The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 410: Why don't you wait for your mother to marry into the Gu family?

   Chapter 410 Why don't you wait for your mother to marry into the Gu family?

  He Xinyan said while eating: "You can say that. For the time being, I won. I suppressed the opponent."

   just cut off the other party's large-scale control of the network. This time, the counterattack is just to let the people from different time and space see the reality clearly.

   She is not a villain tool person who sets off anyone's happiness, and she will never accept the script forced by the other party.

   But then again, the other party actually thinks that by controlling online public opinion, he can reverse black and white, which is really naive and ridiculous.

  Lin Xuxu held the chopsticks thoughtfully: "That's good."

  Qiao Yuqiao suddenly frowned, "Xinyan, someone posted the paternity test between you and the Gu family on Weibo."

  He Xinyan was startled for a moment, a little surprised.

   Wasn't that group of people doing everything possible to hide it? How could anyone dare to post this news on Weibo?


   At the same time, He Yuye brushed what he wanted to see with satisfaction.

   The leaked account on Weibo was called Honey Candy, and posted a video and a conversation.

  The ID of Miss Gu Jia is very popular in the group. After commenting with disdain "How can a pheasant become a real phoenix", there is a sound of compliment.

  【This woman can't be crazy, right? Dare to think about this kind of thing? 】

   [Only Nianzhen, you are the worthy eldest Miss of the Gu family, what kind of onion is she, she is not worthy to carry your shoes for you. 】

  [This shows the character, and most of the rumors on the Internet are not groundless. 】

  【I won't believe how good He Xinyan is anyway, a little sister who only fights every day, how good can her grades be. 】

   [I also don't believe it. All the black stuff from before has been clarified all of a sudden. It can only be said that the gold master behind her is even more powerful. 】

  【You dare to pretend to be the eldest Miss of the Gu family even if you do anything nasty. 】

   After she liked this Weibo with her trumpet, she commented below: [Too right, He Xinyan is shameless, and her life experience is not comparable to He Yuye, so she wants to touch the porcelain Gu family to carry her sedan chair for herself. When he approached the Gu family, who knew what purpose he had. 】

   Someone below replied to her: [Would you like to seduce President Gu with that face? So disgusting, vomiting. 】

  He Yuye smiled and put down the phone gently, feeling much more relaxed.

   You can't blame her for breaking the news to the eldest lady of the Gu family, but He Xinyan herself is too shameless.

   Actually Xiao wants the position of Miss Gu's family? It's funny to think about it, she doesn't think she has a black pearl, it's amazing.

  Pearls are not too expensive. I have found them online. A string of black pearls is only a few thousand dollars. What is a black pearl?

  Lin Yunshu said that when He Xinyan was left at the gate of the orphanage, only a pair of poor-looking peasant couples appeared in the surveillance, and most of them were He Xinyan's biological parents.

   I wonder what kind of fishermen her biological parents were, and getting a black pearl from fishing is nothing.

   The words of Miss Gu's friends are not good, but they are reasonable.

  How can He Xinyan speak well, a pheasant can't become a phoenix.


  He Xinyan hadn't finished reading the content on the Internet, but a few uninvited guests came to their table.

   "You are He Xinyan? I heard that you are quite shameless and like to steal the identity of the eldest daughter of others?" The girl in the lead stopped and said.

   There were several men and women behind her.

  He Xinyan looked up at the other party and said calmly: "Fake, I don't have this hobby. Now, do you have any questions? See you if you don't."

   Zhao Lin prepared a lot of words, but unexpectedly the other party wanted to send her away with a single word.

   After reacting to the other party's perfunctory behavior, she suddenly became a little angry, "I'm talking to you seriously! What is your attitude?"

  Lin frowned slowly: "What's your attitude now? If you want to go crazy, please go out, we have no obligation to accompany you to go crazy."

   Enough is enough, where is this neurosis coming from?

   "I'm afraid you don't know who she is." The attendant next to her stepped forward. "She is…"

  He Xinyan: "Not interested."

   Follower: "…"

   Zhao Lin: "…"

  He Xinyan looked up at the group of people standing in front of her table, and couldn't help but wonder, "Are you still leaving? What are you doing here, I won't invite you to dinner."

   Zhao Lin was about to go crazy. She took a deep breath and said in a cold voice, "You did it on purpose. But I want to tell you, I look down on people like you!"

"I don't care if your goal is the position of the eldest Miss Gu or Uncle Gu, but this is not something you can imagine! The eldest Miss Gu can only be serious, what are you? But if your goal is Uncle Gu If you do, then you are shameless and lowly! Uncle Gu will not be fooled by you!"

  He Xinyan still didn't understand why the other party was so excited.

   "But the question is what does this have to do with you?" She paused and asked sincerely, "Your surname is Gu, are you from the Gu family?"

  If I remember correctly, apart from the lost self, Gu Nianzhen is the only girl in the Gu family's generation?

Zhao Lin said calmly, "Of course it has something to do with me. Although I'm not in the Gu family yet, but I will soon. My mother has accompanied Uncle Gu for many years, and the relationship is not comparable to ordinary people. The two of them will soon be together. When I get married, I will be Miss Gu's family."

   She never thought of overpowering Gu Nianzhen, after all, she was a blood-related niece.

   Besides, after Uncle Gu lost his daughter, it was Gu Nianzhen who stayed by his side, which has long been a comfort to his heart.

   I heard that Gu Nianzhen's name was in memory of the real Miss Gu family.

   Zhao Lin's idea was that when his mother married into the Gu family, he could change his surname to Gu and become the Miss Gu family.

   After a year, her mother gave birth to a younger brother, and the family was reunited and happy.

  In this way, Uncle Gu will gradually come out of the grief of the past with a gentle and beautiful wife who takes him as the top priority, a well-behaved and obedient daughter, and a smart and clever son.

   "You slapped Nianzhen before, and Uncle Gu is too busy to take care of you, but I advise you to go to Haicheng to apologize to Nianzhen and the Gu family."

   Originally, she came to Donglin City to play with friends, but thinking of what happened a few years ago, she felt the need to warn her.

   I didn't expect it to be so coincidental, and it came out that He Xinyan had contacted Uncle Gu in private and wanted to be the eldest Miss of the Gu family.

   Zhao Lin looked at He Xinyan with contempt, "Don't think that the Gu family is like the He family, and the wealthy family like the Gu family is not something you offended at all."

   Qiao Yuqiao: "But you are not Miss Gu's family, and your mother didn't marry into the Gu family."

   She didn't quite understand where the other party's superior sense of superiority came from.

  Lin Xuxu: "Some people wish they could call themselves Miss Gu's family. After a long time, they turned out to be nothing."

  He Xinyan suggested with a smile: "Why don't you wait for your mother to marry into the Gu family, and after you change your surname to Gu, come back to me and talk to me about what you just said?"

   Zhao Lin took a deep breath, "The dog bites Lu Dongbin and doesn't know the good heart! Alright, wait for me! See if Uncle Gu will take care of you when he comes out!"

   (end of this chapter)

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