The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 472: Luo Mingcheng: I hope you can forgive me

  Chapter 472 Luo Mingcheng: I hope you can forgive me

  On the weekend, Luo Xinyan and a few classmates made an appointment to go to the mall and have dinner together.

   This is a rare relaxation before the college entrance examination. At this time, most of the students have relaxed their state and should not be too tense.

   Being tense all the time is not good for the college entrance examination.

  Everyone will choose to have dinner at this time. After all, after the college entrance examination, they may not be able to meet casually.

  Luo Xinyan originally thought that there were not many people coming, but when he went to the mall to see, almost half of the class had come.

  Everyone stood in the mall, very eye-catching.

  Finally, Luo Xinyan suggested that everyone find a place to sit down and have a drink first, and she treats guests, and then they can act alone.

   Such a group of people gathered together, the eye-catching index is 100%, it is too ostentatious.

   "After Yan Shen went to study at Imperial University, I don't know if he will come to Donglin City often in the future." Someone sighed.

   After all, Luo Xinyan's real home is not in Donglin City, but in Haicheng.

  When I go home in the future, I will probably return to Haicheng.

  As soon as this sentence came out, everyone was quiet for a while, and their emotions were inevitably affected.

  Luo Xinyan took a sip of hazelnut latte and looked up: "I may not necessarily go to Haicheng to live, Donglin will still come back often."

  She and Gu Zhengran have the same opinion, everything is better if Luo Mingwei feels comfortable.

  There are a lot of bad things going on in Haicheng, and Luo Mingwei will inevitably feel emotional when she goes back, which is not good for her condition.

  Donglin City has Yan Xuqiao and the Luo Group. She will definitely return to Donglin City in the short term.

  However, it would be nice to settle in the imperial capital in the future. After all, the foundation of the Luo family is in the imperial capital, and Gu Zhen's career is also in the imperial capital.

   "Actually, it's okay in China. If you go abroad, you will be separated by more than half the world. It's too difficult to meet each other." Someone sighed.

   "By the way, Liu Jiayi, have you decided to go abroad?"

  Liu Jiayi was shouted a few words before he could react.

   "Well, my family has already made arrangements to apply for foreign universities."

   This is his own decision.

  In the past, he didn’t care about the future. If he couldn’t study well, it was the best way to arrange to go abroad. Anyway, he could do it for a little money, and after a few years of plating gold, he could still take over the family’s company.

  Now he doesn't think so anymore, if he keeps messing around like this, he will drift away from that person.

  The other party was able to pull Lin Xuxu and Qiao Yuqiao to open Yanxu Bridge without any resource support, and now it has completely taken over the He Group and changed its name to the Luo Group.

   Not to mention, she is still the eldest lady of the Gu family, holding 20% ​​of the shares of the Gu Group.

  Although everyone is a classmate, the more sensitive people have already felt that their status is already different from Luo Xinyan.

  Being separated from her classmate status, Luo Xinyan has already stood at the top of the pyramid. It will be difficult for a person without any ability to even meet her in the future.

  Liu Jiayi doesn't want to be that kind of person, he wants to have the opportunity to work with Luo Xinyan in the future.

  For this opportunity, he will also work hard to make Liu's company better.

   "By the way, I saw He Yuye yesterday." Suddenly someone said.

  Many people were in a daze, feeling like they hadn’t heard this name for a long time.

   "Didn't she be arranged to go abroad? Didn't she say that when she dropped out of school?"

   "No, didn't Meng Fang sue her? By the way, there is also the matter of Yan Shen falling from the fence."

  Everyone turned their attention to Luo Xinyan.

  Luo Xinyan: "Master He paid a large sum of money to Meng Fang's family, and He Yuye was young at the time, so he might not go to jail, so the matter was settled."

  As for her own affairs, she chose to reconcile in order to save Mr. He's last face.

  She knew the last news from He Yuye, that he left the He family with the jewelry, and planned to go abroad with He Linjun.

   Didn't the result turn out to be there?

  The classmate continued, "It seems that He Linjun spent money to find a relationship and transferred her to the school in Yulin District."

  Yulin District is a suburb of Donglin City, and it is still a long drive away from the main city.

  When He Yuye saw his old classmates, he didn't feel embarrassed at all, and even took the initiative to say hello, saying that he would settle down with everyone.

  She is now renting a house with He Linjun. Although there is no big villa in the He family, He Linjun really dotes on her younger sister. She rents a good high-end apartment in a high-end community, and hires a nanny to take care of her.

  He Yuye is actively preparing for the exam, and she is full of confidence in the future.

  Reading is what she is best at, and she may not be inferior to others in everything.

  She will prove to everyone that no matter where she is, she always shines like a pearl.

  Luo Xinyan was a little surprised: "Is that so? Then she is quite motivated."

   After finishing speaking, she felt that something was wrong again. Does He Yuye seem like that kind of positive energy person?

  The classmate hesitated for a moment, "I always feel that He Yuye is very strange... She said that she had let go of the past, and I thought she was going to apologize, but judging by what she meant, it seemed that she forgave me generously."

   "Is she so thick-skinned?" Everyone was in an uproar.

  These classmates, there is no need to apologize to He Yuye, right?

   "Okay, let's not talk about her." Luo Xinyan ended the topic, "I'm going to the bathroom."

  Luo Xinyan got up to leave. Seeing this, Xu Jingyang hurriedly got up and followed.

  He has something to say to Luo Xinyan.


  Luo Xinyan had noticed it a long time ago, and today a line of sight has been following her.

  The other party's tracking method is too incomprehensible, and the whereabouts are fully exposed.

  She really wanted to go to the bathroom, so she went straight into the bathroom regardless of the people waiting outside.

   When I was waiting to come out, I found several people watching the fun at the door of the bathroom.

   "Okay you, let me catch you, tell me why you followed Luo Xinyan?" Xu Jingyang's voice.

  The man who was grabbed by his collar, after seeing Luo Xinyan coming out, hastily covered his face with his arms, struggling to get out.

  Luo Xinyan: "Uncle?"

  Xu Jingyang, who was about to punch him with fists: "???"

  Luo Mingcheng was so embarrassed that he wished he could find a hole in the ground and get in. He had never been so embarrassed in his life.

   He is an intellectual, and he can't get rid of such a spirited guy as Xu Jingyang. After struggling, he was so tired that he almost collapsed.

  The spirited guy let go, but he didn't even have the strength to escape.

  Luo Xinyan walked over to help him: "Are you looking for me? Let's go to the coffee shop over there for a drink."


   The two found a place to sit down.

  Luo Mingcheng was a little uncomfortable, compared to Luo Xinyan, who was much more casual.

   "Uncle, what do you drink?" After ordering, she went straight to the point, "What do you want from me?"

  Luo Mingcheng: "I... just want to come and see you."

   Ashamed to say, he had a bad attitude towards Luo Xinyan before. He always suspected that the other party was an actor hired by Gu Zhengran with money.

   But it turned out that he was too extreme.

   "Sorry, I misunderstood you before." Luo Mingcheng lowered his head in shame, "I hope you can forgive me."

   "It's okay." Luo Xinyan will not hold on to this matter.

  (end of this chapter)

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