The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 395: The surveillance on that stretch of road is broken.

   "It's fine for Xinyan to be fine." After a pause, he said again, "You hurry up and find out who is behind this matter."

   He has tried his best to downplay He Xinyan's side, so that everyone's attention is focused on himself.

   As a result, He Xinyan can't be kept safe and sound?

  Gu Zhengran got angrier the more he thought about it. In fact, he didn't need to check it, he could probably guess it. Anyway, it all counted on the He family.

   These days, it's not that Gu Zhengran didn't spare his hands to embarrass the He family.

  What kind of thing, he wanted to **** his daughter again and again, Shi Rin stopped him once or twice, and they still didn't give up?

   Although Gu Zhengran was busy dealing with inner ghosts, it didn't prevent him from taking time out occasionally to embarrass the He Group.

   That He Linjun is an idiot with very shallow eyelids. The wealth accumulated by Mr. He and He Zhangzhi will almost be defeated by the other party.

  The He family has come to this day, in the final analysis, it is He Lin's fault.

  Aliang: "Boss, our people have been staring at the He family, and nothing can escape our eyes."

  Gu Zhengran: "But don't be careless, there will be fish that slip through the net this time."

  A nodded, and he also felt strange, when did the franchisee couple contact the He family? There is no record at all!

   "By the way, Madam's side..."

  Gu Zhengran's eyes were bright and clear, "The matter here needs to be dealt with quickly, Madam's side... I'll go there in person."

   He has already found out that it was his eldest brother's family who abducted He Xinyan by colluding with human traffickers.

   Maybe the idiot of the second child also participated and played an important role.

   But the boss is very cunning and refuses to admit it no matter what, probably thinking that after more than ten years, the evidence has been annihilated, and there is nothing he can do.

   But the other party thought it was too simple. He Gu Zhengran has always been tough and never tried to convince the other party with evidence.

  Even if there is no evidence, it will not prevent him from attacking the eldest family.

   Now all the industries invested by the boss's family have been hit hard, and life is very sad.

  The second child's family was also kicked out of the group by him, and he completely lost his contacts and resources.

   Of course, the boss will not sit still. The other party has worked so hard for so many years that his wife and son are separated, in order to **** the Gu Group, how can there be no back tricks and trump cards?

  Gu Zhengran never underestimated anyone, not to mention that the opponent's near-death counterattack would never be easy.

   In order not to put Luo Mingwei back in everyone's attention, these days, even if Luo Mingwei's whereabouts are found out, he can only hold back.

   Luo Mingwei's side is not like He Xinyan. Luo Mingsheng hides people in the villa, basically staying at home, he can't even put people in.

   I just hope that he can handle everything as soon as possible, and then... have a good talk with Luo Mingwei.

   His wife was too cruel, forcing him to swear that he would never approach without her consent.

   But his heart had never left her, so how could he not get close?

  Gu Zhengran is still full of confidence in the future. He Xinyan's life is his biggest bargaining chip and turning point.

   gave him the qualification and confidence to strive for happiness. …


  He Xinyan expected that there would be a public opinion attack against her, and sure enough, the incident became a hot search the next day.

   The first article on the hot search was a certain media article about the status of franchisees after Tiffany's thunderstorm.

This article put the rumors on the market, saying that the author's friends in the business world are very secretive about this matter. Some people speculate that the Tiffana incident is the result of malicious competition, and some people speculate that it is an act of revenge, but no matter what. How, the demise of Donglin City Lingsheng Group may help everyone find the answer.

  He Xinyan felt that the other party's intention was so obvious, it might as well just report her ID number.

   In the comments, the navy soldiers went off the court one after another and rhythmically made the water muddy.

  【The author of this article is very brave, be careful to be fired! 】

   [No, no, no, I suggest that the author still pack up and run away. Some people's backgrounds are harder than you think. 】

  【I laughed so hard, I used to market some high school students to start a business. Three girls can create a **** business. When someone doesn't know that someone is behind them, I really treat netizens as fools. 】

   [No, no, no, no, there will be people who don't know that He Xinyan is the adopted daughter of the He family, and has been occupying the magpie's nest for fourteen years, right? 】

   [An adopted daughter took the He family's money to buy a big villa, and seeing the He family in distress, the franchisee and her husband forced people to come to the door, and sneered at them. This mean face is no longer available. 】

   This comment was upvoted, and this account not only posted screenshots, but also posted it.

The angle of    is carefully designed, only a short paragraph, but this short paragraph is enough to detonate the anger of many people.

   The middle-aged woman with grayed temples and poor and plain clothes saw He Xinyan and knelt down, and then snarled in a male voice, "What are you doing?"

   stopped abruptly when the woman was crying and the youth was about to pull her away.

   The contrast is too stark, making people worry about the situation and fate of women.

   Even Xia Yanbin couldn't help but deeply doubt it when he saw it: "Am I really that vicious at that time?"

  He Xinyan glanced at Xia Yanbin... Probably because his appearance followed that of Mr. Xia, his eyebrows were thick and black and raised, even if he didn't speak, he had a bit of a fierce look.

   The key is that someone has already uncovered Xia Yanbin's identity and put up a photo of Mr. Xia, claiming that the Xia family is the head of a local gangster.

  The reputation of the Xia family in Donglin really not very good.

   Mr. Xia's upstart style, his voice is big and his face is fierce, even if he is not a bad person, there are inexplicably more legends about his elder brother.

   Those legends in the past were irrelevant, and they were just some unfounded guesses in the rich and powerful circles.

   But now, those who are interested have magnified those legends, and He Xinyan has been pushed to the forefront.

   After all, Xia Yanbin never avoided when she picked her up, and also served as the sales manager of Yan Xuqiao.

  He Xinyan uses such a person, what kind of good person can he be?

   "I'm sorry, Miss Xinyan, I caused you trouble." Xia Yanbin looked at those remarks on the Internet, and the more he read it, the more unpleasant he became.

  The Xia family is a nouveau riche, so it doesn't matter if the wealthy circle of Donglin City can't get in. Those noble families who pride themselves on their identities disdain to be with them, and they don't care.

   But how can we say that they are underworld? How can the house become a gangster society by charging more rent to survive? !

  He Xinyan: "It's none of your business."

   She just investigated, and the surveillance of Yongxing High School shows signs of being invaded.

  As expected, news came from Rin shortly after, "The surveillance on that part of the road is broken."

  He Xinyan: "As expected."

  Xia Yanbin wondered: "Miss Xinyan, how do you know that the surveillance is broken? How can you prove your innocence - by the way, someone filmed it at that time!"

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