The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 451: Always only you, always only you

  As for Lin Yunshu going crazy and abusing children, how could she have expected it?

   Besides, Lin Yunxian specially taught her the medical skills of He Xinyan Society. If Aunt Lu hadn't deliberately arranged for He Xinyan to receive such a good education?

  Gu Zhengran: "She brought Xinyan into He's house to serve as a mobile blood bank for He Linjun. You call this kind treatment? Are you out of your mind?"

  He was really angry. If Luo Mingcheng hadn't been for his brother-in-law, he would have beaten people all over the place.

"You might as well take care of yourself and stop meddling in our Luo family's affairs." Luo Mingcheng was so angry that he couldn't choose what to say, "If it wasn't for your ruthlessness and ungratefulness, which offended many people, why would you even target your sons and daughters? I think the person who should be more blamed is you!"

  Gu Zhengran was stunned for a moment, his sharp Adam's apple rolled, and he didn't speak.

  He is indeed to blame for this matter, he did not see the ambition and unwillingness hidden in the dark, and he did not protect the child well.

  Luo Mingcheng: "If my sister hadn't married you, she might still be able to enjoy the plain and warm happiness now! You insist on everything and take everything by any means. What's the result? Did you give my sister happiness?"

  Luo Mingwei woke up from a nap and found that Gu Zhengran was not guarding the door, so she wanted to find Luo Mingcheng.

  She has recently cleared her mind and thought a lot.

   She still needs to plan ahead for some things, and can't passively wait for fate to arrange.

  She has many things she wants to discuss with Luo Mingcheng.

   It was only when they walked to the door of the study that they heard the sound of arguing inside.

  Luo Mingwei stopped and stood by the door, knowing that it was not convenient for her to go in and disturb her at this time.

  But she was worried, Ah Cheng's voice was sharp and excited, and Gu Zhengran was obviously angry again.

  She leaned against the door panel and listened attentively. After hearing Luo Mingcheng's words clearly, she was taken aback.

  Ah Cheng has always disagreed with her marrying Gu Zhengran, thinking that Qi Dafei is not a coincidence, and afraid that she will be wronged if she marries him. She also wavered before. Marriage pays attention to the right marriage, and Gu Zhengran is not a good match.

  Ah Cheng was still young when her parents died. She remembered that her mother was always thinking about their siblings before she left, worrying about her poor life.

   She really didn't have a good time, she went completely crazy when she lost her child, and Ah Cheng suffered so much for so many years.

  In the study room, Gu Zhengran was silent for a moment, then suddenly let out a laugh.

He raised his hand and tugged at his tie, his eyes were calm and gloomy, "I don't accept your accusation and evaluation, it's Gu Mengran and Gu Weiran who did the wrong thing, not me. I won't fall into self-blame and guilt, Repeatedly consuming myself. What I need to do is to make up for and protect my wife and children; it is to let those who do wrong things pay a painful price."

  Luo Mingcheng: "You! Shameless!"

  He was so angry that he fell back on the sofa and didn't want to talk.

  Gu Zhengran took it easy: "Weak people will consume themselves with useless emotions like guilt. I won't. I will only look forward."

  He was probably too greedy, even though his previous relationship and marriage were scarred, he still wanted Luo Mingwei, thinking like crazy.

  If you feel unworthy because of other people's accusations, and leave the stage sadly, how can you get back with Luo Mingwei?

  Luo Mingwei stopped pushing the door. If she's not mistaken, Gu Zhengran is... wanting to remarry?

  Luo Mingcheng tilted his head to look at the study door, his heart skipped a beat, and he almost blurted out the word "Sister".

  It was only for a split second, and for some reason, he made a quick decision and turned to look at Gu Zhengran.

"You are really good at looking forward. I heard that you have been following a confidante surnamed Zhao for the past 16 years, and you have reached the point where you are talking about marriage? Congratulations, you have finally come out of the shadow of the past, and you are going to form a Happy new family."

  Gu Zhengran met his mocking gaze, frowned, and seemed to understand something in a blink of an eye.

  He stood up abruptly, crossed the sofa, and walked towards the door of the study.

  Luo Mingcheng was stunned for a moment, and stretched out his hand to stop him, but was pushed staggeringly by him.

  The closer Gu Zhengran got closer to the study door, the more his heart started beating loudly, almost going out of order.

  He remembered that he had closed the door when he entered, but now the door opened a small gap.

  He slammed the door open, "Ming Wei!"

  Luo Mingwei wanted to leave quietly, but when he reached the corner, Gu Zhengran's voice sounded behind him.

  In a panic, she just wanted to run away quickly, and didn't want to see the other party.

   "Sister?" Wen Xiangjun took the cook with a soup cup and looked at the scene in front of him in surprise.

  Luo Mingcheng ran out: "The surnamed Gu, don't provoke my sister, Mr. Xiang, stop him quickly!"

  When Wen Xiangjun heard this, he quickly opened his hands to stop Gu Zhengran, and advised him in a warm voice, "Mr. Gu, please don't do this, sister can't bear to be stimulated."

   "Get out!" Gu Zhengran just wanted to catch up with Luo Mingwei and make it clear.

   Seeing that Mr. Wen Xiang refused to let go, he lost his patience immediately, and directly pushed the person away, and chased him out past him.

  Wen Xiangjun bumped into the cook, and the hot soup splashed out, causing her to hiss slightly.

  However, Gu Zhengran didn't turn his head, nor would he look sideways at her.

  Luo Mingcheng ran over and held her red-hot hand distressedly, "Are you okay? Hurry up and get the medicine box!"

  Wen Xiangjun came back to his senses, turned to look at Luo Mingcheng, smiled softly, "I'm fine, sister is the most important thing, go and see sister."


  Luo Mingwei ran into the garden.

  The bodyguards guarding outside the house were alarmed, thinking that something serious had happened.

  Kong Sirie glanced at him from a distance, waved his hand, "It's okay, don't worry about it."

  These days, seeing that Mr. and Mrs. have returned to the mode of respecting each other, he couldn't help but feel anxious for Mr.

   At the beginning, he ordered himself to take over the villa no matter what, even if it stimulated someone to take over the villa?

  At that time, I came in with a doctor, so I was afraid of making someone angry.

  Mr. As a result, he moved in forcefully now, but became timid instead.

   Watching over Madam every day, not daring to do anything that crosses the line, for fear that Madam will be unhappy.

  This kind of cautiousness surprised even Kong Sirie, this is not Mr.'s usual style at all.

   Having said that, the husband has always been abnormal in front of his wife, probably because he loves too much, so he is indecisive and indecisive.

   Maybe today's conflict is a breakthrough.


   "Mingwei!" Gu Zhengran quickened two steps and caught up with Luo Mingwei.

  Luo Mingwei was panting from running, seeing that she couldn't run, she simply stopped and tried her best to calm down.

   "Gu Zhengran, you don't have to do this, I'm fine." Luo Mingwei cleared her mind and said calmly, "It's normal for you to pursue happiness. People always have to look forward, and I will work hard to look forward..."

  Before he finished speaking, he was hugged into that warm and firm embrace.

  Luo Mingwei was stunned.

   "But Mingwei, all my happiness depends on you." Gu Zhengran was afraid that she would say something unfeeling.


   "There is no confidante with the surname Zhao, nor anyone else." Gu Zhengran couldn't bear it any longer, and kissed the top of her hair.

   "There was always only you, always only you."

  His heart has long been filled by her, and he can no longer accommodate anyone.


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