The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 433: Explosive video: Is this your clear conscience?

   Chapter 433 Explosive Video: Is this your clear conscience?

  Meng Fang's Weibo mentioned He Xinyan, which is basically to guide public opinion, implying that He Yuye is the wicked person who pushed He Xinyan to fall off the fence, and his heart can be punished!

   The netizens who supported Meng Fang and the fans of He Yuye poured into Meng Fang's Weibo all kinds of cynicism, and the comment area was directly captured.

   Even the entry for "Meng Fang white-eyed wolf" is there, and the popularity continues to rise.

  He Yuye's fans bought the headlines, expressing that he was not bad for money and wanted to help White Eyed Wolf become famous.

   Since He Xinyan is also deeply involved, how can she be innocent? No need for He Yuye's fans to say, even passers-by who eat melon wonder if He Xinyan did something.

   Just as the fire was gradually burning on He Xinyan's head, Meng Fang's Weibo posted a video.

  The video clearly restores the original incident.

   Meng Fang and Xu Ruyi were arguing. Both sides were a little excited and had brief physical contact.

   But I don't know if Xu Ruyi realized that Meng Fang was standing on the edge of the steps, and when she stepped back a little, she unexpectedly stretched out a hand from the side and pushed Meng Fang down.

   Xu Ruyi, who was standing on the steps, was completely stunned.

The person next to    was so frightened that he ran down quickly, and He Yuye chased after him, the worry on his face did not seem to be fake.

  The monitoring clearly showed that the hand that pushed Meng Fang was indeed He Yuye's.

  Meng Fang's Weibo was only matched with one sentence, "Is this your clear conscience?"

   Comments exploded immediately.

   Netizens were shocked, God, what kind of reversal is this?

   Originally believed He Yuye, and the netizens who were going to use the keyboard to scold the white-eyed wolf were so frightened that the keyboard fell off, and He Yuye's fans were even more silent.

   What is this all about? Why is there such a big reversal?

   He Yuye said that he had a clear conscience, how the **** could he have a clear conscience?

  He Xinyan is also very satisfied with eating melons. It took a few hours for this melon to grow from sowing to maturity, and it was reversed and reversed.

   She couldn't help but liked Meng Fang's video with her trumpet. This girl is a person who does big things in a low voice, so she can keep her composure.

   would rather endure misunderstanding and abuse from others, and wait for He Yuye to speak out before hammering the other party, which can be described as Thor's hammer.

   He Yuye's previous Weibo, as if a slap slapped her face back.

  In the comments, from the beginning of insulting Meng Fang and scolding He Xinyan, they are now scolding He Yuye.

   Pushing a classmate down the stairs, causing amputation, and shoving everything on another classmate's head, it's okay to let others take the blame, and you still make people lose money as a messenger of justice?

   This operation really shocked a lot of netizens. After all, what a shameless and vicious heart can do this.

   Three years ago, He Yuye was only fifteen years old, so she was so scheming at such a young age?

   Angry netizens rushed to the Weibo before He Yuye, and all kinds of shouting made He Yuye get out and give an explanation.


  He Xinyan thought for a while, and called Shi Rin after class.

   As soon as the phone was connected over there, she went straight in, "Did you do it?"

   Shirin knew what she was asking, "Yes."

  He Xinyan: "How did you know about this? No, how did you think of going to investigate this?"

   She didn't even want to check He Yuye's past. After all, the recognized three-good student had no moral character, and the system had stamped it.

   Even if He Yuye was very obsessed with what he was doing, she never thought that the other party would be so bold, to actually be able to do such a thing under the covers.

   Shi Rin was silent, and couldn't help asking, "Xinyan, are you too optimistic about He Yuye's character?"

   "Since she can push you down the wall, she can also push her classmates down the steps."

  Cha He Yuye is not a whim, but it has been done for a long time.

  Shi Lin doesn't believe that someone in this world can be pure white, if He Yuye's words and deeds are really kind, that's fine, but it's not.

   He sent someone to investigate He Yuye's past affairs, and the information returned were indeed positive comments.

   In the mouths of many people, He Yuye is a good person who is excellent in character and study, kind, gentle and helpful.

   The key point is that this helpful, somewhat overzealous.

   Shi Lin paid attention to this incident three years ago, and He Yuye's contribution in it was simply admirable. After all, no one has the courage to help classmates and parents argue with reason.

   Before he found out about this, that Xu Ruyi's girl was almost rated as a three-good student, and after that, it was He Yuye who won the three-good student award.

  Every good deed done by He Yuye will be witnessed and spread.

   This is the same thing, which is still talked about many years later.

  He Xinyan: "But doesn't it mean that there is no surveillance?"

   "As long as you do it, it will definitely leave traces." Shi Rin paused and continued, "I spent a lot of time, but luckily I found the original video."

   The person who took the video just happened to take it. He is not a local and does not know what happened next.

   But I thought it was very interesting afterwards, so I posted this video on the Internet when others were talking about school bullying.

When   Xiao Wu went there, he still thought it was incredible that someone would actually pay for a video from three years ago? Agreed immediately.

  He Xinyan: "Okay, you are amazing."

  I have never thought about it in that way, but even if I think about it in that way, I'm afraid I won't be able to find such a fish that slipped through the net.

   She always felt that something was wrong with He Yuye. Since she dared to respond, of course she had the confidence.

   But what is the confidence of the other party, do you think no one knows, or do you not think you are wrong at all?


   When He Yuye saw the video, his breathing almost stopped.

   She didn't believe that Meng Fang was pushed downstairs by herself, how could it be possible? When he walked over, he clearly wanted to help the other party.

   But more and more people poured into Weibo, asking her to come out and explain clearly.

  Someone even revealed that she and Xu Ruyi were competing for the top three students... It was the third year of junior high school, and the only time He Yuye almost failed to be rated as one of the top three students.

Those people insisted on this point, saying that she framed Xu Ruyi for the award of the three-good student, established a righteous and kind image for herself, and completely trampled on Xu Ruyi, who was better than her in everything at that time, and shamelessly made a false statement. 200,000 for the Xu family.

   It was not only Meng Fang who said she was sorry, but also Xu Ruyi. After all, there are no awards, and he was forced to transfer to another school to leave Donglin City, casting a shadow over his good life.

  Those people chased and scolded her for being vicious at such a young age, and she still had a majestic look on her face, which made people shudder.

   Her previous Weibo content was turned up again, and it was said that she seemed to share her mood, but in fact it was green tea, it was a scheming, just to frame He Xinyan.

   Someone asked her if she pushed He Xinyan off the fence.

  He Yuye was so panicked that he simply emptied Weibo.

   Feeling aggrieved in her heart, she couldn't help but ran to the QQ group to complain... The classmates in junior high school should understand her.

  【Everyone can see how good I used to be to Meng Fang. I didn’t expect her to treat me like this for money. 】

   (end of this chapter)

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