, nothing more than Troublesome, it’s easy to happen.

After all, Illuminati can be controlled, and others can also control it, and this kind of irony is also very “active”, there are no taboos, and no longer the timidity of human girls before.

So Illuminati, in fact, gave up long ago and completely gave up developing Drakonian into an army.

What Illuminati instead pursues is to extract Drakonian’s powerful genes and transfer them to humans. For example, Drakonian’s. Super sense organs, such as the powerful immune system, such as Drakonian’s long puberty and lifespan.

As everyone knows, humans within the body have Drakonian genes. Huang Ji even knows…not just language.


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