The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 473: Mom, are you with your aunt now?

  Chapter 473 Mom, are you with your aunt now?

  Now that the matter is out of the way, Luo Mingcheng's tense mood is relieved.

  He looked at the girl in front of him. The bright eyebrows and eyes of the other party obviously carried the characteristics of the Luo family, and they were even much better.

  That kind of beauty is breathtaking and captivating.

   His biological mother passed away when he was very young, and he only saw her face in old photos.

  It is the kind of beauty that old-fashioned cameras and dim environments can't hide, but upon closer inspection, the biological mother's eyebrows are very gentle, while Luo Xinyan's is even more ostentatious.

"Son, I didn't expect that you would choose the surname Luo, let alone that you would create a Luo Group." Luo Mingcheng was a little excited as he said that, "You have done a very good job, and you have done a good job for our Luo parents. "

  He saw on the Internet that He Xinyan changed his name to Luo Xinyan, and when the He Group changed its name to the Luo Group, he felt very relieved.

  She didn't choose the surname Gu because Gu Zhengran was richer and more powerful, which shows that she is a good child.

   "Don't worry, your mother's property, uncle will go abroad with your aunt and transfer it back to your mother immediately. Also, half of the property under my name will be transferred to you."

  Luo Mingcheng talked about his plan. He had no children, and he raised Gu Zhen, a little nephew, as his own son before, but his elder sister had no intention of changing Gu Zhen's surname, so he couldn't bring it up.

   But it's all right now! Luo Xinyan's surname is Luo! This is the girl of their Luo family!

   There must be a platoon, and the Gu family can't let the Luo family underestimate them!

  Luo Xinyan had strange eyes: "Give me half of it?"

"That's right!" Luo Mingcheng replied enthusiastically, "You have spent so much money to acquire the Luo Group, so you must be short of money now. Also, the company has not paid dividends for three years, so the money spent will be even more. I The money on hand is useless in the fund anyway, so it's better to transfer it to you as soon as possible to save trouble."

  Luo Xinyan's eyes became even weirder: "Auntie, does she have any objections?"

  Luo Mingcheng's money should be the joint property of the husband and wife, right? Will Wen Xiangjun agree with him to do this?

  Luo Mingcheng: "Jun Xiang proposed it on his own initiative, how could she have any objections? She said that Sister's daughter is our daughter."

  He had this idea, but before he mentioned it, Mr. Wen Xiang took the initiative to say it that day.

  The couple have no children, and the property will be left to the elder sister's children after all.

  The difference lies in early and late.

  Luo Xinyan: "I have a question. Uncle and aunt have been married for more than ten years and have no children. Whose problem is it?"

  The expression on Luo Mingcheng's face suddenly became a little embarrassed. Although the couple had long accepted this reality, he still felt that it was not appropriate to discuss it publicly.

   "You are a child, this is not your concern."

  Luo Xinyan: "What if I say, I can cure it? Do you want a child of your own?"

  Luo Mingcheng looked at her in surprise, thought for a moment, then shook his head, "It's better not to, we are so old, there is no need to make trouble."

  His attitude was very firm, and he didn't want to talk about it at all, so Luo Xinyan could only give up.

  At this moment, Luo Xinyan's cell phone rang.

   "Xinyan, has your uncle gone to look for you?" As soon as the call was connected, Luo Mingwei's voice came from the other side.

  Luo Xinyan: "Yes, uncle came to see me. But how do you know, Mom?"

  Seeing Luo Mingcheng's evasive expression, she guessed that he came here secretly, and she didn't want her parents to know.

   "I met Mr. Xiang, Ah Sheng really, he ran away without saying a word, and was terrified to leave Mr. Xiang alone in the hotel!" Luo Mingwei complained.

  Luo Xinyan's voice tightened: "Mom, are you with your aunt now? Just the two of you, is there anyone else around?"

  Luo Mingwei was taken aback, she felt very sensitively that something was wrong with her daughter's emotions.

   "Ali is following me, what's the matter? Did your uncle make you unhappy?"

  Luo Xinyan breathed a sigh of relief, "No, uncle said to transfer the property to me, mom, I will take uncle to find you now."


   Bid farewell to the classmates in a hurry, Luo Xinyan pulled the reluctant Luo Mingcheng into the car.

  When she walked into the house and saw Luo Mingwei sitting in the office area reading a book, she breathed a sigh of relief.

   "Where's auntie?" Luo Xinyan walked over and asked.

  Luo Mingwei said with a smile: "Mr. Xiang, she can't stay idle at all. As soon as she entered the house, she took the initiative to go to the kitchen to help cook soup."

  She looked up at Luo Mingcheng, sighed and stood up, "Ah Cheng, how old are you, why don't you tell Mr. Xiang when you go out, and turn off your phone?"

  Luo Mingcheng: "...the phone is out of battery and turned off."

  He was a little ashamed, he still had to be taught a lesson by his elder sister at a very old age; but he was also a little nostalgic, since his elder sister hadn't taught him like this for many years.

  Wen Xiangjun came out from the kitchen, "Brother Sheng, Xinyan."

  She smiled at Yan Yan, her brows were flat and gentle, not aggressive, and it was easy to make people feel good.

  Luo Mingcheng took the initiative to walk over to apologize, "Mr. Xiang, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left you alone."

"Actually, I went to Sister on purpose, so I have to say sorry to you, which is against your will." After a pause, Wen Xiangjun continued, "I always feel that it is very difficult to go abroad so quietly. Not good. Aren’t we family with Sister? At least we should say hello to Sister.”

  Luo Mingwei was surprised: "Ah Cheng, are you still planning to leave without saying hello?"

  Luo Mingcheng: "..."

   It became even more embarrassing, he even planned to take a look at Luo Xinyan and leave, with a bit of anger.

   He was caught by that spirited guy Xu Jingyang, but his wife "backstabbed" him again.


  How could Luo Mingwei just let Luo Mingcheng go?

  The couple were still left to stay for a few days.

  Wen Xiangjun couldn't help feeling: "Looking at the state of my sister's work now, I believe that my sister is really well."

   These days Luo Mingwei has been learning how to manage the company.

  Although she is smart, she was previously engaged in scientific research work. Even if she leads people, there are not as many companies as there are, so she often has to ask Gu Zhengran for advice.

   Fortunately, there are professional managers to check everything, the company's original structure is still there, the employees are full of motivation, and everything can run normally.

  Luo Mingwei: "How can I count as a job? I'm still studying. Only now do I realize that running a company is so difficult."

   "Then sister is also very good." Wen Xiangjun said sincerely, "I can't learn it."

  Luo Mingcheng: "Mr. Xiang, don't be modest, I remember that you originally studied business management."


  Luo Xinyan got up and walked upstairs, and met a silly little fan on the way, "Did you keep an eye on the kitchen today?"

  Xiao Fan: "I've been staring at it, no problem, master, do you want to watch the video?"

  The villa’s kitchen is equipped with invisible monitoring.

  Luo Xinyan finished watching the video from the little anti-tune, and found that there was no problem.

  Wen Xiangjun did not touch any ingredients.

  But Gu Zhengran checked the prescription and confirmed that there was nothing wrong with the prescription that Luo Mingcheng changed back then.

  Luo Xinyan always cared, she didn't believe that there was no chance for Luo Mingwei to get sick.

  (end of this chapter)

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