The Omniscient

Chapter 219

Everyone has communicated for a long time. This is the most in-depth communication with humans since Wahana became a Drakonian.

Since they became Drakonian, they have nothing to say with the people of Illuminati. They either persecute or hate each other.

And the civilian coolies who were captured before, did not have Huang Ji to talk like. When I saw them, I was already scared. I thought Drakonian was a scourge, and I was terrified. What can I say?

However, Huang Ji can not only accept reality instantly, but also help Drakonian analyze the talents they don’t even know they have.

This kind of attitude of being able to deal with things without surprises no matter what they are facing, makes Drakonians unconsciously regard Huang Ji as an object of equal communication.

Huang Ji said something, and the Drakonians who were talking were very excited.

“Hua Ji, I think what you said makes sense, but you also said that we may only have a few days to welcome the sentry team, and evolution may come by with luck, but not by searching for it, is it possible that just wait for it?” Alexey asked.

He has already started calling Hua Ji by the name, instead of calling “human” directly.

Huang Ji said: “You simply make your body stronger, even if it is ten times stronger, it will not be able to wash the ground with missiles.”

“Why does every Drakonian rebellion Ended in failure? Because evolution is a step by step, it is accumulated layer by layer. One or two evolutions can help you get rid of this within the valley, but it cannot help you defeat Illuminati.”

“People are sitting on huge human and material resources, weapons and equipment resources are crushing you in all directions, and finally escaped, they directly sent a large army to encircle and suppress you, letting you have unlimited potential, you will eventually be ruthlessly suppressed.”

The same sentence, no matter how strong the body is, it cannot keep up with the advancement of technology. Although some space aliens can be as powerful as a superman on earth, they are still at the level of athletes and soldiers in own Civilization, rather than supermen.

Vahana calmly said: “As long as we escape, we will face this situation. There is only one battle.”

Huang Ji said with a smile: “You Are you willing to surrender?”

“en?”Vahana startled.

Alexey immediately said: “You mean surrendering, flattering, and then betraying the agreement, fighting back?”

Vahana said solemnly: “I Can’t do it.”

Huang Ji said: “To bear humiliation for the sake of the next generation is the truly respectable behavior.”

Vahana shook slightly and said: “I I know…but when I think of bowing to those bastards, I can’t control it…feeling depressed.”

“And I have to abandon them afterwards…surrender acknowledge allegiance is what I said, never I also said that I lowered my head… No, when I think of when the time comes, when the time comes, I will fight back and their contemptuous looks, I just…”

Vahana looked extremely uncomfortable, and ate shit. Same, it was obvious that she had a physical response just thinking about it.

When she was thinking about this kind of thing, it was like an ordinary person being tied to the guillotine.

Huang Ji sighed slightly, this is not actually a bloodline problem, but a problem with the cognition of Wahana and Alexei.

Drakonian’s genes are to make the body respect the will and demand the respect of others.

This actually requires corresponding’software’ matching.

It’s not that it’s just pride and unyielding. The real Drakonian can make false submissions, as long as he has more important goals. If he was for a result praised by millions, Drakonian could actually do anything.

To put it bluntly, Drakonian is not profiting, not begging for life, only for his name.

It would be a big mistake to understand it as narrow-mindedness.

The genuine Drakonians themselves have an extremely long and rich cultural history. They have their own personal outlook on honor and disgrace, as well as judgments on the concept of collective honor and disgrace.

However, Vahana and Alexei are not pure Drakonians. Although their thinking is distorted due to physiological factors such as hormones and senses, they are completely different from their previous personalities, but their prototypes are still Formed by education before transformation.

Alexei is a Rose, Wahana was originally a Danish woman, and Hasper is an Italian. They used to have their own three views, which is far from Drakonian’s three views, and the bloodline is not very compatible.

To put it bluntly, the culture does not match the bloodline, the software does not keep up with the hardware, and it is not compatible.

So the three Drakonians of them have a much narrower understanding of honor and dignity than the real Drakonian.

They are tools of their own bloodline, slaves of dignity.

“Then go ahead, how much do you know about Illuminati…” Huang Ji actually had a plan in his mind.

The two sides have gotten acquainted at this moment, three adult Drakonians, you said a word to me, and quickly said everything they knew.

Hani and the others, only feel that the three views are reshaped.

“It turns out that those conspiracy theories are true, this World is really dominated by Illuminati…” The magic spell master understood many conspiracy theories, and immediately corresponded to them.

