The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 453: I said it ain't broke, it ain't broke

  Chapter 453 I said it won't go broke, it won't go broke

  Liu Jiayi: "I've said something here today, don't bother Xinyan, do you understand?"

  In the morning, He Xinyan didn't want to talk about the He family, so he guessed that she didn't want to.

   It shouldn't be in the first place. Anyone can take care of these bad things in the He family, except He Xinyan.

  He Yuye was so wronged that she burst into tears. She suffered so much, but Liu Jiayi didn't even ask.

  Compared with the aloof Miss Gu's family, isn't my experience even more pitiful?

  In order to find a mobile blood bank for my elder brother, I can cruelly abandon my worthless self.

  Liu Jiayi was inexplicably baffled by her crying, isn't this considered serious? None threatened to beat anyone.

  He Xinyan was often insulted and threatened before, and she never shed a single tear.

  He Xinyan thought for a while, and walked out, "You can also help the He family if you want me, then persuade Mr. He to transfer all the shares of the He Group to me."

   "Impossible, you are dreaming!" He Yuye refused without thinking, "You are so shameless, you are taking advantage of the fire!"

  He Xinyan shrugged: "Oh, just don't agree."

   She turned and left after speaking.

  He Yuye was stunned, how could it be like this, don't you want to talk more about it?

   "Wait a minute! How many shares do you want... How much are you going to pay?" These must be clearly stated, she will never let He Xinyan take even a little bit of cheap money.

   Seeing He Xinyan turn his head, He Yuye gradually gained confidence in his heart.

   "I know what you want. I heard that you have already started to accept some of Tivana's offline stores."

  It is impossible for He Xinyan to do this for charity. She felt that the other party's purpose was to retaliate, after all, the other party had a strong desire for revenge.

  He Yuye's voice changed, "But the He Group is the property of the He family after all. If you want grandpa to be willing to transfer the shares, you must come up with enough bargaining chips."

  He Xinyan looked at her quietly: "How much do you want?"

  He Yuye bit his lower lip, "How about 50 yuan per share?"

  Liu Jiayi turned to look at her in surprise.

  He Zixiao was in a hurry: "Second sister, are you crazy?"

  He Xinyan asked sincerely: "Do you think I look like a bad guy?"

  In the past six months, the stock price of He's Group has continued to fall, and more than half of its market value has evaporated. In addition, after He Linjun's background was revealed, the stock price fell to 12 yuan, and the circuit breaker mechanism was activated.

   If the market opens again, I am afraid that the limit will continue to fall.

He Yuye: "You are so rich, you can use the money to settle those franchisees with difficult conditions, you can donate the money to charity, why can't you give it to grandpa, so that grandpa can enjoy his old age? Besides, we didn't take your money for nothing Well, the chocolate processing factories under the Heshi Group rank well in the whole country, and those equipments are very valuable."

  He Xinyan: "Then do you know that your good brother is selling those devices everywhere?"

  He Linjun has shallow eyelids. When he was the heir of the He family, he used to replace raw materials and shoddy good ones in order to fill his own pockets. Now he has no scruples.

   As long as it can be sold for money, he doesn't care about the life and death of the He Group.

  No matter what, the company will not be his.

  It would be best for him to cash out all the stocks in his hand, sell all the stocks that can be sold, and the He Group will go bankrupt immediately.

  The other party has been looking for buyers. The stock and those equipments can certainly be sold at a good price.

  He Xinyan: "The stocks of He's Group are worthless at all. What are valuable are the assets of the factory. When the factory is evacuated by He Linjun, the stocks in your hands will become a pile of waste paper."

  He Yuye was completely dumbfounded.

  He Xinyan took a look at He Zixiao, this time without stopping, he waved his hand casually and left directly.

  Seeing her leave, He Yuye chased her for two steps, then stepped back and grabbed He Zixiao, "Zixiao, hurry up and stop her, she can't leave us alone! If it wasn't for her..."

  He Zixiao pulled her hand away, "Second Sister, enough is enough!"

  Liu Jiayi kicked the rockery next to him: "I'm sick!"


  Lin Xuxu was speechless when he heard this.

   "I asked you to help the He family, what exactly is she thinking?"

  Elder He couldn't even kidnap He Xinyan, so what kind of green onion is she?

  Lin Xuxu thought for a while, and corrected her statement, "No, it should be said, why does she have face?"

  He Xinyan: "It's also possible that she tore off the left cheek and pasted it on the right cheek, thick-skinned and shameless at the same time."

  She was also very surprised, okay? After He Yuye came out this trip, he was obviously eager to gain a lot of utilitarianism, so he almost showed his calculations on his face.

  Why did Mr. He enjoy his old age in peace? Why didn't she believe it so much? The other party would be so kind?

  Lin Xuxu hesitated for a moment: "Xinyan, do you really want to buy the shares of He's Group? Xu Jingyang said that the market is unanimously pessimistic about He's Group..."

   This is still her way of beautifying it. In fact, everyone thinks that the delisting and bankruptcy of He's Group will happen sooner or later.

   She was afraid that He Xinyan would really soften her heart, so she spent money to buy a pile of waste paper.

  He Xinyan nodded: "Really, I have already bought almost all the scattered shares of He's Group in the market."

  Lin Xuxu looked at her in shock, when did this happen?

  He Xinyan: "It started a long time ago. I bought a little when He's Group's stock was at a low price, and no one noticed."

  Lin Xuxu didn't understand very well, "Then you will lose money in this way? The He Group is going to go bankrupt..."

  He Xinyan raised her eyebrows, "Who said it was going to go bankrupt? I said it won't go bankrupt, and it won't go bankrupt."

  Originally, her goal was only the chocolate factory of the He Group. At the beginning, He Zhangzhi adopted her suggestion and invested a lot of money to build the whole factory very modern and intelligent.

   But now she has changed her mind, He Linjun wants to cash out and run away with the money, there is nothing so cheap.

  She will make He Linjun's shares worthless.

  Want to take money and hide abroad? Abandon the mess, let the state pay for him regardless of whether the employee lives or dies? dream!


  In the study room, there is a strong smell of traditional Chinese medicine.

  Mr. He sat at his desk, drank the medicine in one go, and then looked at his granddaughter and grandson opposite him.

  He Yuye was full of grievances, and spoke first.

   "Grandpa, He Xinyan is a wolf-hearted dog. Not only does he not want to control us, but he also wants to take advantage of the fire and buy our stocks at a low price!" Tears fell down as he spoke.

  Master He looked calm, and turned his gaze to his young grandson, "Zi Xiao, tell me."

  He Zixiao: "Grandpa, brother is secretly selling off the factory's equipment! What should we do?"

   This is the real disregard of everyone's life and death, and wants to completely empty out the He Group.

  He Xinyan gave him a look before leaving, hoping that he would tell Mr. He to be vigilant.

  Mr. He is inevitably angry and bloody. He didn't expect that He Linjun stretched his hands so long that he even dared to sell the factory equipment secretly?

  He Xinyan is right, He Linjun is a waste! Incompetent, extremely greedy, selfish, and short-sighted, why did he think that the other party was still saved and could be cultivated slowly?

   "Bastard!" Even though He Linjun had been chilled for a long time, Mr. He couldn't help but slapped the table angrily.

  (end of this chapter)

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