The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 431: Do you still remember Meng Fang who was pushed downstairs by you?

   Chapter 431 Do you remember Meng Fang who was pushed downstairs by you?

   He Xinyan didn't care about He Yuye, she was a little worried about Luo Mingwei.

   After hanging up the video yesterday, Gu Zhengran replied "Everything is fine, baby don't read", and I don't know if it's really good, or if it's good news and not bad news.

   But Gu Zhengran said that he sent a special person to decoct Luo Mingwei every day according to the prescription he prescribed, and Luo Mingwei's condition improved significantly.

  If everything goes well on his side, he will bring Luo Mingwei to Donglin City, or fly to the imperial capital by himself, and give Luo Mingwei a new pulse to adjust the recipe.

  Luo Mingwei has been insane for 16 years. Even with the careful care of her family, she is still seriously injured and needs to be slowly recuperated.

   This process can't be rushed, after all, she can't make up for the deficiency. She can only stabilize the other party's condition for the time being, and then she can do other things.


  The public opinion on the Internet has reversed, and I only learned about it during lunch.

  He Xinyan felt a little overwhelmed for the first time in her life facing the several thermal insulation buckets in front of her.

   She said uncertainly, "Ali, you said, this is what Shirin asked me to eat? Is this what my dad asked me to eat?"

  Ali: "The boss said that you have always been generous, Miss, so you can definitely eat it. Of course, it doesn't matter if you can't eat it. Eat the boss's portion first.

   Xiao Wu, who ran in to see the situation worriedly: "…"

   Wow, Ali, you actually betrayed me! He clearly said to help bring it in together, and let Miss Xinyan choose the food she likes!

   There is no other way, he can only show his ultimate move, he cannot be compared!

  Xiaowu: "Miss Xinyan, it's like this, my young master made this with his own hands."

  Although the young master did not let him speak, he thought it would be better to be frank.

   Including the pork liver soup this morning, the young master made it himself.

  He Xinyan: "…"

   "Okay, I'll finish it." Anyway, it's better not to waste it.

  Xu Jingyang came over with a plate, "Xinyan, look, I ordered fried pork liver for you..."

   "Shut up, that's what you want to eat."

   "Huh? I don't want to…"

   "No, you want to!" He Xinyan pushed the plate back firmly.

   After a while, Qiao Yuqiao and Lin Xuxu came back from the meal, Lin Xuxu was very excited, "Xinyan, I have good news for you, He Yuye's marketing has overturned!"

   He Yuye's marketing overturn has climbed into the hot search.

   There are media reports of what happened, which proves that things are not as He Linjun said.

   He Yuye left because he didn't work on duty. The health commissioner helped her on duty early in the morning and said a few words to her, but the words were not violent, but He Yuye immediately lost his temper and left.

The    incident was recorded by the students who were on the sidelines and sent to the media.

   This classmate is not afraid of exposing his name at all. He uses his own big name, and his Weibo name is Zhao Jiaziting.

   Zhao Ziting is also used to making videos. She and Xiao Tang are people who have been wronged by He Yuye. Of course, they must leave some evidence to protect themselves.

   After helping the living committee clean up yesterday morning, she guessed that there would be a conflict.

   So when she saw the life committee walking towards He Yuye, she turned on her mobile phone immediately.

   Fortunately, she turned on her mobile phone to record the video and left first-hand evidence.

   Originally, Zhao Ziting didn't like He Yuye, and she thought that she must clarify for the life committee and the people in the class, it was not Internet violence and bullying.

   Before she could figure out how to clarify, a handsome guy who was as beautiful as an immortal found her and wanted to buy the video in her hand.

  Zhao Ziting is a serious face control. When she heard that the other party was going to use it to expose the truth, she agreed without hesitation.

   and said that it was not for sale, but she took the initiative to break the news! No money needed!

   She sent the video directly to the media claimed by the other party, with her own name on purpose, not afraid of becoming famous.

   In short, He Yuye's marketing has provoked her, and it has provoked the entire third grade (third) class.

   The students in the class have no feelings for He Yuye, because He Yuye provoked troubles again and again, and the learning atmosphere in the class was affected.

   But no one bullied He Yuye or isolated her, everyone was busy and not so mean.

  In He Linjun's words, the entire third grade (third) class has become a stupid and bad villain, a despicable rabble.

   They definitely don't take the blame.

  Lin Xuxu's eyes sparkled: "Xinyan, what do you think about this?"

  He Xinyan: "…"

   Okay, I know you are very happy. I used to be so prudent and self-disciplined, but now my brows and eyes are full of energy, and it looks extraordinarily fresh.

   He Xinyan did not intervene in this matter, but the trend on the Internet has completely changed.

   Not only was the video released, but the group of people with big backs were also acquitted by the police.

  The police found out that they did nothing to He Yuye during the time they detained her, but urged her to make a few calls to find He Linjun for compensation. This was originally a commercial dispute and did not reach the level of a crime.

   As for the previous fight, the old Lai, who owes money and refuses to pay it back, has to stay away from this group of people and refuses to take the lead, let alone breaking the law.

   The accountability of He Lin's justice and stern words seems to have become a joke.

   He concealed the key information that the group of people were Tiffana's franchisees, and brought the matter to sensitive topics such as Internet violence and bullying, and his intention to whitewash it was obvious.

   At this moment, someone on the Internet stood up and posted: [He Yuye, do you remember Meng Fang who was pushed downstairs by you? Of course you don't remember, because I'm just a tool for you to bring down your opponent, and I don't even deserve a name in your story.

  I'm curious. It was said on the Internet that He Xinyan was stabbed and pushed off the three-meter-high fence. Are you there? She spoke of saving people, wouldn't she be referring to you?

   Well, I will ask directly, is it you who pushed He Xinyan off the three-meter-high fence? 】

   This article was quickly reprinted by big V, and more and more people were paying attention.

   When passers-by saw this situation, they felt that there was a big melon about to explode! They rushed in and waited to eat melons.

  He Yuye's fans stopped doing it immediately. They couldn't explain the video, but what happened to this person who appeared?

   [Writing a small composition has no credibility these days, are you really not going to put some evidence? 】

  【Die with the heat of a household registration book! 】

  【Does this mean that my female goose is really red? Now all kinds of cats and dogs are coming to rub the heat, and they are not popular, but they love to rub. 】

  【Where is this Internet celebrity, I think you are crazy about being popular. 】

  【It can’t be someone’s fault, right? Enough is enough, our baby Yuye is too kind to be bullied repeatedly by sluts. 】

   [Hehe, I can see it clearly, this is another drama where the real and fake daughters are torn against each other. 】

  He Xinyan thought for a while, probably because she was shocked by the tough style of the Gu Group, and these fans started not to carry her name.

   But she has never encountered such a situation in her previous life, and it is very novel to eat melons like netizens.

  He Yuye's fans scolded her for doing things, that was really wronging her.

   (end of this chapter)

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