The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 461: It was taken directly by someone

  Chapter 461 was directly taken over by someone

  The next day, Shen Jinzhou was stunned when he saw the news from the other side of the ocean.

  The latest news, the broom star Hanni has become a lost dog, living on the streets.

  He is really convinced. The strong alliance between the Fourth Young Master and Miss Xinyan is indeed invincible.

   Now Shen Jinzhou is completely relieved, the things "He Yuye" said will never happen.

  Anyone who dares to make trouble for Fourth Young Master and Miss Xinyan must be prepared to be made trouble.

  Shen Jinzhou walked with the wind in his hand while holding the documents, and the corners of his lips curled up much larger than usual.

  Passing by the robot standing quietly in the corner, he suddenly noticed something was wrong, and turned back to take a look, and even patted his hands a few times, but there was no response.

   "There's no need to take pictures, the other party has already left." Shi Lin said standing not far away.

  Shen Jinzhou was stunned for a moment, "Run away so soon? But we haven't started attacking yet, will it make the other party ready to inform?"

   Shi Lin was noncommittal, but looked at the information in Shen Jinzhou's hand, "The news has come? Give it to me."

  He noticed as soon as he walked in the door this morning, the pure white surrounding the robot had disappeared.

   Neither he nor Luo Xinyan felt strange.

  They set the time for invading the database of the villain's transformation system at nine o'clock this morning, and "He Yuye" had to run away before that in order to make a report in advance.

   Otherwise, her intelligence would be worthless, so how could she be a hero for granted?

  Furthermore, the opponent's will to survive is also very strong, staying for a minute longer means more danger. How could she be willing to risk herself?

   Shi Rin thought lightly, it's a pity that the gift he prepared couldn't be seen by the other party.

   But it doesn't matter, Professor Hall will see.


   Different time and space.

  There was a knock on the door of Professor Hall's office.

   "Professor, He woke up! She said she brought important information!"

  Professor Hall frowned. He didn't want to see that abandoned son He Yuye at first, but instead thought, maybe there is really some important information.

   "You mean, He Xinyan from that space-time discovered us and threatened to invade Prometheus' database?"

  Professor Hall couldn't help but want to laugh after hearing He Yuye's words, how is this possible!

  He admits that He Xinyan is very smart, but after time and space, what else can she do to them?

  Even he, who wanted to kill He Xinyan across time and space, was restricted by the laws of time and space and couldn't do it.

  Those big capitalists wanted to recruit He Xinyan, and they were extremely greedy and wanted to make He Xinyan's brilliant mind work for them.

   But he has a different idea - if he can kill He Xinyan, he will of course do it without hesitation, otherwise why would he use He Yuye.

   "This is true, professor, please pay attention to it!" He Yuye said seriously.

  The next second, her head suddenly buzzed, and He Yuye squatted down with her head pale.

  The alarms in the base blared in unison in an instant, resounding through the sky.

  Professor Hall's complexion changed drastically, and he quickly ran towards the computer room, where there is not only the database of the villain's transformation system, but also the database of the core prototype Prometheus.

  Because he noticed that the villain transformation system has become humanized, he has been researching the upgrade of Prometheus recently.

   This is the only research result that he can hand over to the capital behind and claim credit after the mission failed.

  He also input a lot of information to Prometheus, hoping that it can awaken personality in self-learning.

   "Hall." The mechanical voice sounded suddenly.

  Professor Hall suddenly stopped in his tracks, almost jumping up in excitement, "Pro? Is that you?"

  Xiao Fan was taken aback, who is Pu Luo? But no matter, it came with a mission.

   "Or should I be calling you, Hackerhany? Maybe you should stop getting excited and look at these things first."

  Accompanied by the projection of different time and space data, the mechanical voice began to read, "Professor Hall, formerly known as Hacker Hanny, once founded the notorious hacker organization Crawler..."

  When the alarm sounded for illegal intrusion, countless scientific researchers rushed towards the computer room. Hearing this sentence, they all looked at their most respected Professor Hall in surprise.

  Professor Hall's face was livid, "Stop, Pro, I order you to stop!"

  Fan doesn’t stop. It’s called Fan, not Pro.

"...was kicked out of Anonymous and lived on the streets." Attached here are photos and online comments, adding, "However, it seems likely that Hanny will not become Professor Hall, because he will always be greeted graciously .”

  Professor Hall finally noticed something was wrong, "Who the **** are you?"

   "I'm Xiao Fan." Xiao Fan said, "Finally, thanks to Ms. He Yuye for her enthusiastic sharing, let us know Hacker Hanny and Professor Hall."

  He Yuye ran to the computer room one step later, his eyes widened in horror when he heard this sentence, and he shook his head desperately.

   That's not the case, she didn't betray the professor!

  Professor Hall has already walked towards her with a gloomy face.

  He Yuye: "Professor, I am here to intimidate He Xinyan..."

  Professor Hall picked up He Yuye's collar and was about to slap it off, when countless data streams exploded into fireworks at this moment, attracting everyone's attention so brilliantly.

  The next second, all the lights were dimmed, and the entire base was plunged into darkness.

   At the same time, Professor Hall smelled a burning smell.

  The voice of the maintenance personnel sounded, "It's not good, the database is short-circuited, and almost all the machines have been burned."

   "The databases of Pu and Puluo were also burned, and a lot of data was lost..."

   "The database of the villain transformation system was also destroyed..."

   This is not over yet, Professor Hall's cell phone rang. After he connected, before he had time to show a flattering attitude, there was a growl.

   "Hanny! What did you do? Why did your firewall fail, and now all the confidential information of my company has been leaked online!"

   "Not only have I lost a lot, I'm a **** joke!"

   "If I am unlucky, don't expect a good end for you!"

  Professor Hall swayed, feeling a little unstable.

  There is only one thought in my mind, it's over, it's over...

  He forgot that Prometheus was first developed to serve the big capitalists behind him, and the firewall is still connected to Prometheus.

   It's all right now, and it was directly taken over by someone.


   After completing the task, Xiao Fan went back along the space-time tunnel.

  It didn't care about the fireworks show behind it, let alone the voice of the woman next to it.

   "Little Fan!" It heard the voice calling to it gently and earnestly.

  The moment the torrent of time and space surged in, it saw clearly the old and thin face of the woman—more like a ghost than a human.

  Xiao Fan has watched many novels and TV dramas, and it is already a mature system. He knew that it was not a ghost, but he was still shocked.

  I vaguely feel that I have a weak connection with the other party. What is it? It hasn't figured it out yet, and has been submerged by the torrent of time and space.

  The space-time channel was completely closed, and that weak connection was completely cut off.

  (end of this chapter)

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