Chapter 432 I am worthy of my heart

  He Xinyan looked at the number of readings, and felt more and more that this was being pushed by a pusher.

   This is probably 80% true.

   So He Yuye really pushed people downstairs? Then why had she never heard of this in her last life?

  Lin Xuxu: "I think it's true, I'm not surprised what He Yuye does."

  Qiao Yuqiao also nodded silently. Although she has a soft temper, she likes to think of people on the kind side, but this time she inexplicably wants to stand on the side of the whistleblower.

   "I asked, He Yuye used to study in a middle school and middle school, and there was a girl named Meng Fang in their class."

   There are marginalized people in every class. Meng Fang is the timid and inconspicuous marginalized person, ordinary and introverted, the kind of person who will be asked "is there such a person in our class" many years later at the class reunion.

   After the injury, her family gave her a withdrawal from school.

   It is said that she received 200,000 in compensation before she dropped out, and He Yuye helped her win it.

   The girl who pushed her is relatively wealthy. Although the girl herself never admitted that she was the one who pushed her, Meng Fang herself has identified it, and the parents are willing to take the money to settle matters.

   This incident did not cause much ripples in He Yuye's junior high school life. She entered high school in a blink of an eye, and was found by the He family after that.

  Qiaoyuqiao: "I don't know if these two things are related. He Yuye won the Three Good Student Award not long after this incident."


  Meng Fang sat in a humble room with her parents by her side.

   At this time of day, she usually goes to school and her parents get up early to go out to work.

   It is rare for a family to sit and talk together like this.

  Meng Fang looked up at her parents' faces that had become more and more aged over the past few years, her eyes were sore, and she almost burst into tears.

   Fortunately, she finally figured out the truth of what happened back then, and finally had the opportunity to repay her parents.

   "Mom and Dad, keep the money." Meng Fang pushed the cash on the table.

   In the face of the huge amount of cash, her parents were not tempted. Instead, they asked her, "Fangfang, is what you said true, can they really help you continue your studies?"

  Meng Fang nodded affirmatively: "Really, not only that, but they also gave the money, parents and you don't have to work so hard in the future. The most important thing is that I can finally take revenge."

   The family couldn't help crying together. Who would have thought that there was another hidden reason for the daughter's injury?

  Meng Fang trembled with anger when she thought of what happened three years ago.

   She was a little transparent in the class at that time, only He Yuye cared a few words about her occasionally, and she really regarded him as a friend.

   So when she heard Xu Ruyi and the others in the class say bad things about He Yuye, she, who has always been taciturn, couldn't help but defend a few words.

  Xu Ruyi is the most beautiful girl in the class. She has good grades and a lot of talents. She has a good family background and is sought after by many people.

   She and He Yuye have always been at odds, because He Yuye's family is ordinary but equally good, and even faintly pressed her.

  The two were fighting for the award for the top three students in the class. Xu Ruyi won a famous award not long ago, and the limelight was in full swing. It was the one most likely to win He Yuye.

  Meng Fang was angry for He Yuye at that time, and felt that Meng Fang's temper was not worthy of being a three-good student.

  In retrospect, how could there be so many coincidences, but when Xu Ruyi was in control, bad things about He Yuye were being spread everywhere?

  It's a pity that she didn't understand it at first, so she had a dispute with Xu Ruyi's group, and was pushed in the chaos.

   She always thought it was Xu Ruyi's hand, and was moved that He Yuye stood up to speak for herself at that time.

  Because she was worried that He Yuye would be troubled by Xu Ruyi, she endured the pain and did not say anything, but she did not expect that it would lead to more serious consequences.

  Xu Ruyi became the default "murderer" in everyone's eyes. Naturally, the three-good student award was gone. He was soon transferred by his family and left Donglin City.

   What about He Yuye? She contributed a lot in this matter. She fought hard with Xu's parents without admitting her fault, and helped her get 200,000 yuan in compensation. She became a hero in everyone's mind, and logically won the three-good student award and scholarship.

   After many years, she realized that it was He Yuye who really pushed her.

   He Yuye, who made their whole family grateful and let her charge online for each other.

  How ironic.


   He Yuye couldn't understand why Meng Fang suddenly ran out to accuse her.

   Didn't he help her and ask the Xu family to pay 200,000 yuan in compensation without any evidence?

   Even if the other party is not grateful to Dade, he will not stab her in the back.

   He Yuye wondered if... Meng Fang was bribed by someone to frame her on purpose.

   She can understand the other party's experience, but she will never accept such a groundless smear.

  [@It's not a golden branch but a jade leaf: At the beginning, I tried hard to help the weak, and the ending may not be satisfactory, but it is within my power. I have no regrets, and please keep your conscience. 】

   The attached photo is a photo of the site where the agreement was signed and a corner of the agreement.

   As soon as this Weibo was posted, the situation suddenly reversed.

   After all, He Yuye has pictures and the truth, but the whistleblower named Meng Fang only has a small composition.

  He Yuye hasn't been on QQ for a long time, but at this time she is on QQ, which contains her class group in junior high school.

The    group was very active today, everyone was eating melons, and felt inexplicable about Meng Fang's sudden revelation.

   In everyone's perception, He Yuye just helped Meng Fang, and Xu Ruyi was so arrogant and domineering, she would do something to push people downstairs in a hurry.

   Everyone was talking a lot. Seeing that He Yuye went online, they all helped her to condemn Meng Fang together.

   Aside from other things, the junior high school classmates have always had a good impression of He Yuye. She is enthusiastic and likes to help her classmates, and she only disagrees with a very few girls.

   Of course it wasn't He Yuye's problem, it was the girls' problem.

  【I found out that a friend of mine is in the same community as Meng Fang’s house, and said that a few men in black came to her house today with suitcases. The aunt next door peeked, and it was full of money. 】

  【Yu Ye, someone is going to mess with you. God who did you offend? 】

  【Who else could be, of course, that fake daughter. 】

  【Damn it, Meng Fang is a white-eyed wolf. If it wasn't for Yuye's help, Xu Ruyi insisted that she accidentally fell down the stairs, where would she have gotten 200,000? 】

  【@Mengfang, hurry up and apologize to Yuye, everyone, classmates, don’t make trouble until the end can’t be closed. 】

  He Yuye did not hesitate to take screenshots of these chat records and posted them on Weibo to prove his innocence.

  The Internet was completely boiling, and netizens suddenly felt the anger of being fooled.

  The white-eyed wolf was too embarrassed to come out and complain, why didn't the money be divided with everyone?

   (end of this chapter)

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