The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 471: Her goal from the beginning was not Luo Mingcheng

  Chapter 471 Her initial goal was not Luo Mingcheng

   When encountering a complicated illness, Lin Yunxian stopped cooking completely.

   "Her ambition is not to improve her medical skills, but how to make a good character, so these years, her medical skills have not advanced but retreated."

   On the contrary, when he was young, he had a lot of hard work, and he had a bit of aura in Chinese medicine.

   This is like Mrs. Lin, she has talent, which is why her grandmother took a fancy to her and gave her a book.

  But because my thoughts are too greedy and my desires are too heavy, I think about how to calculate people's hearts all day long, and in the end I wasted my talent in vain.

  Gu Zhengran: "She recently heard rumors that I was looking for an expert to treat her illness. She sincerely said that she would come to atone for her mother, but I refused."

  Luo Xinyan: "She would be so kind?"

  Why does she not believe so? !

   "It's not a good thing to care about her purpose." Gu Zhengran thought for a while, this matter is very simple, just go to "kindly" greet the Lin family.

   It happened that Gu Zhengran was investigating Luo Mingwei's illness in Lin's old house and Luo Mingcheng's change of prescription.

  If it is confirmed that in addition to the abuse by the sister-in-law of the Lin family, someone else did something in the prescription, then the Lin family will not be able to live in peace.

   You can touch him, but you can definitely not touch Mingwei.

   Shi Rin had been listening quietly, and suddenly said, "There is something that I always mind."

  Luo Xinyan cast her eyes on him, "What's wrong?"

  Shi Lin looked at Luo Xinyan. Others couldn't see it, but he could see that the fog surrounding Mrs. Gu was not pleasant.

   "You once said that when you were kidnapped, it wasn't because of Gu Zhen. Perhaps the other party's target was precisely you."

   After a pause, Shi Lin said, "Have you ever thought that maybe that person is Mrs. Gu?"

  Luo Xinyan didn't speak. In fact, she became suspicious after learning about the situation and relationship of the members of the Gu family.

  Gu Mengran's target is Gu Zhen. Her uncle is sinister, vicious and arrogant, so she will definitely not change her target easily.

   After all, Gu Zhen's surname is Gu, and he is the eldest son. In Gu Mengran's eyes, he is the next successor. Only by getting rid of Gu Zhen can he seriously injure Gu Zhengran.

  But in the end, the target was changed to himself, and the entire program ran quickly and orderly, which proved that Gu Mengran had compromised.

   She can't think of anyone else who can make the other party compromise. She can only suspect her own grandmother.

   It's just that suspicion is suspicion, she didn't intend to tell Gu Zhengran, but Shi Lin had already seen through it, and brought it up on her own initiative.

  The other party is trying to avoid embarrassment. After all, it is better for an outsider to say this kind of thing than mutual suspicion between relatives.

  Gu Zhengran was stunned for a moment, then his eyes narrowed slightly.

   "This is unlikely, right?" Luo Mingwei quickly stopped guessing in this direction, "The old lady is a little dissatisfied with me, but she is the child's grandma after all..."

   "Why is it impossible?" Gu Zhengran interrupted her, "Why does the more I think about it, the more likely it is?"

  In the past, he and Luo Mingwei had the same idea, thinking that it was impossible.

   No matter how mean Mrs. Gu was to him when she was young, she was his biological mother after all.

  Even if the other party doesn't wish him well, it's impossible to harm him, right?

  But now he doesn't think so anymore. Gu Mengran, that trash, can arrange for Mrs. Lin to plan to attack Gu Zhen, so Mrs. Gu...maybe has other ideas.

   Gu Zhengran was filled with cold anger, he said, "I will investigate this matter."

  Luo Mingwei's words rolled to his lips, but he didn't say anything after all.

  In the past, she was willing to be kind to others and always think of the best of others.

  But now that she has a weakness and an armor, she must act tough.

   Don't allow your daughter to have the slightest bit of grievance and compromise.


  Luo Xinyan's villa in Jinshuiwan is very big, so it's no problem to live in a family.

  Since her parents and elder brother moved in, Luo Xinyan has been free.

  You can be a college entrance examination with peace of mind and don't have to worry about anything.

  Gu Zhengran has already started to think about how to organize the recognition banquet and the college entrance examination celebration banquet.

  His baby is so good, there must be no problem in the college entrance examination.

  We must do big things and do special things, and we are not afraid of spending money, lest we not spend enough money.

  Gu Zhengran has a lot of money and wealth. Apart from secretly arranging medical treatment for Luo Mingwei, he basically spends nothing and has saved a lot of assets in his hands.

   These are in his personal name and can now be given to sons and daughters.

  Luo Mingwei also began to sort out her own property.

  She was eager to leave when she got divorced, and Gu Zhengran forced a sum of money; plus she held several invention patents, and sold them for a considerable amount of money.

  Those invention patents, even in the following ten years, will continue to generate income for her, and money will be remitted to her account regularly.

   It's just that those properties, together with the inheritance of the Luo family's parents, are all left to Luo Mingcheng to take care of.

  Part of it was used to treat her illness, part was used for all of Gu Zhen's expenses, and there was still a lot left.

  Of course they can’t compare with Gu Zhengran, but there are hundreds of millions. Luo Mingwei wanted to get the money and prepare a gift for Luo Xinyan.

  After the last time she broke up with Luo Mingcheng, she didn't bring it up again.

  Of course you can mention it now.


  Luo Mingcheng received a call from his eldest sister, and his mood that had been gloomy for several days instantly cleared up.

   "Sister!" He immediately turned over and sat up to connect the phone.

  Wen Xiangjun smiled and made mouth shapes, "Talk to your siblings, sister still cares about you after all."

  She walked out with the soup bowl and medicine.

  Just before he stepped out of the door, he heard Luo Mingcheng's surprised voice, "You called to ask for your property back?"

  Wen Xiangjun paused, then turned to look at her husband.

  The disappointment in Luo Mingcheng's eyes hadn't dissipated, and his voice turned cold, "Don't worry, I'll use all your money to buy a fund, including the proceeds, and I will transfer all of it to you."

  Wen Xiangjun closed the door and walked out with the same expression.

  In the villa they rented, everything looks empty now.

  As soon as Luo Mingwei left, Kong Sirie also left with others.

  She had heard Gu Zhengran order that Kong Sirie would be responsible for following Luo Mingwei to protect him from now on.

   What a blessing to be loved by such a mature and attractive man with strong financial resources and power. You don't have to do anything, and you can get everything easily.

   Even traveling is treated like a queen, and countless people follow and protect.

  She looked down at her hands, even with the most expensive skin care products, they still couldn't stop them from being covered with calluses.

  Outsiders say that she has a happy marriage and her husband is considerate and gentle to her.

  But what's the use of that? Her initial goal was not Luo Mingcheng.

   Gu Zhengran probably has long forgotten the little girl brought to him more than twenty years ago.

  She used all her strength to seduce, but unfortunately the man was still indifferent, and let her go coldly and rudely.

  Wen Xiangjun couldn't help feeling ups and downs every time he thought of the humiliation of that year.

  She calmed down and looked at the scenery in the yard for a while before turning around and returning to the room.

  Luo Mingcheng had already finished the phone call, and his expression was not good, probably the call just now was unpleasant.

  Wen Xiangjun took the initiative to mention: "Brother Sheng, if my sister asks for money, we may have to go abroad."

  (end of this chapter)

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