“However, the rumors have not always said that the top Illuminati is the lizard…is the Drakonian? Drakonian is hidden underground, and has been conspiring to control the world for thousands of years and has long replaced the heads of countries…”

Huang Ji gave a blank look and said: “My God… this doesn’t need to correspond to Vahana, you should also know it is fake, right?”

“A technology And a powerful race, hiding in the underground conspiracy to control the Earth Civilization?”

Magic spell master said embarrassingly: “But this is what the conspiracy theory says, lizards…Drakonian is in The reputation of the whole world is not good, dirty, evil and cruel…It is said that humans will sacrifice their compatriots…They want to eat people.”

Huang Ji said: “This is even more contradictory, isn’t it? On the one hand, reptilion is said to be filthy, evil and cruel, on the other hand, they said that they created Illuminati to control the world. While conspiring to subvert the world, while letting this kind of remarks circulate everywhere in the Internet?”

Magic spell Bow your head, this is indeed very contradictory.

Huang Ji continued: “On the basis of the real existence of Illuminati, the spread of this conspiracy theory can only show that…this is the result of Illuminati’s deliberate indulgence, even guidance and discredit.”

“So…the real situation may be exactly the other way round…”

The magic spell masters actually saw Vahana’s situation and knew the evils of reptilion Legends are all deliberately discredited images. After all reptilion is locked here, Illuminati is actually hostile to it, and of course it won’t say anything good.

But after all, he used to treat it only as an ordinary conspiracy theory, and didn’t think there was really a space alien, so he wouldn’t go deep into the logic inside.

Therefore, after seeing the relevant conspiracy theories, my brain has been branded with many impressions of evil, ugliness, filthy, and cruel reptilion, and when Illuminati is mentioned, I always think that there is reptilion behind it. Controlled.

As everyone knows, any truth that is circulated has been processed.

This is actually the cleverness of Illuminati. They know very well that the world lacks the ability to think independently. In the Internet age of fast-food receiving information, no one will delve into a’setting’ that many people believe.

Who knows that Illuminati, who has been in conspiracy theories for thousands of years and controls the world, is actually not at all for unspeakable silhouettes and bad purposes. They don’t want to ruin people’s lives. On the contrary, they also want everyone To live better, Illuminati’s purpose is actually to live long.

Huang Ji calmly said: “When any truth spreads to the eyes of the public, it must have been completely unrecognizable. To see its essence, you must combine the background of the times. In this World, snakes and dragons have always been in the West. A synonym for evil, because it is clearly written in the Bible that the evil old snake tricked Eve into eating the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. It is also written in Revelation that the dragon will prevent the birth of Holy Son, “The dragon is defeated, and there is no place for him in the sky.” The big dragon is the ancient snake. It is called the devil and Satan. It confuses the whole world’.”

“In that religion, all the sins of mankind originate from that snake… The original sin, all things on the earth after the Bible, Birthed Life and Extinguished Death, flies, brothers and sisters, human self-interest, dynasty change, billions of ups and downs… all stem from this’error’!”

“But in the eyes of the Easterners, at least I have never felt that there is any problem… That’ancient snake’ just helped mankind possess high intelligence and can distinguish between good and evil. Why should he be condemned for thousands of years? ?”

“Although all the sins committed by mankind against nature stem from this wisdom.”

“But any species can blame the snake, but only Only humans are the only ones who cannot blame the snake.”

The magic spell master trembled. He is a Christian, and Huang Ji trampled his faith directly.

“You can’t say that…” He hasn’t finished yet.

Huang Ji said with a slight smile: “You don’t need to argue with me. This is a cultural difference. The point now is…I already know how to escape.”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar.

The magic spell teacher was directly pushed aside by Alexei, and forcibly held back the words.

“Say it!” Alexe asked.

Huang Ji said: “Exposure here, technically I can use the Wireless Electronics signal to connect to the Internet of Things. As Kogas said before, this is the southern part of the Christo mountain range, which means , It’s not far from the city. We take some photos and send them to outsiders.”

“What?” The Drakonians were confused.

Vahana flicked her tail and said: “Do you want to rely on public opinion to pressure Illuminati? Or let the world break into this mountainous area to’look for reptilion’, and then destroy Illuminati’s encirclement network and let them refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases dare not use the army and weapons of mass destruction?”

“hehe …forgive me to speak bluntly, this is almost impossible!”

Huang Ji nodded and said: “It must be impossible to remove the’almost’.”

