The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 450: You forgive her now?

  Luo Mingcheng just walked into the study when he coughed up a mouthful of blood.

  Wen Xiangjun, who was following behind him, was full of panic, and stepped forward to support him: "Brother Sheng!"

  Luo Mingcheng grabbed her hand, "I'm fine."

   "You're vomiting blood, so it's okay? No, I have to send someone to a doctor..." Wen Xiangjun's anxiety was beyond words.

  Luo Mingcheng suddenly hugged his wife into his arms, tears rolling down his face uncontrollably.

  He is fine, he just feels sad and sad.

  Both of his parents died since he was a child, and he and his elder sister depended on each other for life. He always regarded his elder sister as the most important person in his life.

  But Gu Zhengran's forceful insertion caused the relationship between the siblings to become increasingly estranged, and the elder sister no longer regarded him as the younger brother as the most important thing.

  Too many people lived in her heart, including her son, daughter and Gu Zhengran, and she was ranked last.

  The appearance of Aunt Lu gave me a lot of warmth when I felt lonely and confused at that time. He really regarded the old lady as his relatives, and felt that he was not a poor little person no one wanted.

   But it turns out that this warmth is all fake, and those comforting words that follow his heart are all deliberately sowing discord.

   His sister, whom he loves like life, was also indirectly separated by him, and has been living in desperate pain for more than ten years.

  Even when my sister got sick some time ago, it might be caused by changing her prescription secretly.

   Otherwise, how do you explain that Kong Silie took over the villa forcefully and supervised the decoction, and her sister's condition gradually improved?

  Wen Xiangjun: "Brother Sheng, don't blame yourself too much, these are not your fault. You can only blame the bad guys for being too cunning, and it makes no sense to blame the victims for being too defenseless."

  Luo Mingcheng: "The victim?"

   "Yes, you are also a victim. You have worked so hard to take care of your seriously ill sister for so many years. The reason why I was attracted to you at the beginning was because of your responsibility and responsibility."

  Luo Mingcheng was very moved: "If you continued to do academic research, your achievements would probably be higher than mine... I am sorry for you, using marriage as a cage to let you put down your studies and concentrate on your family. You even went to study psychology to take care of your sister..."

  In this life, he has always owed his wife for letting her give up too much for himself and this family.

  Wen Xiangjun patted him on the shoulder gently, "I am willing to do all of this, Brother Cheng, it doesn't matter if others don't understand you, I will always stand by your side."

  Luo Mingcheng's tears fell on her neck, soaking her collar.

  The elder sister who has been with him for so long, and the nephew who has worked so hard to raise him, are all going to leave him.

  He couldn't compete with Gu Zhengran, that man was domineering and powerful, and when he was really facing threats and blows from the opponent, he realized how vulnerable he was.

  He has only one relative left, his wife.

   Right at this moment, Luo Mingcheng's cell phone rang suddenly, and someone called him via video.

  Luo Mingcheng looked at the name on the screen and remained silent for a long time.

  Wen Xiangjun sighed when he saw this. She knew that her husband was emotionally attached to him and lacked a sense of security, so his heart must be suffering and entangled now.

  When the phone rang again, she took the initiative to pick it up, "Pick it up, at least I want to hear what Aunt Lu has to say."

  Luo Mingcheng hesitantly took the phone.

  When I took my sister and young nephew to seek medical treatment abroad, the other party sent him money from thousands of miles away, asking him to take care of himself.

  The constant greetings and care also made him feel warm.

  He still doesn't believe that Aunt Lu's concerns over the years are all fake.


  The moment the video was connected, Mrs. Lin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  Thank God, Luo Mingcheng was still willing to give her a chance to speak.

  She was really scared, and she was clever enough to confess, thinking that the other party would let her go, but things were not that simple.

  Gu Zhengran wanted her to spit out all the benefits she had gained from the Luo family and He Xinyan.

  Old lady Lin was about to faint, she didn't care if Gu Zhengran wanted to pursue her legal responsibility, anyway, she was old and weak, could the judge really let her go to jail? At most, it would be a suspended sentence, which would not have much impact on her.

  But if Gu Zhengran wants to deal with the Lin family, the sky will collapse! The family business she earned was to pass on the incense to her sons and grandchildren.

  If Gu Zhengran wants to take back everything, the Lin family will fall back into poverty overnight, falling back to the bottom of society, where will the sons and grandchildren have a way out?

  How can this work? The old lady Lin was so anxious that she could only try to find Luo Mingcheng, hoping that the other party would give her a hand.

  She always likes to stay on the front line when doing things, and has been caring for Luo Mingcheng for more than ten years.

   Now it's finally time to pay off.


  Gu Zhengran still started to ask about Luo Mingwei's recurrence of illness some time ago.

  Luo Mingcheng sat on the sofa, the thorns all over his body almost stood up, "What do you mean, the surname Gu, you think I will intentionally try to harm my sister?"

   "You may not have it subjectively, but objectively you may not." Gu Zhengran spoke bluntly, "After all, there was a first time, and there will inevitably be a second time."

  Luo Mingcheng was so angry that he clenched his fists: "The Lin family didn't take care of me well that time in the old Lin family house, but the reason is not the new look? You hurt your sister-in-law, what else do you want?"

"As for changing the prescription secretly, yes, I did it! But this matter has nothing to do with Aunt Lu. She was worried that she would not be able to cure her, so she recommended a prescription for me from a reliable Chinese medicine doctor. I can only say If it doesn't work, it can't be said that there is a problem. The prescriptions for the few days in the Lin family belonged to our Luo family, so there is no problem."

  Luo Mingcheng only found out after video-chatting with Mrs. Lin that the prescription for treating insanity in Mrs. Lin's hand came from the Luo family.

  Ms. Lin kept the medical book intact, and said she wanted to return it to him so that he could think about his biological mother.

  It's better than falling into Gu Zhengran's hands.

Mrs. Lin said that Gu Zhengran had already spoken out, asking the Lin family to spit out all the benefits they had received, forcing the Lin family pharmacy to close down and sell their properties, and even forcing Mrs. Lin and Lin Yunxian to stop practicing medicine and to log them out. Chinese medicine practitioner qualification certificate.

   This is simply a gangster's style, arrogant and unreasonable.

  Gu Zhengran: "Has Mrs. Lin contacted you?"

  Luo Mingcheng hated his penetrating expression the most, "So what? She already knew she was wrong, and she was full of guilt and wanted to make amends. Don't you think it's too much for you to kill an old man?"

  Gu Zhengran leaned back on the sofa behind him and chuckled lightly.

  He has long been as expected, and my brother-in-law is always so confused.

   "So you forgive her now? It seems that you, the holy father, have not changed your faults."

Luo Mingcheng: "Xinyan also said that she was abducted back then because of another conspiracy! Even if there is no Aunt Lu, there are other people! Aunt Lu can't resist Su Zheng and those people at all! On the contrary, Aunt Lu has always wanted to treat Xinyan kindly, so she took She was brought into the He family to be raised!"

  Auntie Lu is such a kind old lady, it is the greatest kindness to arrange He Xinyan into the He family and raise her under her daughter's lap.


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