The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 463: Could it be that he deliberately left us alone?

  Chapter 463 Could it be that he deliberately left us alone?

   Gu Nianzhen thought of the purpose of his trip, so he could only endure his unwillingness and jealousy, "Sister, I was joking."

  Old lady Gu frowned: "Of course he has his thoughts, but I don't think it's okay for my granddaughter to come and visit? Well, pack up and come with me now."

  Luo Xinyan stood still: "But school is not over yet."

   Gu Nian was really impatient: "What good is there for a bad school? Grandma wants to take you to dinner, you can't make the old man wait."

  Luo Xinyan shook her head: "No, studies are the most important thing. My dad said that I can't delay my studies."

   Luo Xinyan never asks for leave if there is nothing serious.

   This is a habit carved into her bones. When He Linjun didn't let her go to school when she was a child, she envied those classmates who could sit in the classroom and study, and felt that every minute and every second was happiness and enjoyment.

  Even if she misses a few days of class, it doesn't affect her grades, but she just likes the feeling of sitting in class and studying.

  If Mrs. Gu and Gu Nianzhen come here with good intentions, she will of course sacrifice her personal time and stay with her.

   But this old Mrs. Gu is obviously not kind, and she may still want to manipulate her, so she will not be happy.

  Gu Nianzhen jumped straight: "You are really good, it's not easy for grandma to come all the way..."

  Luo Xinyan: "If grandma doesn't mind, I'll call someone to pick you up and go to my house to rest? I'll go home after school."

   This one is quite old, and she really can't really ignore it.

   "No way!" Gu Nianzhen was the first to retort. The uncle told her that Luo Xinyan must have been accompanied by his younger uncle.

   Don't let the little uncle know that they came to Donglin City.

   Mrs. Gu has a different opinion: "Go and go, I just want to see your house."

  She was very dissatisfied with her youngest son, and it was fine for her to be so cruel to the eldest and second son, and she simply hid and disappeared.

  How was this possible in the past? Although the younger son has a surly temper, he has always been sensible and filial.

  The old lady couldn't play prestige in front of her younger son, and she felt very unhappy.

  She really wanted to see if the other party could hide from her even after she came to her door.


  Luo Xinyan kept sending people to the school gate.

  When Gu Nianzhen saw Xiao Wu, his face immediately became ugly.

She turned her head and said to Luo Xinyan, "I know you don't like me, after all, after you were lost, the little uncle raised me up to his knees for comfort. I didn't mean to occupy the name of Miss Gu's family , you won't still blame me, will you?"

  Luo Xinyan: "No..."

  Gu Nianzhen: "Great! I knew you were kind..."

   "I don't like you, it's not because of other things, it's just because I don't like your low quality." Luo Xinyan finished.

  Gu Nianzhen: "..."

   Instead of **** off the other party, he **** himself off.

  As long as she thinks of being slapped by Luo Xinyan and thrown into the pool, she wants to pounce on him and tear his face.

   Gu Nianzhen snorted coldly, turned around and got into the car.

  Luo Xinyan watched the car go away before turning back to the classroom.

   On the way, Gu Zhengran called, "Baby, don't worry about your grandma, I will take care of it."

  Luo Xinyan explained the situation in the afternoon, "Would it be rude for me to make the old lady angry?"

  Gu Zhengran: "Our new face is already polite enough, well, you can go to class with peace of mind."

   After comforting his daughter, Gu Zhengran hung up the phone and couldn't help but sneer.

  He sent people to watch the first room and second room, but Gu Mengran and Gu Weiran didn't dare to take any action, but Gu Nianzhen instigated the old lady Gu.

  The old lady was very airy, and she didn't shy away from showing up, obviously forcing him to come out.

   During this period of time, he has been hanging out with the Gu family, not even answering the old lady's phone calls, which obviously made the old lady feel uncomfortable.

   "The old lady is not in good health, will she be okay?" Luo Mingwei couldn't help but speak out.

  She frowned, worried, "Xinyan has a tough temper, and the old lady has an even tougher temper. The grandparents and grandchildren should not quarrel."

  She was worried that her daughter would suffer, after all, the word filial piety is too big. The old lady drove all the way there, and she has her own reasons. If there is any more disputes, it will be very bad for her daughter's reputation.

   "If you quarrel, you will quarrel." Gu Zhengran disapproved, "My daughter, Gu Zhengran, is she going to be bullied?"

  Luo Mingwei looked at him in surprise, "You..."

   "Surprised? I'm sorry Ming Wei, I lied to you." Gu Zhengran said, "I have never been a filial and good son, but I did this on purpose just to pretend to be good in front of you."

  My wife’s parents died very early, without their parents’ help, I stumbled and brought up my younger brother.

  She naturally has a filter for the role of mother, but she doesn't know that not all mothers in the world love their children.

  Gu Zhengran was never treated kindly when he was young.

   Playing the so-called motherly kindness and filial piety these years, Mrs. Gu probably forgot how mean and ungrateful she was when she was young, and she favored the two older ones.

   But it doesn't matter, his heart is also biased, and he has always been clear about what is the priority.

  Wife and a pair of children are his reverse scales, whoever dares to offend, don't blame him for turning his face.

  The old lady is no exception.


  Luo Xinyan originally planned to go home after school, but it would be better for someone at home to take care of it.

  But something happened when I walked out of the school gate.

  The car was waiting for her at the door, she glanced at the driver, and sat in familiarly.


   On the other side, Jinshuiwan Central Villa Area.

   Gu Nianzhen watched the sky getting darker and darker, and finally couldn't help it.

   "What time is it and school is over yet? Could Luo Xinyan be deliberately leaving us alone like this?"

  Old lady Gu's eyelids trembled, thinking it was very possible.

  She has lived to such an advanced age, because her youngest son is very promising, and surrounded by people who compliment her, she can be said to be proud of herself.

   Originally thought that Luo Xinyan was young and easy to handle, but she didn't expect that the other party was surprisingly courageous. Not only did she reject her arrangement, but she also took them to the villa instead, and then left them alone for an entire afternoon.

   No one has ever dared to treat themselves like this!

  Ali came over: "Old lady, I invite you to have a meal. Missy has something else to do, so I won't come back for dinner."

  Old lady Gu: "You call her Missy? Are you from Zhengran?"

   Ali paused: "Yes."

  Old lady Gu became angry immediately. The members of the Gu family are so disrespectful to herself?

   "Since you are from Zhengran, you should know that I am your boss' biological mother! Do you think it is appropriate for you to leave me alone like this?"

  Ali didn't speak. My husband told me that when the old lady loses her temper, don't panic.

  Mr. thought it was appropriate, how dare she have any opinions.

  Old lady Gu was full of anger: "Where is Luo Xinyan now? A girl from every family, and she hasn't come home so late, what does she want to do?"

  Ali: "Missy has business, she is attending a banquet..."

  Old lady Gu stood up, "I want to see what banquet is so important that she refuses to go home. Sister Rong, prepare the car!"

  (end of this chapter)

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