Vahana said in a daze: “Then you still……”

Huang Ji said with a slight smile: “Of course, this is to make Illuminati think you have escaped!”

“If your’street shooting’ appears outside, and there are rumors that someone is in some other forest or Traces of reptilion were found in the mountain area. Then the people of Illuminati went into the Great Snake Valley to investigate, and they couldn’t find you everywhere… Do you think they thought you had run away unconsciously.”

Alexey pondered then said: “If they really think we have escaped, then they will definitely transfer the large group to the place where the reptilion is rumored to be witnessed. As long as the defensive strength of the Great Snake Valley drops, we can Go over the mountains and kill them. If there are fewer people stationed, I am even sure to leave secretly!”

Vahana said: “The premise of all this is that they truly believe that we have escaped. It’s dropped. In other words, let the enemy find us in the Great Snake Valley. How can this be done? The valley is so big and so many of us, how can we hide so that we can’t be discovered?”

Huang Ji said with a slight smile: “The real’tunnel’ to leave is not to dig through the mountain, but to go down to a depth where no detection instrument can scan you, and then bury yourself.”

Vahana asked: “Their investigation must be very careful. If we leave a trace, they will find it, and then think of us burying ourselves and digging three feet to find us. “

Huang Ji said: “So after we dug the hole, someone must finish it outside, fill in the tunnel, and clean up all the traces.”

“Yours It means…sacrificing someone?” Alexei squinted.

Huang Ji said with a slight smile: “I’ll take care of the aftermath, and promise not to be discerned.”

Everyone is trapped, Hani said anxiously: “Then you What should I do by myself?”

Huang Ji said: “Of course I was arrested.”

Vahana said: “Didn’t I tell you? There is one near them Santa Fe Life Science Center, you will definitely be caught and tortured, there is the hell of little white mice.”

“I know, so I can only ask you to escape and come back to rescue me. I will save you first, and you will save me too.” Huang Ji said with a hand.

Vahana pondered then said: “So in the end I still want them to meet force with force.”

She didn’t hesitate to go back and save Huang Ji.

Huang Ji said: “Being encircled and suppressed by a large army is two different things from a surprise attack on a base. Thank you for telling me the information about the Santa Fe base. To be honest, I am very interested in that base. Gene pharmacy and life science researcher, and as a little white mouse, I must have the opportunity to communicate with researchers. I am sure that I will not die, and I may be valued.”

“I asked you if you wish I don’t want to surrender, you don’t agree…so there’s no way, it’s me who lied to surrender…”

“I’m not sure if I can bear the torture, I think I’ll say I can bear it. , You don’t believe me either. So I tell you in advance…I will surrender directly to Illuminati, betray you Drakonians, make you “fake death”, plan to dig a hole to hide, defraud the main force and a series of plans, all tell Illuminati.”

Alexei and other reptilion looks weird: “This…”

Huang Ji continued: “Not only that, I will also give you your talents that can evolve through maintaining dignity. , Tell Illuminati. Of course, I will say that you found it yourself. And when I say this, it must be when you have escaped, I will grasp the time…”

” I have many ways to procrastinate.”

“As everyone knows, I am allergic to their anesthetics, and ordinary people have to be in a coma for three hours, should I at least three and a half hours?”

“When I wake up, I will use various methods to delay the time to four hours, and then I will fully explain.”

“This time should be enough for Illuminati to transfer the army away and you to escape. Lost.”

“Finally, as a newcomer to Illuminati, as a betrayer, I will become an undercover in your reptilion…”

Vahana, Ah When Alex waited for the reptilion, he was dizzy.

Huang Ji is the little white mouse of Illuminati, and now is their ally, and after helping them escape, he surrendered to Illuminati to explain all this, and once again became the little white mouse of Illuminati.

More than that, Huang Ji seems to be planning to become a true Illuminati member by selling their credit.

This is very possible, because from the perspective of Illuminati, you would think that’reptilion definitely trusts Hua Ji’. So Illuminati will definitely use this level of trust to let him in turn deceive reptilion.

“Spy…Mission Impossible?”

After everyone heard the plan, they were all trapped.

But as Huang Ji began to go into the details afterwards, the final end of the whole plan, and how to change moves in different situations, after four hours…

They are all served…

“Do you understand?” Huang Ji finally said.

Drakonian flung his tail straight, and has to admire Huang Ji, because of the whole plan, he is the only victim.

If something goes wrong, it is his bad luck.

“Ming…understand! This Uncle will definitely save you! You guy…but must be alive!” Alexey grinned.


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