The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 464: Your father dare not disobey me like this

  Chapter 464 Your father dare not disobey me like this

   "Grandma, Luo Xinyan loves to play very much. I have met her several times before, and she ran outside to play with men."

   "She doesn't look like a college entrance examination candidate. She lives in style, and it's fake to put emphasis on her studies."

   "My little uncle manages the company very hard, but she is not sensible at all. As soon as she recognized it, she took my little uncle's money and went crazy."

   "In the final analysis, it's because you don't have the education of elders. Grandma, you have raised such an excellent son as little uncle, and you will definitely be able to break Luo Xinyan's temperament back."

  In the car, Gu Nianzhen took the opportunity to apply eye drops to Luo Xinyan.

  Old lady Gu loses her temper, she is the happiest, of course she must hurry up and make Luo Xinyan feel bad.

  Sister Rong was silent all the way, and couldn't help reminding in a low voice: "Miss Nianzhen, that's the eldest lady of the Gu family, you should be called younger sister."

  Old lady Gu rolled her eyelids: "Nianzhen is right, isn't her name Luo Xinyan?"

  Sister Rong was slightly startled and dared not speak.

  She looked out of the car window with some worry. The old lady lost her temper, and I'm afraid she won't be able to get better tonight.


  The car stopped at the entrance of the hotel, and Mrs. Gu walked in first.

  The security guard at the door reached out to stop her, "Sorry, no entry is allowed here..."

  The door opened suddenly, and a man came out in a hurry. Ali glanced at it and hung up the phone.

   "Excuse me, this is Mrs. Gu..." He said a few words to the security guards, and the security guards quickly let them go.

  Old lady Gu walked in with a cold face.

  She has always been like this outside. Wherever she goes, someone will arrange it properly. Naturally, she won't see how respectful the people who come in are to men.

   After exchanging greetings, Secretary Chen found that Mrs. Gu and her party had already entered the banquet hall.


  Walking in the banquet hall, Gu Nianzhen felt that these people were all country bumpkins.

  Many men and women are dressed casually, few are wearing suits, and none of them are wearing formal dresses.

   It is said that it is a banquet, and the banquet hall of the rented hotel is actually very shabby. There is no high-end foreign wine and red wine, and there is no luxurious clothes and shadows.

   In short, it was not at all the same as the banquets she had attended.

   But soon, her attention was no longer at the banquet.

   "Grandma, I saw Luo Xinyan! My God, why is she so close with a group of old men!" Gu Nianzhen said loudly excitedly.

  Old lady Gu followed her gaze and saw a group of middle-aged men talking and laughing happily around Luo Xinyan and a little girl.

   Speaking of excitement, a middle-aged man with a big belly put his hand on Luo Xinyan's shoulder.

Gu Nianzhen: "Grandma, do you remember the scandal at the Fang family's banquet last year? In the second half, there was a female intern from Fang's company drinking with her. The dress was ripped off."

  That incident is no secret in Haicheng, many people have witnessed it.

  Gu Nianzhen, a wealthy daughter of such a wealthy family, of course would not put herself in danger, so she left on the spot.

  The rest of the men who were drunk, how could they pity a little girl?

  The female intern was naked in the end, and someone took photos and videos and posted them on the Internet. When she woke up the next day and saw the news, she couldn't bear it and committed suicide in the hotel.

   It turned out that the hotel was owned by the Gu Group, and she was rescued by the female account manager on duty.

  In the end, it was Gu Zhengran who took the initiative to suppress this matter, and deleted all the photos and videos on the Internet so as not to escalate the situation.

  Ms. Gu immediately remembered the photos and videos she had seen, and said with a serious face, "Luo Xinyan, what are you doing here?"

   "This is...?" Someone asked hesitantly.

  Luo Xinyan said calmly: "My biological grandmother, I'm sorry to excuse me."

  Ali contacted her before, saying that Mrs. Gu was arguing to come over, but she didn't listen to her persuasion.

  The old lady was used to giving orders in Gu's house, and there was no way to communicate. In order to prevent Ali and the others from being difficult, Luo Xinyan asked the other party to bring her over.

   When Ali called, she was discussing a certain patent with several experts and professors, and Secretary Chen simply went out to pick up people for her.

   Now it seems that it is true that the person has been connected, so why did he throw Secretary Chen away?

  Gu Nianzhen: "Luo Xinyan, what do you mean? What kind of biologist's grandmother, do you not want to recognize grandma in your heart?"

Mrs. Gu frowned when she heard the words: "I came from Haicheng all the way to visit you. Is this how you treat me? Leave me at home and come here by yourself to fool around... Or, you didn't let my grandma go at all?" In eyes?"

  Luo Xinyan felt that enough was enough, the old one wanted to manipulate her, the young one fanned the flames, and wanted her to recognize this grandma?

   It's not that she can be her elder when she is old. She is willing to talk to each other now because of her parents' face.

  Gu Nianzhen: "Grandma has been waiting for you all afternoon, and she is still hungry. The old man can't resist being hungry, but you only care about your own enjoyment. Do you still have a conscience?"

  Luo Xinyan: "First, I am not fooling around or having fun, I have business to do; second, there is hot water and rice served at home, and you don't want to eat it yourself."

   "Finally, if you don't want to come, you don't have to come." Luo Xinyan was speechless. She really thought she would buy into this prestige?

  Old Mrs. Gu was so angry that her hands shook: "Very well, I think your wings are stiff, and you dare to talk to me like that!"

  Gu Nianzhen: "Grandma is worried about you! You still say you are not fooling around? Why don't I send it to my little uncle to see how he evaluates your behavior."

  She was so happy, it was worthwhile to encourage grandma to take this trip.

  The little uncle is the most filial to grandma. He obeys grandma's wishes in everything. He is a famous filial son.

  Luo Xinyan offended her grandma, and shamelessly fooled around with old men. There are obviously problems with her character and upbringing.

  It's impossible for the little uncle to like such a daughter. The relationship between father and daughter who didn't have much will be ruined soon.

  Sister Rong was also anxious, and persuaded, "Miss, the old lady is really worried about you. You can go home with us now."

  She can't make it too obvious. When Gu Zhengran tried to suppress the female intern incident of Xia family, he once lost his temper.

  If Gu Zhengran finds out about this, Luo Xinyan will hardly be scolded.

  Luo Xinyan was much gentler to Mrs. Rong, "I can't leave yet."

  Old lady Gu threw herself on her back angrily, "Okay, okay, your surname is Luo but not Gu, you don't want me to take care of you, right? Sister Rong, let's go!"

  Luo Xinyan saw Secretary Chen rushing over, "Sorry, I have to trouble you to send them away again."

  The access control at the door is not something that anyone can come in and out of.

  Old lady Gu was just putting on airs. Hearing this sentence was like adding fuel to the fire, she turned around suddenly, and slapped her unexpectedly.

   "You bastard, your father doesn't even dare to disobey me like that!"

  Luo Xinyan raised her hand to catch Mrs. Gu and pushed her back, "Have you had enough trouble?"

  (end of this chapter)

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