The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 396: Are these comments really alive?

  Chapter 396 Are these comments really alive?

   Shirin: "When that person went back last night to play with his phone while charging...the phone suddenly burned out."

  Xia Yanbin: "…"

   He scratched his head, feeling as if everything was reasonable, but he always felt that something was not right.

   Why is it so coincidental that they can't find a single video that they can prove themselves?

  Xia Yanbin was a little anxious: "Then what should I do? Can I ask the school or find someone who was there yesterday to help clarify?"

  Although such a clarification is not as clear and powerful as video surveillance... But there is nothing you can do. You can't let those people take it out of context and let the public opinion continue to ferment, right?

  He Xinyan shook her head, "There are already many people in the comments, guessing that Yongxing High School will come forward to help me clarify - after all, Yongxing High School is an aristocratic school, and in the eyes of many people, it is a capitalist, and you can receive students by giving money..."

   "Nonsense!" Xia Yanbin retorted loudly, his father wanted to put him in Yongxing High School, but unfortunately he failed the entrance exam.

  Yongxing High School is an aristocratic school, but it doesn't accept all students... A scumbag like him is definitely not acceptable.

   That's why he especially admires those who can enter Yongxing High School. He must have a good brain.

   Therefore, knowing that some of He Xinyan's classmates dropped out, he is sad and regretful. If he can enter Yongxing High School, he must abide by the school rules and study hard every day, and never make trouble.

  Those students with good brains don't know how to cherish them, and they don't read books well, so they just want to frame their classmates... It really makes people angry.

  He Xinyan paused and continued to speak calmly, "...Yongxing High School came forward for me last time, and it has already made people question whether they know that I am Yan Xuqiao's boss and collect money to do things."

   Let Yongxing High School come forward at this time, it will only make those sailors and Kuroko cheer, look, it is as expected.

   does not have any effect, and will also pull Yongxing High School into the water.

   There was a knock on the door, and He Xinyan looked up to see the heavy faces of Lin Xuxu and Qiao Yuqiao, and couldn't help laughing.

   "Okay, it's alright, am I not solving the problem? Just wait a minute."

  Lin said softly, "Is there a way for the Fourth Young Master?"

   In fact, Shi Rin has been vaguely mentioned in the comments, which dragged the Shi family into the water.

   No matter how good the reputation of Shijia is, in the eyes of Heizi, it is the representative of the top capitalists. If he can earn so much money, he must earn black money.

  Lin Xuxu was a little worried, afraid that Shi Rin's move to suppress public opinion would backfire.

  Qiao Yuqiao pushed his glasses, "These comments...are they really alive? Why did the post I speak for you disappear after I posted it?"

   This is so strange, several people have already reported this to her.

   It's not like the capitalists behind Shi Jia and He Xinyan want to cover the mouths of netizens, but they seem to have their mouths covered.

   It stands to reason that He Xinyan has some passerby fans, face fans and song fans, but she rarely sees any help in the comments.

   This kind of completely one-sided situation is very rare, and to passers-by who don't understand it, it seems that He Xinyan is really pointing out.

  He Xinyan's expression remained the same, her expression was indifferent, she said with a smile, "Okay, don't worry, it will be over soon."

   That is to say, the matter is not over. At this time, a hotel surveillance video suddenly broke out on the Internet.

"The famous adopted daughter in the wealthy circle of Donglin City's uncle climbed the bed~~ I was fortunate enough to get the surveillance and share it with everyone~~ It is said that the person involved is only 16 years old. At 26 years old, I still feel that I am a baby, ask my mother Can you not wear long johns [manual dog head]"

   In the picture, He Xinyan, who looked younger and gloomier than now, walked into the hotel's VIP888 room. After a few minutes, a man with an apparently elite suit and leather shoes also opened the door and walked in.

  It was a minute or two, and the surveillance screen showed that the man dragged He Xinyan and threw her directly to the ground.

   Frost covered his handsome eyebrows: "Who let you into my room? Where did you get the room card, what do you want to do? If you don't learn well at a young age, get out of here!"

   The time shown on the monitor is two years ago.

   As soon as this video was released, public opinion continued to ferment, and many people expressed shock.

  【I went to check, although it has changed a bit compared to now, but this is really He Xinyan! 】

   [Will she have plastic surgery? Why did she look so gloomy in the past? 】

  【Is Su Qi'an in the surveillance? Mom is so handsome! The young president of a wealthy family and the heir of a consortium, not only has money, looks, ability, outstanding three views, but also is very upright... Suddenly I understand why the adopted daughter climbs the bed. . . 】

  【I'm sick upstairs, it's not a reason to climb the bed anyway! This nanny is not good. 】

   [After all, it was discovered a few years ago that he was not his own, and he didn’t want to leave the wealthy life of a wealthy family. Of course, he had to seize the opportunity to climb up. 】

  【So disgusting, so scheming at such a young age. 】

  [It's still a question of character, he was raised in an ordinary family, he was a real daughter, and he had no good material conditions since he was a child, isn't he still kind and innocent? 】

  【Fuck, what a big melon, I thought it only existed in novels! Ask melon! 】

  【Guide the way@It's not Jinzhi but Yuye, the idol is too kind and always comforts us that it's okay, but she was really excluded and suppressed too much, and she cried in distress. 】

  【I just want to ask someone, what qualifications do the people who occupy the magpie's nest have to target our precious jade leaves? 】

  He Yuye's previous hot search was ridiculed by many passers-by. After all, the hot search was hung for two days and two nights, and almost everything that Gao should know.

  Many people recalled He Yuye's face, and felt a little familiar. After a careful search, they found out that it was the party who held the wrong incident two years ago.

   The little girl is very pure, her eyes are always covered with a layer of mist, and her expression is always a little stubborn, which can easily stimulate the desire to protect others.

   At that time, many people sighed and sighed for a long time after knowing that she had found her wealthy parents and brother.

   As a result, the real daughter returned to a wealthy family, but in fact, she did not live a happy life, but was squeezed and suppressed everywhere?

   At this time, He Yuye's fans began to post one after another, detailing how He Yuye was suppressed step by step after he returned to the wealthy family, until his eyes were completely lost.

  He Yuye, as an adolescent girl, used to post some daily routines on Weibo.

   At the beginning, many fans fell in love with her, and they also wanted to see the wealthy life of the eldest lady.

   Judging from the daily life shared by He Yuye, after she returned to the wealthy family, she was loved by her mother and her elder brother, and the family lived happily.

But gradually, some negative, frustrating, and frustrated messages began to appear on her Weibo. Although He Yuye was afraid of affecting the fans' mood, he often deleted it soon after posting, and then continued to cheer up and work hard to move forward, but these Weibo Still captured by fans.

   These Weibo posts are all evidence of He Xinyan's exclusion, suppression, and even the use of classmates to bully He Yuye.

   (end of this chapter)

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