The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 434: Is this the so-called Buddha's mouth and snake's heart?

   Chapter 434 Is this the so-called Buddha's mouth and snake heart?

After    issued this line, He Yuye's eyes couldn't help turning red, yes, that's it, Meng Fang is so disgusting.

  Since I got the video, why didn’t I tell myself the first time? She made an unintentional loss at the time, and she was willing to compensate for whatever Meng Fang wanted.

   But the other party took He Xinyan's money and ran to the Internet to abuse himself... The other party clearly wanted to destroy her.

  【It was so chaotic at the time, I didn't know what happened at all, I had to take her to the hospital for the first time... She endured it by herself, which caused serious consequences. 】

  【I was also angry at the time, Xu Ruyi's group was too aggressive, I rushed over to help Meng Fang. Afterwards, I have been running for her and helping her fight for compensation. 】

  【If her purpose is to want money, I am willing to compensate, as much as possible. How could she be bribed and turned into a sharp knife to my heart? 】

   After talking about this, He Yuye finally felt better.

   Someone in the group began to respond to her. It was a few boys who had been courting her frequently before.

  【Yes, Meng Fang is going too far, this is simply trying to destroy you. 】

  【Why do you need a classmate? I want to compensate Yu Ye's current family with money. 】

  【I’m jealous, Yuye is more beautiful and better than her, of course the ugly is not convinced, not to mention that she has broken her stupid leg. 】

  【? ? ? Are you guys all right? He Yuye caused Meng Fang to break her leg and deceived her for so many years. What was too much of her exposure? Can't tell the truth? 】

  【Those who excuse He Yuye, I wish you will be used by He Yuye next time, with broken legs and feet. 】

  【@Heyuye I will just ask, do you really not know? It's not like a miss in the video, it's intentional. 】

  【@He Yuye suddenly thinks you are so scary, and I still don’t think you are wrong. Is this the so-called Buddha’s mouth and snake’s heart? 】

  【I don't think there's anything wrong with Meng Fang's actions. It was me and I rushed up to cut off He Yuye's leg and amputated it. Blood for blood! 】

  【@HE Yuye It’s not that others are too much, it’s that you are too much. Why didn't Meng Fang go to the hospital at that time? It was you who identified Xu Ruyi for pushing people, but Xu Ruyi didn't admit to doing it, and the two of you almost got into a fight. Meng Fang didn't want to cause you trouble, so of course she had to endure it. Meng Fang went to the point of amputation step by step, it was all caused by you, how dare you blame Meng Fang? 】

  【I was completely taught a profound lesson today, and I still shudder. 】

  【I really doubt that He Xinyan was pushed off the fence by you on purpose. 】

  He Yuye did not expect such a consequence, and the whole person was stunned.

   Looking at the words accusing her, she couldn't help trembling, and quickly clicked to leave the group and deleted all chat records.

   For the first time in her life, she felt isolated and helpless, and the panic in her heart was getting bigger and bigger.

   In a trance, she seemed to have returned to that day, and when she saw Meng Fang being squeezed to the side of the steps by several girls, she suddenly became nervous...because intuition, Meng Fang would be pushed downstairs by Xu Ruyi.

   However, Xu Ruyi did not push back, but took two steps back.

   But how can this be done? Intuition told her that Xu Ruyi pushed Meng Fang downstairs, which caused a bad influence. She was canceled the three-good student award, and finally picked up the leak.

   In a strange way, she held her breath and stretched out her hand to push Meng Fang.

   "No, no, no! I didn't do this, no!" He Yuye couldn't help crying, this matter had already been concluded, why did it come out again?

  Why does He Xinyan press her step by step like this, is she willing to destroy her?


   After school, He Xinyan left on time with her schoolbag on her back.

   Today, the students are addicted to eating melons, and they have a lot of discussions about what happens on the Internet.

   Frankly speaking, many people were beyond shocked by the Meng Fang incident.

  He Yuye's appearance looks pure and I feel pity, not aggressive, it is easy for people to have a good impression of her.

Although the other party's behavior is very confusing, and there are many things, but it is definitely not malicious... After all, everyone is still a student, the environment is relatively simple, and the heart still maintains the enthusiasm of a teenager, and can't do too malicious things. .

   But He Yuye's sudden appearance completely refreshed everyone's perception of her.

   It would be fine if she just pushed Meng Fang down the stairs. She also perfectly framed others and became a hero instead.

   Just for the award of a three-good student.

  How strong a heart does it take to be able to do such a vicious thing?

   Bai Yulan caught up with He Xinyan and shared the information, "The decision of the student union is to request the school to let He Yuye transfer; the family committee has also taken action, and I don't want He Yuye to stay in Yongxing High School."

   The impact of this incident is too bad. Although the school is mainly based on education and supplemented by punishment, the things He Yuye did have been suspected of crimes.

   What's more, it's unclear what happened to He Xinyan who fell off the fence.

   "The head teacher of the third class went to Cheng Jiaxing and asked him about the fact that you fell off the fence this time." After a pause, Bai Yulan said, "The school can't tolerate this kind of thing. If Cheng Jiaxing hides it again, he will be punished."

  He Xinyan didn't expect the school to act so fast, "Is that so? I hope he can make it clear."

  Cheng Jiaxing obviously knew something, and he said that He Yuye knew what he knew in the hospital that day.

  Bai Yulan: "That Meng Fang also said on Weibo that she called the police, so as not to be told that she was promoted on Weibo."

   Having said this, she sighed. If He Yuye didn't have a marketing rhythm to say that she was attacked by the Internet and pretended to be an innocent victim, I'm afraid there would not be so many things.

   Meng Fang is not on Weibo, how can she expose her hypocrisy?

   "Anyway, He Yuye is completely finished this time, I just don't know if she will go to jail."

  He Xinyan: "Jail? That's not necessarily true."

   He Yuye was only fifteen years old at the time. As long as she insisted that she was young and ignorant, she could not expect such serious consequences, and that she had no malicious intentions, He Linjun would find her a strong lawyer, and she would most likely lose money.

  The steps are not very high, Meng Fang fell down and broke her bones, and it took time to cause more serious consequences.

   But no matter what, He Yuye should take responsibility for the mistakes she made.


  He Xinyan said that if you want to find the He family to settle the account, it must be clear.

   This afternoon, a layer of low air pressure enveloped the Hejia villa.

   A lot of servants have resigned recently. Lin Yunshu was very angry, saying that she would never leave a blind eye and dismissed all servants.

  I asked the housekeeping company to arrange a nanny for an interview today. The cook who tried the dishes was not very skilled. She was picky, and she took off her apron and left, making Lin Yunshu almost mad.

   "What kind of rubbish, you can't tell if you are not capable, I think people like you can't find a job anywhere, and sooner or later starve to death!"

   Lin Yunshu angrily finished cursing, when she heard the doorbell, she was about to call someone to open the door, but found that she had just interviewed a bunch of them but none of them stayed.

   Holding the shelf, she ordered the manager of the housekeeping company, "Go and help open the door."

   After a while, the manager of the housekeeping company led a group of police officers in with a strange expression.

   (end of this chapter)

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