The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 452: She is under no obligation to help!

  Chapter 452 She has no obligation to help!

   On Monday, a new week, Xu Jingyang brought new melons.

  He has been paying attention to the He family's dynamics, and his parents have a wide network of contacts in Donglin City, so it is easy to know what he wants.

   "The He family is in trouble now. Mr. He wants to take He Linjun to do a blood relationship check, but He Linjun refuses. Instead, He Yuye and He Zixiao have both done it."

  He Yuye and He Zixiao are of course the blood of the He family, but He Linjun refused, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that he was guilty.

   "Mr. He is going to dismiss He Linjun from his position now, but He Linjun is not a light-hearted lamp. Now the He Group is fighting fiercely, and people are panicking."

  Xu Jingyang couldn't help but sigh after finishing speaking. Who would have thought that the heir he cultivated by himself was not his own?

  The He Group was transferred from Mr. He to He Zhang, and from He Zhang to He Linjun.

  He Linjun is a complete mess. He's Group is in his hands, and the management is a mess. Sooner or later, it will be over.

  But because of several confrontations with He Xinyan, He Linjun lost face frequently, and his reputation became worse and worse. In order to stabilize the situation, Mr. He had to come out again to take control of the power.

   This in turn led to the failure of the He Group to be completely handed over to that prodigal son He Linjun, which saved a little bit of the He Group's decline.

  Now the two of you can fight back and forth.

   But having said that, even though Mr. He is very strong now, the He Group has long been defeated by He Linjun.

  Qiao Yuqiao: "I heard that Mr. He fished out He Yuye and left Mrs. He alone."

  He Xinyan was the first to get the news, and she was not so overbearing, and she did not allow others to be released on bail according to law.

  Master He probably only now thinks about indebted to He Yuye. He is worried that He Yuye won't be able to stay in Yongxing High School, so he has been actively working for her, and wants to arrange for her to go abroad.

  Whoever sees it does not give a thumbs up and praise the good grandpa.

  Besides, Mr. He is sorting out his property. The He family is an established family in Donglin City, and they have some solid foundations.

   It's just that after He Zhangzhi's death, many of the properties of the He family were transferred to He Linjun's name. Now it's not so easy to get them back.

  Mr. He can only revoke his own part of the gift of property. He Linjun doesn't want to return He Zhangzhi's inheritance. Mr. He really has nothing to do for a while.

  All the aristocratic families in Donglin City watched with great interest this ethical drama in which grandparents and grandchildren compete for property.

  Most of them sympathized with Mr. He's loss of his son and it's not easy at such a young age, scolding Lin Yunshu and He Linjun is not a good thing.

  Some people also made sarcastic remarks, saying that since they are the heirs who have been cultivated by themselves, does it matter if they are born? Anyway, He Linjun's surname is He.

  He Xinyan: "Okay, let's stop gossiping. Class is about to begin."

  As soon as Xu Jingyang returned to his seat, the class bell rang.


  He Xinyan doesn't want to discuss the matters of the He family, but things will still come to her.

  The other party was probably very entangled, and kept following him, not wanting her to find out, but she had already found out.

  He Xinyan sighed, and simply stopped, "How long are you going to follow me, Zixiao?"

  He Zixiao stopped dodging behind the rockery when he heard her calling his name.

   "Third Sister..." Just as he shouted, he stopped again.

  After knowing the whole story, he felt deeply guilty. As the He family member, he didn't deserve to be called He Xinyan like that.

   "You have something to do with me? Tell me quickly." He Xinyan didn't want to stay in school, and she had to rush back to continue working.

  He Zixiao: "...I'm sorry."

  He Xinyan realized the meaning of the other party, "If you just want to say this, then I received it, and you can go if it's okay."

  He Zixiao was taken aback for a moment, then turned around and left.

  He has a lot of troubles and wants to ask He Xinyan for advice, but he also understands that he should not bother He Xinyan anymore.

  The He family owed her too much, so what right did he have to trouble her.

   She was ignorant when she was a child, but she realized that it is not her duty to educate herself when she grows up.

  He Zixiao turned a corner and ran into someone waiting behind the rockery.

  He Yuye was wearing a mask, avoiding the sight of others, seeing him coming over, he asked eagerly, "Zixiao, how is it, is she willing to help?"

  She actually wanted to ask, is He Xinyan willing to withdraw the lawsuit?

  I was obsessed with ghosts for a while, but now I and Zixiao are the blood of the He family. Could it be that He Xinyan is helping them regardless of He Zhangzhi's kindness?

  As for the bad things He Linjun and Lin Yunshu did, they are not from the He family, so they cannot be blamed on themselves!

  He Zixiao shook his head.

  He Yuye's complexion changed: "She doesn't want to?"

   "It's not that she didn't want to, it's that I didn't say it."

He Yuye raised his voice, "He Zixiao, what the **** are you talking about? Didn't you help her a lot when she was in misery before? Now grandpa vomits blood and fainted, and elder brother wants to rob the company and property, we are almost homeless But you still don't want to say it after returning home, when do you want to say it? When grandpa dies of illness?"

  He Zixiao looked at her blankly, and suddenly felt that the person in front of him was very strange.

  In the past, He Yuye always spoke in a soft voice, even if he was wronged, he would stubbornly hold tears in his eyes and not flinch.

   Instead of the current situation, the voice is sharp and piercing, stern, mean and unfeeling.

   "How can you curse grandpa?" After a pause, He Zixiao continued, "I won't say it because she has no obligation to help! The He family owes her too much!"

  He Yuye: "The He family didn't owe her anything! It's the eldest brother and mother who owe her, and we didn't use her blood!"

   "How can you argue with your words?" He Zixiao couldn't help it. "Although the beneficiary is the eldest brother, the He family deliberately misidentified their daughter and asked her to donate blood and bone marrow to the eldest brother. Subjectively, there is great malice!"

  He Yuye: "You're the one who makes unreasonable words! The He family is also a victim!"

  After she was taken home by Mr. He, after knowing everything, she decisively chose to hug Mr. He's thigh tightly.

  The reason why he did this was to cut off He Linjun and Lin Yunshu and the crimes they committed.

  He Xinyan heard the movement over there, couldn't help but came over to check it out, and was speechless after hearing the conversation between the two.

  Sitting on the other side reciting words, Liu Jiayi stood up unbearably.

   "Victim's fart!" He didn't understand, but he didn't see how He Yuye turned into such a ghost for a few days.

   "Isn't He Linjun your big brother? Didn't he spend money to support you in making commercials and movies? Also, didn't the He family acquiesce in allowing you to step on your new face as a real daughter?"

  He Yuye's eyes filled with tears instantly, "Liu Jiayi, how could you say that about me?"

  Liu Jiayi snorted lightly: "Didn't you do it?"

  Acquiescence is instigation. I targeted He Xinyan in the first place, but it was not because He Yuye was distressed in front of him occasionally, and He Xinyan refused to get along with her peacefully.

  He Yuye knew all the things he did, but he never said anything. How dare he say he was innocent now?

  (end of this chapter)

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