The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 474: Then I need to take a pulse for my aunt

  Chapter 474 Then I need to take a pulse for my aunt

  She checked everyone around Luo Mingwei, leaving only Luo Mingcheng and Wen Xiangjun.

  Luo Mingcheng has no problem, Wen Xiangjun also looks normal, and even offered to transfer the joint property of husband and wife to her.

  In any case, the other party looks like a very traditional, gentle and virtuous wife who works hard.

  In contrast, Luo Mingcheng looked a bit scumbag.

  He still thinks it's normal to transfer half of the couple's joint property to his niece? This is Wen Xiangjun's gentleness and generosity, ordinary women have already started beating people.

   After all, Luo Mingcheng has no child to blame, and the other party still hides his illness and avoids medical treatment, and refuses treatment despite the hope of being cured.

   There is no need for Wen Xiangjun to be so gentle and generous, she is the one who is owed.

  Luo Xinyan sighed, inexplicably feeling a little bit miss.

   It would be great if Shi Rin was here, he can see a lot of problems.

  The other party returned to the imperial capital this time, and he didn't know when he would be able to come back.


  The next day, Luo Xinyan got up and went downstairs.

  Wen Xiangjun is helping in the kitchen again. She seems restless, meticulous and patient.

  Luo Xinyan checked Cha Xiaofan's surveillance screen, it was still the same, nothing abnormal.

  Hearing footsteps behind her, Luo Xinyan raised her head.

   "What are you worried about?" Gu Zhen stood behind her and frowned, "Is there anything you can't tell me?"

  As an elder brother, he didn't like this feeling very much.

  At the beginning, the little sister grew up suddenly, and before he had time to do something for her, she was already very independent and could turn her head to protect her family.

  Gu Zhen didn't know what Luo Xinyan was busy with some time ago, he only knew that Ali said that even Shi Lin put down the work at hand and was busy late into the night every day.

   That must be a very difficult problem, and it requires two people to work together to solve it.

   Gu Zhen is not stupid, even if Luo Xinyan and Shi Lin didn't say anything, he can still guess something.

  Not long ago, the incident of sanctioning the hacker Hanni caused a lot of noise on the Internet. As expected, it should be done by my sister and Shi Lin together.

  He also knows that foreign hacker organizations are always vindictive, and once they are targeted, they are like maggots attached to their bones, and they will never stop until all your privacy is exposed.

   Not to mention the politicians involved, such things as cross-border assassination can be done.

   This is why Gu Zhengran simply brought his mother and himself over.

  Kong Sirie is well-known internationally, and with Gu Zhengran's identity, he can deter those people and prevent them from acting rashly.

  Gu Zhen knew that Luo Xinyan had an absolute reason to sanction the hacker Hanni, not to mention that the other party is not a good person, so eradicating this cancer is naturally a good thing.

  What he didn't like was leaving his sister alone with nothing he could do to help.

   "I'm fine." After a pause, Luo Xinyan was a little helpless when she saw her brother's distrustful eyes.

   "Well, it's just my own opinion. Brother, don't you think uncle is too scumbag? How could he treat aunt like this?"

   Gu Zhen was stunned for a moment: "Uncle is a scumbag? How could you have such an idea?"

"Isn't it?" Maybe men and women have different ideas, Luo Xinyan said, "Uncle is sick and can't bear children, so he should owe Auntie, but he naturally transfers half of the joint property to me, shouldn't it be used to compensate and protect Auntie the rest of my life?"

   Gu Zhen became even more confused: "Who said uncle can't bear children, isn't the person who can't bear children not aunt?"

  Luo Xinyan: "I said so."

  When I was helping Luo Mingcheng in the bathroom yesterday, she happened to put it on the other's wrist, so she randomly cut his pulse.

  Pulse conditions showed that Luo Mingcheng suffered from infertility.

  But she didn't take the pulse more carefully, so she began to persuade Luo Mingcheng to treat his illness.

  Gu Zhen looked at his younger sister with a serious expression on his face.

  He remembered very clearly that Luo Mingcheng and Wen Xiangjun hadn't had children for several years after their marriage, and when Luo Mingcheng discovered something was wrong, Wen Xiangjun was diagnosed with infertility.

  In order not to drag Luo Mingcheng down, Mr. Wen Xiang proposed to divorce.

  Luo Mingcheng strongly disagreed. He felt that he married his wife because he loved her, and it didn't matter whether he had children or not.

  Besides, the family tradition of the Luo family does not allow him to abandon his wife just because she is barren. This is too irresponsible and irresponsible.

   In the next few years, Mr. Wen Xiang went to see a doctor, but it was useless to see many doctors, so the couple completely stopped thinking about having children.

  Probably because of guilt and feeling that he owed her husband, Wen Xiangjun has always offered to leave the property to Gu Zhen, his nephew.

  Although Gu Zhen didn't intend to ask for it, she could understand the couple's thoughts.

   It's just that my uncle is definitely not a scumbag, and things shouldn't be counted like this.

  But Luo Xinyan can't talk nonsense, and Gu Zhen can still trust her sister.

   "Could it be that both uncle and aunt are infertile?" Gu Zhen could only guess in this direction.

  Luo Xinyan: "Then I need to take a pulse for my aunt."

  Xiao Fan listened to the conversation between the brother and sister, and couldn't help "tears welling up", "But no matter how you look at it, uncle is very scum! The difference is whether he is a little scumbag or a century-old scumbag!"

  It is an established fact that Luo Mingcheng has infertility, no matter how you look at it, Luo Mingcheng is very unreasonable.

  If both husband and wife have infertility, but only declare that Wen Xiangjun is infertile, and ask Wen Xiangjun to give in and be considerate everywhere, Luo Mingcheng is a bit unkind;

  But if Mr. Wen Xiang is okay, then Luo Mingcheng is not just a scumbag, he is simply inhumane!

  It’s not enough to push the blame on the wife, but to make the wife gentle, virtuous, sensible and generous, this is too much!

   I can't stand it personally, let alone how kind it is!

  Gu Zhen: "..."

  Is this housekeeping robot too smart?

   Also, is it eating melons because it stands there motionless? Robots can also eat melons? ?


  The brothers and sisters decided to test out what was going on.

  Even if Luo Mingcheng and his wife deliberately concealed the truth and didn't want others to find out the truth, they couldn't just let it go.

  If the Luo family owed Mr. Wen Xiang, of course they must make up for it, and they cannot be wronged.

   "I want to help create the situation, so that the master can take the opportunity to feel the pulse of my aunt?" Xiaofan actively volunteered.

  It doesn't like to talk in front of outsiders, and mostly uses the screen to type, but it becomes very talkative in front of Luo Xinyan.

  Luo Xinyan: "No need."

   "Or, to find an excuse, just say that you just learned Chinese medicine and want to practice pulse diagnosis, let your aunt try it too?" Xiao Fan continued to make suggestions.

  Luo Xinyan: "No need."

  She took the initiative to walk over to Wen Xiangjun, straight to the point, "Good morning, aunt, may I check your pulse?"

  Mr. Wen Xiang was stunned for a moment, put down the tray in his hand, straightened up slowly, and pulled down his sleeves.

   "I don't need this, I'm in good health recently."

  Luo Xinyan: "Then let me just say it straight. You are in good health. You mean everything is fine, including that you are not infertile?"

  Wen Xiangjun was stunned for a moment, "How do you know? Did you already know about your uncle..."

  (end of this chapter)

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