The Omniscient

Chapter 220

Everyone ate and drank enough to rest. It was early in the morning on the 2nd day.

Several small reptilions drove seven human drudges, logging, hunting and gathering wild fruits in the woods.

They were laughing and talking in the treetops, but Hani and the others could only work hard.

Not long after, Hani suddenly threw the straw basket and knelt on the ground crying.

She seems to have collapsed, her eyes sad.

“ang!” Seeing this, a small reptilion jumped from the tree and let out a low growl!

The tail flicked, making the air crackle.

Hani lifts the head numbly, crying and said: “Buy Hua Ji’s body.”

The little reptilion shook her head and couldn’t understand what Hani was saying. What, after all, he doesn’t understand English at all.

“ang!” The little reptilion drew her tail on Hani’s back and flew it by one meter, then pointed to the grass basket on the ground to let her continue to collect wild fruits.

Hani’s mouth oozes blood, she struggles to get up, and suddenly takes out a scalpel from her arms!

That was one of the scalpels Hua Ji ordered before.

The drones in the sky are watching all this, the rich people behind the scenes cry out in surprise: “Didn’t expect the first one to stand up and resist…It is her!”

“This is the knife that Hua Ji bought. She was terminally ill. Now she has become a coolie. There is no hope at all. Hua Ji is dead again. I’m afraid she doesn’t want to live…”

Sure enough, Hani held the scalpel and charged towards the small reptilion.

“Ding!” The knife did not pierce even the scales.

The little reptilion was furious and slapped Hani’s head with a slap.

I saw Hani fell to the side, poked her head to the ground, and she rolled twice!

“Hani!” Luther rushed up, only to see Hani closing her eyes tightly, without moving.

Luther touched Hani’s neck with his fingers, and then collapsed and said: “NO…NO!”


Luther staggered back, sat on the ground, raised his hand and saw that his hands were full of blood.

Kogas hurriedly lowered the drone, and the rich all leaned together to watch Nahani on the screen.

I saw Hani lying quietly, a lot of blood seeping through her hair, and a pool of blood was formed in the back of her head soon!

Although the size of the wound cannot be seen due to the occlusion of the hair, it is clear that Hani has been smashed to the head by a small reptilion claw, maybe the sharp claws have been pierced in, so much so So much blood shed.

“Another one!” Kogas was overjoyed.

Luther looked at the blood on his hand, plucked up the courage, and walked up again, trying to rescue Hani.

He did a standard cardiac resuscitation, and then prepared artificial respiration.

As a result, the little reptilion threw it away with a tail, pointed at the stone hoe, and let him continue tilling the land.

“You killed her! You monsters killed Hua Ji first, then Hani, we will all die in your hands in the end!” Luther cried and roared.

The little reptilion looked calm and didn’t even understand what he was talking about, and continued to point to the hoe.

Luther would say more, Old Wang quickly pulled him and dragged him to the hoe: “The gap is too big, and he can’t understand you at all, young people don’t be impulsive, it’s so dead It’s better to live!”

The little reptilion glanced around and saw that everyone was continuing to work, so he jumped back to the tree and continued to play with the one-year-old little brothers.

The rich people behind the scenes sighed slightly: “This old man is unrelenting. If everyone holds grudges and encourages each other, they may run away. But this old man continues to spread the idea of ​​living, The remaining people will think more and more afraid of death, and gradually they dare not run away.”

Sure enough, for the next hour, everyone worked honestly and no one dared to resist.

Korgas frowned. One day has passed. He can’t hide this game for long. He only has three days. This group of people must die as soon as possible.

But as long as these people are honestly coolies, Reptilion will definitely not kill them.

“It looks like you have to cheat…The remaining smart person is the magic speller…”

Korgas walked out of the hall, made a phone call, and came back soon .

Soon, the rich saw a drone that seemed to be out of control, sloshing into the head of a small reptilion on the tree.

“en?” The little reptilion felt the wind blowing behind his head, dodges and dodges, and at the same time his tail is like an iron whip.

The drone immediately pulled up again, moved towards the distance and ran away.

“ang roar!” The little reptilion chased up unhappily.

Several other companions saw it, followed up and smashed the drone with a rock.

However, at the same time, Alan and the magic spell division who were hunting prey far away also noticed that the little reptilion had gone far.

Korgas said in his heart: “Run! You guys are running! You don’t have the idea of ​​resisting at all, do you?”

He roared inside, and the magic spell master Looking back, he looked surprised when he saw that the little reptilion guarding them didn’t pay attention to it at all.

“Alan! Good opportunity, run!” The magic spell master said, holding Alan’s hand.

Unexpectedly, Alan shook the magic spell master’s hand and said: “You can’t run away. It’s at least a dozen kilometers away from the customs clearance exit, and reptilion can track the smell. We can’t run them!”


The magic spell division looked up and looked towards the drone in the sky, turning his head, and beckoning: “Buy something, I want to buy something! Insecticide, freshener… and tear gas!”

“Hani is dead! According to common sense, the 3.8 billion she belongs to should be allocated to all the rest! Right!”

“There must be such a hidden rule! Otherwise how to live! This Group of monsters… answer me! Or do you all want to watch us be played to death?”

Korgas is also the host. Seeing that the magic spell master reacted to this, he immediately controlled the nearest one. The drone lowered its altitude and said softly: “Yes, you have 600 million 20 million, please tell me your shopping list.”

