The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 412: She is the eldest miss from the Gu family who has been missing for many years.

   Chapter 412 She is the eldest miss of the Gu family who has been lost for many years

   Zhao Lin was a little stunned. He was in a state of embarrassment now. How could Uncle Gu express his concern so rudely?

   She bit her lower lip with some grievance, "He Xinyan didn't move, but the woman next to her threw the drink on me. I was bullied so badly by them, Uncle Gu."

  Xu Jingyang moved the chair dog-leggedly and put it next to He Xinyan, Gu Zhengran gave him an approving look, and sat down calmly.

   He had long legs folded, and his body was still full of dust. The coldness between his eyebrows dissipated, with a bit of warmth and kindness.

  Gu Zhengran smiled and corrected: "Ali is my person, and all her actions are instructed by me, so the person who bullied you is not Xinyan, but me."

   Zhao Lin: "Uncle Gu, what are you talking about, why can't I understand?"

   Not only she can't understand, but other people who are waiting to see He Xinyan's misfortune also can't understand.

  What is the situation, why does Gu Zhengran's attitude look wrong? !

   Zhao Lin also froze for a moment, she had a bad guess, "Uncle Gu, don't be deceived by He Xinyan! She is shameless and seduces men everywhere."

  Gu Zhengran should marry her mother. The Zhao family and the Gu family are in the same family, and her mother is famous for being gentle and virtuous, and she is deeply liked by Grandma Gu.

   Although He Xinyan shouldn't be able to make a lot of waves, it is inevitable for men to get involved in socializing outside, and they will be thrown away when the freshness is over.

   But she was still disgusting and didn't want He Xinyan to tarnish her mother's new marriage.

   Xu Jingyang was really convinced, he learned from He Xinyan's words, "Is the head on your shoulders to weigh the weight?"

   Zhao Lin: "Uncle Gu, look! This man is insulting me!"

  Gu Zhengran: "Is it an insult? I don't think so, isn't it true?"

   His heart was full of ghosts. When he knew that someone had put the fake paternity test on the Internet to attack and ridicule He Xinyan, he was so angry that he flew to Donglin City on the spot.

   As a result, this little girl who is nothing, has to teach his biological daughter for the Gu family?

   And openly slander his baby in front of him?

  Gu Zhengran lowered his face, "Also, don't call me Uncle Gu. The Zhao family has nothing to do with the Gu family, and I'm not familiar with you."

   Zhao Lin was completely stunned: "Uncle Gu, my mother has a blind date with you..."

   "Shut up! There is no blind date, where is the blind date?" The more he said, the more outrageous he was.

  Gu Zhengran didn't want her daughter to misunderstand, so she turned her head and explained, "Xinyan, I have never had a blind date. The lady Zhao has been divorced for many years, but the other party contacted me only to discuss cooperation. After the cooperation was discussed, I did not contact each other."

  Because of his wife, he has always admired those women who work hard in the workplace and is willing to give him a chance.

  The Zhao family's conditions are average in all aspects, and the Ms. Zhao's ability is not outstanding. After these years of cooperation, it has little effect on the Gu Group, which is optional.

  Gu Zhengran didn't get close to Ms. Zhao, but Mrs. Gu and Ms. Zhao's family had some kind of friendship, and Ms. Zhao worked hard with Mrs. Gu.

  In the past, we would have to maintain cooperation for the sake of Mrs. Gu, but now it is different.

  Gu Zhengran didn't expect the mother and daughter to have such thoughts, so he made a decision right away, and instructed Ah Liang behind him, "Let me know, the Gu Group will terminate all cooperation with the Zhao family from today."

   "What?!" Zhao Lin's eyes widened in shock, "Uncle Gu, you can't do this!"

   It's all He Xinyan's fault, what kind of ecstasy soup did she give Gu Zhengran?

   Zhao Lin was so panicked, didn't he say that it was not easy for Gu Zhengran to pity their mother and daughter, would he be willing to take care of one or two?

   Zhao's family gave her and her mother a high look, because her mother was able to maintain the cooperation with the Gu Group. If the Gu Group refused to provide convenience, what should they do?

  Gu Zhengran's voice was cold and hard: "Of course I can do this. You are slandering my lost and found treasure, the eldest lady that the Gu family finally found, and the future heir of the Gu family."

   His eyes slowly turned to the others, "And you, too, Xinyan just said, and you don't have to cooperate with the Gu Group in the future."

  Xu Jingyang added with a smile: "The prerequisite is that you have the ability to cooperate with the Gu Group."

   But from his point of view, this group of people obviously don't have that ability.

   Otherwise, even this young lady of the Zhao family will not be chased after.

  That's it, this group of people just dared to speak loudly, to boycott He Xinyan and Yan Xuqiao, now it's alright, their faces are smashed.

  People: "…"

   Being glanced at by Gu Zhengran like this, he was so frightened that his heart almost stopped.

  Their parents didn't dare to talk nonsense in the face of Gu Zhengran, let alone the second generation who only knew how to eat, drink, and have fun.

   All shrank their heads, held their breath, and dared not move.

   Zhao Lin looked at He Xinyan in surprise: "You mean her, she is..."

  Gu Zhengran smiled and said, "She is my biological daughter, the eldest miss from the Gu family who has been lost for many years."

   Zhao Lin felt his head buzzing and instantly went blank.

   In order to please Gu Nianzhen, she took the initiative to ask Ying to clean up He Xinyan, but she didn't expect to kick the iron plate completely. This one is actually the eldest Miss of the Gu family?

   "Yes, I'm sorry!" Zhao Lin was so anxious to cry, "Uncle Gu, I'm sorry, I was wrong..."

  Gu Zhengran: "Of course you are wrong, to correct you a little bit, there is no need for Miss Gu to steal someone else's identity, aren't you all trying to steal her identity? You should be the ones who should be condemned and condemned, right?"

  People: "…"

  My God, this question is so sharp.

  Clearly, Zhao Lin wanted her mother to marry into the Gu family and become the Miss Gu family herself.

   There is also Gu Nianzhen, who is obviously just a niece, but considers herself the eldest Miss of the Gu family.

   These two shouted and killed others. It turned out that they were the thieves who wanted to steal other people's lives.

   A group of servants are all regretful to the point that their bowels are blue, they are completely flattering the wrong person! This is good, even the family business will be dragged down.

  Gu Zhengran's light-hearted remarks said that if they don't cooperate, they won't cooperate, but for their family, it completely cut off the possibility of climbing up.


  Lin slowly turned to look at He Xinyan, feeling a little complicated.

   There were some things she didn't ask, but she actually had some vague conjectures in her heart.

   At that time, He Xinyan only said that he might have found his family... Later, Cheng Jiaxing spread rumors in the school that He Xinyan wanted to cling to the Gu family, but was slapped in the face by the Gu family's paternity test.

   The students in the class didn't think it was a black spot, they didn't take it seriously at all, and they didn't pay any attention to it.

  No, it's not, and it doesn't delay them from admiring He Xinyan. Does Yan Shen have to rely on his family background to get too high? funny.

   This matter was quickly turned over in the minds of the classmates, but Lin Xuxu had some ideas.

  He Xinyan would never do anything unsure. Since she was going to do a paternity test, she even went to Licheng on New Year's Day... Maybe she is really some kind of Miss Gu.

   Now the result is out, she is really the eldest Miss of the Gu family!

  Gu Zhengran noticed the gazes of the two little girls next to him and said with a smile, "Hello, I'm Xinyan's father, thank you for taking care of Xinyan all the time."

   (end of this chapter)

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