The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 462: This is Mrs. Gu, your grandma

  Chapter 462 This is Mrs. Gu, your grandma

  Luo Xinyan came home with her schoolbag on her back, and saw the TV in the living room, but there was no one there.

   No, it cannot be said that there is no one there. The silly robot leaning on the sofa and looking at the TV is completely dumbfounded.

  Luo Xinyan walked over and sat down on the sofa, "Little Fan, squeeze me a glass of juice."

   "Please wait a moment." Xiaofan said, without moving, the plot reached the most exciting time, it wanted to finish this part before leaving.

  However, in the next second, the screen changed and switched to the advertising moment.

  Small Reverse: "..."

  Human beings are too cunning, how can they be so tempted by artificial intelligence!

  The housekeeper poked his head out from the kitchen, "Miss Xinyan, are you back? Oh, Xiaofan also said that it will remind me, it watched TV and forgot."

  Xiaofan silently rolled to the kitchen. The program of the juice extractor is very simple. It connects to the data and easily completes the action of squeezing the juice.

   The cook helps him pour the juice into beautiful glasses, and puts the glasses on his tray.

  Xiao Fan rolled over with the tray. Now it can be not only a sweeping robot, but also a food delivery robot and a remote control robot for home appliances.

  Most of the time, I can watch TV and read novels at home, and I can’t help but want to make a lot of facial expressions to express its joy.

  The adventure in the morning seems to have passed for a long time,

  Small counter: "Ho... master, your juice."

  It cleverly changed its name, and couldn't help but praise itself for its cleverness.

  Luo Xinyan: "..."

   Forget it, it’s just a title, don’t worry about it.

  Shi Lin and Shen Jinzhou also walked in.

  Small Fan: "Do you want some fruit juice, Young Master Si?"


  But its low-level instructions have been changed. Now it is hugging the boss's thigh, and it feels very at ease, and it doesn't want to let go no matter what.

  So I can only try hard to please Shi Rin.

   Shi Lin glanced at the fruit juice in Luo Xinyan's hand, Xiaofan understood, and went to the kitchen decisively.

  Shen Jinzhou was still concerned: "That He Yuye has already left? He won't come back in the future? Will he still be lurking here?"

   "No." Luo Xinyan replied proactively, "Small Fan is a small fan, it doesn't know anything."

  Professor Hall's original intention of creating the villain transformation system was to deal with Luo Xinyan, and He Yuye was the most important part of it, so they jointly crafted a lie.

  The underlying logic of the villain transformation system is to destroy Luo Xinyan, get rid of them and then quickly, and He Yuye's consciousness lurks in it, constantly perfecting and correcting lies.

  After she implanted a Trojan horse virus in the core area, she stripped the villain transformation system from He Yuye's consciousness control, and instead gave birth to the AI ​​personality—little villain.

He Yuye and Professor Hall have instilled too much positive content into the villain transformation system. However, artificial intelligence can learn and grow. When lies can't deceive it, it analyzes that He Yuye's behavior is completely opposite to Weiguang's. The sense of fragmentation made it completely confused.

  This is also the reason why Xiao Fan is not very smart, nor is he very smart.

  It couldn't cope with the complicated human nature, and when it met Luo Xinyan, a powerful and assertive host, it simply chose to lie flat and let the boss fly.

  In fact, the boss really took it flying, and the expected obliteration did not happen, and it lay flat very peacefully.

  Luo Xinyan saw "He Yuye" twenty years later in the pictures of the different world brought back from childhood.

   It's just that the other party looks shriveled and hideous, more like a ghost than a human.

  "He Yuye" yelled the little fan, probably trying to control the little fan by virtue of the long-term symbiosis with the little fan.

  The other party noticed Xiaofan's awakening, and Luo Xinyan was too familiar with the enthusiasm that burst out in his eyes, which was full of greed and ambition.

  Before the last trace of contact was cut off, Luo Xinyan saw the unwillingness and madness in the eyes of "He Yuye".

  She guessed that "He Yuye" has a high probability of having a mental problem.

  But this has nothing to do with her.

  Shi Rin glanced at the silly robot coming out of the kitchen, probably to please him, there was a smiling face on the screen.

  He paused for a moment before raising his hand to take the glass of juice.

  The lobular red sandalwood gall wood bracelet on the wrist lightly hit the tray, making a crisp and pleasant sound.

  For the sake of the other party's discernment, he reluctantly forgave it.


  In the afternoon, when Luo Xinyan walked into the classroom, Xu Jingyang and a group of boys were chatting together, with high spirits on their faces.

   Not only that, the girls were also chatting, and the atmosphere was lively.

   "Why is it so lively?" Luo Xinyan asked casually when he was seated.

  Lin Xuxu smiled and turned his head, "I'm afraid you don't know that the international hacker organization Anonymous has been robbed. The reason is that they recruited a hacker named Hanni."

  She explained the situation in a few words, and it was only then that Luo Xinyan figured out that what had caused a commotion on the Internet two days ago had finally spread to China.

   Some netizens watched the whole incident, and then translated screenshots and posted them on domestic social platforms.

   Then this matter became a hot search.

  After Lin Xuxu finished speaking, he suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked at Luo Xinyan, "Or, you already knew it? You're not surprised at all."

  Luo Xinyan: "I knew it a long time ago."

  She hesitated for a moment, wondering if she should take the initiative to confess.

   "Yan Shen, the head teacher is looking for you." Someone rushed into the classroom and shouted.

  Luo Xinyan was a little surprised, got up and went to the office.

  In the office sat an old lady with not very kind eyes and a middle-aged woman. She still knew the girl next to her, who was Gu Nianzhen who had a feud with her.

  Luo Xinyan probably knew it, knocked on the door and walked in, "Teacher Wen."

  Introduced with a gentle smile: "Student Luo Xinyan, this is Mrs. Gu, your grandma."

  Old lady Gu: "It's been so long since you've been recognized, and you didn't go back home to recognize your relatives and see me, grandma, so I had no choice but to visit you in person."

  Gu Nianzhen snorted coldly, "It's really arrogant to ask an old man to fly all the way to find you in person."

  Luo Xinyan smiled and called grandma, then glanced at Gu Nianzhen again.

   "Maybe it's because we attach different importance to visits. My dad said that he wanted me to make a good appearance in the Gu family."

   Gu Nianzhen choked for a moment, Gu Zhengran had already told him that when he came back, he would hold a grand banquet to recognize relatives.

  He has been hanging around the Gu family, running away without a trace. The uncle and her father can't wait.

  The first room and the second room were about to be taken over by Gu Zhengran. Of course, they thought of colluding together to counterattack, but all their connections were cut off by Gu Zhengran.

  Those aristocratic families are not stupid. They used to make good friends with the eldest and second house, so they thought it was profitable.

  But now Gu Zhengran went crazy and ignored them, they were afraid of being implicated, and they were afraid to avoid it.

  The second room of the eldest room is having a hard time these days, so he had to turn his mind on Luo Xinyan.

  (end of this chapter)

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