The magic spell master said while moving towards the distance and running:” Ten tear gas! Then the remaining money…buy all the car! Give me a sand motorcycle!”

The freshener and tear gas mask the smell and target the reptilion sense of smell.

Sand motorcycles are used to escape. He wants to escape to the exit in a hurry.

“Insufficient funds, 150 kg sand motorcycle, you can’t even pay for the freight…” Corgas frowned.

The magic spell teacher stopped abruptly and said: “I understand how this game survives…”

“I need poison…”

Kogas frowned: “Remind you, general poisons are of no use to reptilion, it is almost equivalent to food or seasonings…”

With ordinary poisons, reptilion doesn’t even feel, and then He didn’t know that the magic spell master was resisting, so he reminded the magic spell master.

The magic spell division turned his head and looked towards the people in the distance, and started to walk back again.

Cogas was surprised, why didn’t he run away?

Only heard the magic spell teacher whispered: “If the number of people is smaller, according to the principle of survivors inheriting the funds of the deceased…I can afford a car sooner or later.”

“So I want to live, but I don’t actually need to find a way to kill reptilion. I just have to kill my teammates to get funds, buy a car, and then fool Luther that fool to resist, and I can run away.”

Cogas eyes shined, excitedly said: “You are very smart!”

Secretly thought in his heart: This is also ok? very good! This magic spell master is very good! Great! I’m worried about how to kill you quickly, you can even think of killing teammates to get money? Pooling the money to buy a car…What a genius!

The magic spell teacher said: “I want to be able to quickly poison to death human poison! It’s best to be a compressed gas type, the one that will die if you breathe a little!”

“Yes!” As Santa Fe’s logistics supervisor, Kogas knew that some things were developed by Illuminati that were not on the market.

Generally speaking, Illuminati would not sell it, but now he saw that the magic spell division was going to kill his teammates to collect money, and he immediately decided to send the institute’s TX compressed highly toxic spray.

This thing is extremely poisonous! Don’t talk about mercenaries, as long as they breathe into the lungs, even sentries will be poisoned to death!

“Here, ten bottles! Put it in the woods…just behind the stone over there, I will find a chance to get it!” After the magic spell master said, he immediately ran back to Alan.

At this time, Alan had already caught a wild deer. Seeing that the magic spell master came back, he asked: “Didn’t you run away?”

“I thought about it… Still nothing Dare to run…” The magic spell master sighed.

Alan nodded and said: “Don’t be too reckless, I just learned one truth in the mercenary world, and that is to understand the enemy!”

“Reptilion is scary, but There must be weaknesses too. Before I find the weaknesses, I must live meekly, even for ten years! 20 years!”

The magic spell master was silent.

They returned with their prey, and Kogas behind the scenes sneered: “This Alan is a waste, bastard! Ten years and 20 years? I don’t have that many time to consume with you!”

Korgas called immediately and asked someone to secretly send the TX poison spray.

“Magic spell, come on!” Kogas was excited.

As everyone knows, this group of people took their prey and Hani’s corpse, followed the little reptilion back to the cave, with a relaxed expression, and even hooked up with the reptilion.

Huang Ji has two small reptilions hanging on his body, and he is constantly communicating with Wahana. Seeing them come back, said with a smile: “How did Hani die?”

Old Wang said with a smile: “That’s a real life! Hani’s acting skills are good, her eyes are numb, her small face is pale, and she looks like she doesn’t want to live.”

Bloody jumped from Alan’s hand and said, “Of course, I’m the one who really hunted for death!”

“I went to the seat of the dead!”

After talking, Hani elated and ran to Huang Ji’s side, and she finished.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “Go and wash the blood.”

Luther said: “I will also wash and wash, to be honest, the blood pack burst my blood. It’s so realistic. At the time, I almost thought that Yoton’s action was not light or heavy, and Hani was really broken. The expression of my breakdown at the time was actually an expression of true feelings…”

Everyone laughed. And Huang Ji looked towards magic spell and said: “Buyer, how are you doing?”

The magic spell teacher said with a slight smile: “You really see through the thoughts of the people behind the scenes, really There is that kind of poison! It kills when I spray it, and when I mention it, he agreed to give it to me!”

Huang Ji said: “I’m just guessing, generally speaking, there is no poison that kills when it sprays. But Illuminati is so awesome, this area belongs to a life science and technology center, maybe it has studied some super toxic, now it seems to be there.”

“After getting it back, come in and adjust the package. Give me the poison to study and study. As for you, just kill your teammates with fresheners.”

Alan curled his lips and said: “Why make me so stable? I’m good at killing people. People kill you all without any sense of violation.”

Huang Ji shook his head and said: “This is not killing teammates…but being a buyer.”

“After this time Test, I have concluded that Kogas wants us to die, and the idea of ​​”selfishness and solitude” of the magic spell is in his arms.”

“Kogas will hope to borrow the magic spell He killed us all with his hands, and finally killed the magic spell master. Among them, if it goes too well, then he will not sell us some things… It is to stumbling, always almost so, and forcing him to secretly Provide better help. The magic speller can also use a few 1 billion to really spend a few 1 billion for various reasons such as being too weak…otherwise the money will not be enough to buy a gun.”

“To be honest, with such a spy, we don’t take the opportunity to get some good equipment, I am sorry for myself.”


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