The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 411: Gu Zhengran came, and finally someone supported her

  Chapter 411 Gu Zhengran is here, and finally someone supports her

   A few years ago, no one pretended to be the eldest Miss of the Gu family. When the paternity test results came out, who would be able to get better?

  He Xinyan wouldn't think that she pretended to be the eldest Miss of the Gu family and offended Gu Nianzhen again, so she could still get out of her body?

   There is so much trouble on the Internet now that the Gu family already knows what they should know.

   There is no need for Uncle Gu himself to instruct him. If you want to please Nianzhen and Gu's family, just give He Xinyan a little trouble, and it is enough for He Xinyan to eat a pot.

  He Xinyan: "Slow walk without sending."

  Zhao Lin: "I'm going to tell Grandma Gu about this! Her old man loves Nianzhen the most, you're going to be out of luck!"

   "Go ahead and tell me, buy a plane ticket to fly back to Haicheng now, and make a complaint while it's hot." Xu Jingyang said as he walked over.

   He was just a step late, he didn't expect to miss such a wonderful drama.

   Where did this woman come from, and she came to warn He Xinyan?

  Because he was too shocked, he was stunned for a long time before he recovered.

   An ambitious person who wants to be a stepdaughter of the Gu family has the nerve to accuse the real eldest lady of the Gu family for grabbing someone else's position?

  Xu Jingyang thought for a while, "Although you don't look very smart, I can still give you a generous suggestion. You can complain directly to Uncle Gu to see if Uncle Gu will support you."

   "Just go! Don't you think I dare not?" Zhao Lin left angrily.

  She has changed her mind, so she will go to Gu Zhengran to complain!

   Uncle Gu, who loves Nianzhen so much, will definitely be very angry, there is no end to this!

   Zhao Lin was about to leave, and a few of her attendants were also preparing to leave.

   Before leaving, she looked at He Xinyan with contempt. She didn't know what kind of group she had offended.

   Although they are a group of wealthy daughters who often compare with each other and connotations in private, but when something happens, they will agree to the outside world.

  For example, He Xinyan is just an adopted daughter with a low status. Dove occupying the magpie nest and occupying the daughter of the He family for more than ten years is not counted, and she even tried to pretend to be the dead eldest lady of the Gu family.

   They have spread all over the circle of celebrities, and no matter what, we must resist such shameless women!

  He Xinyan don't want to get into their circle, it's impossible in this life!

  He Xinyan raised her head and felt the contemptuous gaze of everyone, and then she realized, "It seems that everyone has a great opinion on me?"

   She thought about it and suggested sincerely, "You can try to avoid me in the future, why bother yourself."

   "We don't even bother to be in the company of people like you. We will boycott Yan Xuqiao, and we will boycott your songs." Someone said.

   "Not enough." He Xinyan looked down at the phone and shook it with a finger, "If you want to add the Shanghai City Gu family, then boycott the Haicheng Gu family as well."

   After a pause, she added with a smile, "I mean, if you have that ability."


  Gu Jia, Gu Nianzhen was about to laugh when he saw the videos sent by friends in the group.

   This He Xinyan is really shameless, can she say such words?

   Who does she think she is, she can represent the Gu family?

  What genius girl, is she a lunatic with a sick mind?

   backhandedly posted the video on the Internet, and she wanted netizens to come and see He Xinyan's crazy face and daydreaming.


   In the dark room, He Yuye immediately swiped the video sent by Gu Nianzhen.

   She guessed that Gu Nianzhen would act soon, but she didn't expect He Xinyan to be... so shameless.

   The comments really exploded.

   [Wow, this tone is so presumptuous, she doesn't really think she is the eldest Miss of the Gu family? 】

  【The whole world knows that the paternity test results are no longer true, what is she still doing for the beautiful dream of the eldest lady? 】

   [To tell the truth, He Xinyan doesn't have any delusions, right? I always feel that those deeds of her are very unreal, and they are not fabricated, right? 】

   He Yuye thought for a while, then typed the next line with a smile.

  [Actually, it's not difficult to understand, she just can't accept the fact that her background is low and low, and she insists on giving herself a good background. In the end, she is still empty and vain. On the other hand, it was also because she always wanted to step on He Yuye's end and the He's family's end, revenge for her kindness, and corrupt her morals. In the final analysis, it was because she was born with bad seeds in her genes. 】

   Her comment was quickly upvoted.

  【Yes, genes are really amazing things. I still firmly believe that the son of a dragon and a dragon and a phoenix will make a hole. 】

  【He Xinyan's parents are not murderers, are they? 】

   [It's really possible, after all, what she did to the He family was really heartless. 】


  Lu Qilin also saw that video.

   After all, everyone knows that he publicly liked the fact that he stood up for the real daughter, and those who have good things forwarded the video to him as soon as possible.

   "Huh!" He couldn't help but chuckle, He Xinyan was still the same as always, I don't know what to say.

   He put down his mobile phone and didn't plan to watch it again. He didn't really want to pay attention to He Xinyan's news.

   At this time, he returned to the imperial capital to study. He still had a lot to adapt to. He was about to take the college entrance examination soon, and he did not want to waste time.

   He admitted that He Xinyan's brain is fast, she is good at reading, and she is very good at tutoring her classmates.

   But just relying on good grades in reading can not achieve class leap. He Xinyan came from a poor background, even if she hugs Shijia's thigh, she will not achieve much.

   She will not be recognized by the real wealthy class.

  's stubbornness is good for a while, but it will only make her the laughing stock of everyone.

  Lu Qilin opened the cap, his fingertips suddenly paused.

   Once, he also looked at He Xinyan's crazy "big words" with a sense of superiority, but in fact every "big talk" came true, and he slapped him several times invisibly.

  No, He Xinyan is really confident...

  No no no, impossible, he suppressed the wild thoughts in his heart.


   Zhao Lin walked to the door, but he couldn't help but fold it back. He picked up the water glass on the table to show He Xinyan a good look.

  She has endured and endured, and He Xinyan has to make a rude remark, which is really hateful.

   As soon as she raised her hand and hadn't spilled it, someone grabbed her wrist.

  Ali pushed the person back without pity, Zhao Lin fell to the ground together with the water cup, and the drink in the cup spilled all over her.

   Zhao Lin's entourage immediately became angry and rushed up.

  He Xinyan: "Why, do you still want Ali to invite you to a drink?"

   The few people who rushed up stopped and did not go forward.

   One of the rumors about He Xinyan on the Internet is that the little sister is violent... Not to mention that the woman next to He Xinyan looks very difficult to provoke.

   "What happened?" A calm and mature male voice sounded.

  Gu Zhengran strode in.

   "Uncle Gu!" Zhao Lin exclaimed in surprise, great! Gu Zhengran came, and finally someone supported her!

   "Uncle Gu, it's her, it's He Xinyan who made me like this!"

  Gu Zhengran went straight to He Xinyan's side to confirm that she was all right, and then his heart fell.

  Gu Zhengran turned his head, "What did you just say, eh? I don't have dizzy eyes, Mingming He Xinyan didn't even move."

   (end of this chapter)

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