When He Yuye bowed her head and walked out, she heard the voice of "killer", and she couldn't help but widen her eyes.

   Are these people crazy? Even if Tiffana couldn't go on, couldn't she just pick herself up and start over?

   Is it necessary to make such a fuss?

  He Yuye couldn't help speeding up her steps, she was very upset and didn't understand why she had to encounter such a thing.

   He Yuye was a little anxious when he noticed that the security guard in front was constantly looking in the direction of many people, "Can you go faster?"

  Security: "But there seems to be something wrong over there."

  He Yuye: "With so many people watching, someone must have gone to the police to deal with it. Your task now is to **** me."

   noticed that her tone was a little stiff, she couldn't help biting her lower lip lightly, with a pitiful expression, "I'm sorry, I'm very scared, so I'm in a hurry, can you send me away first?"

  The security looked back, "Oh, it's fine, I'll take you to the car first."


   A few steps away, Xiao Wu hid in the crowd and put away his phone with a calm expression.

  The young master ordered him to follow He Yuye, and he really gained a lot.

   said that he was also surprised that this Miss He Yuye's usual words and deeds seemed to be the kind of person who was pure and kind, and had a strong sense of responsibility.

  I usually help catch thieves, help lost children find their mothers, or help old ladies carry vegetables. In previous years, in the three-good student selection, the ideological and moral character can be given full marks by all teachers.

  Tiffana broke out the scandal at the beginning, and the other party also promised the franchisees that they would like to use their own money to cover the bottom.

   seems responsible and responsible.

   At that time, the young master said that the problem should not be seen only on the surface. He didn’t quite understand it, but now he vaguely understands it.


  He Xinyan covered her hands and couldn't help scolding: "Shut up!"

  The man became more excited when he heard it, and wiped his face and tears, "Wife! Are you okay? Hurry up and call the police, didn't you see this He Xinyan stabbed my wife?"

  The woman said Na Na: "Husband, I'm fine."

   "Are you all right? How could it be! So much blood!" The man groaned inwardly. Could it be his own blood?

   The onlookers were really speechless. The couple was more than a showman, and whoever was blind couldn't see it.

   "What's going on, what's the matter?" The security supervisor squeezed in with someone, and saw He Xinyan stunned for a moment.

   An enthusiastic audience immediately explained what happened: "The woman came to blackmail the classmate, and then the man stabbed her with a knife, and the classmate saved the woman."

   The man's heart sank, how could he, his actions were obviously very concealed.

   "You are talking nonsense! It's not like that at all, it was He Xinyan who stabbed my wife!"

  The enthusiastic audience was speechless. "I recorded the whole process. You can explain it to the police later. By the way, take a closer look at who was injured? Your wife didn't hurt a single hair!"

  He Xinyan didn't know when Shi Lin squeezed in, and when her hand was lifted by the other party, she turned around and looked back.

   "It's just a little injury, it's okay..."

   In that case, she could have taken the knife in a safe way... But if the woman also wanted to stab herself for fun, she could not guarantee that the other party would not be injured. …

   And if the two of them suffered a little injury, I am afraid they will be counted on her head, and they will wear a hat that is rich and unkind.

  In the eyes of some people, there is no right or wrong, only emotions. Even if this matter has nothing to do with her, they will accuse her in a hive.

  He Xinyan's mind was spinning, and she simply grabbed the tip of the knife with her bare hands, and then threw the person out.

   cut a hole in her hand, everything was as she expected.

   What she didn't expect was the mood of Mo Rin at this moment.

  Shi Lin's eyes were as black as ink, and his eyebrows were knitted together, "Just a little injury? With so much blood, you say it's just a little injury?"

  He Xinyan: "…"

   It's really just a little injury! The blood is not flowing now, it just looks scary!

   When the man saw the wound on He Xinyan's hand, his heart was broken, and it was self-defeating!

   Hearing that the school's security was calling the police, the man was even more afraid. He wanted to rely on He Xinyan, but now the situation has changed, and he was afraid that He Xinyan would settle the account with him!

  The man got up and wanted to rush out, but after pushing a few people away, he was kicked back by a foot that stuck out out of nowhere.

   "Ouch!" The man rolled around holding his stomach in pain.

   "Husband! Are you alright?" The middle-aged woman was frightened and hurried to help, "Who the **** kicked my husband, is there any reason!"

   The onlookers looked indifferent. The couple wanted to run away even when they bumped into the porcelain. They didn't even apologize when they bumped into passers-by. They deserved to be kicked.

   Amidst the crowd, Ali withdrew his feet indifferently.

   Dare to hurt her eldest lady, this matter is absolutely endless!

   Before the police came, Shi Lin left with He Xinyan and went to treat the wound first.

   This matter is clear and clear because of the certified physical evidence. Since the couple touches porcelain, they will definitely not be able to run away.

   The key is that someone is still injured, and the injury is still a high school student who is about to take the college entrance examination, and the impact is even worse.


  He Xinyan watched Shi Rin disinfect and bandage the wound for herself. After thinking about it, she said softly, "I'm really fine. For this wound, I'll just go back and apply some traditional Chinese medicine at night. It won't affect writing or typing."

   She didn't say it when there were many people before, because she didn't want to speak for those two people.

  Since those two have calculated on her, they are greedy, shameless and selfish, they are completely unworthy of sympathy.

   Shi Rin's eyelids pressed down, "...I know."

   He also knew that He Xinyan had been busy typing codes all this time, and that was something very important to her.

   She certainly wouldn't let herself get hurt so badly that the work came to a complete stop.

   But even so, seeing the wound on her hand, he still lost his mind and almost beat the two of them directly.

  If he did it, he would be completely bullying.

   "But such a person is not worth your risk." Shi Rin said with a cold face.

  He Xinyan changed the subject and said, "I suspect that there will be public opinion against me soon."

   Shi Rin chuckled lightly, the chills in his eyes did not dissipate, "How dare you come again to engage in public opinion offensive? Very well, I would like to see it."

   Just right, he didn't want to let go of those mice hiding in the shadows, and planned to uproot them one by one.

  He Xinyan looked at him seriously: "So, cancel the alarm and say I'm fine at all."

   I have to say that Shi Rin is indeed her lucky star, and the sticky and malicious sense of surveillance will be completely dissipated by his side.

   Shi Rin was stunned for a moment, stared into her eyes, and nodded with all his thoughts.


   "What, Xinyan is injured?" Gu Zhengran heard Ah Liang's report and stood up.

   "What the **** is going on? Didn't several groups of people follow to protect it? Is it serious or not, does it matter?"

   Two minutes later, Gu Zhengran's panic-stricken look finally subsided, he sighed lightly, and leaned on the seat, feeling that he was in a cold sweat in the winter.

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