The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 391: Why don't we go beg her!

   Chapter 391 Why don't we go and beg her!

  The housekeeper was so excited that he almost cried: "Master, what did you say?"

   "Why is this water so bitter?" The water looked very clear, but it had a bitter taste when drinking it.

   This taste is not unpleasant, but will slowly return to sweetness.

  Lu Qilin couldn't help taking two more sips.

  The housekeeper was emotional: "Master, are you okay?"

  Lu Qilin: "What's good or not, haven't I been good all the time?"

   The housekeeper thought for a while, and it happened that he brought food today, and he planned to fly directly to the capital after the end to prevent Lu Qilin from being hungry on the road.

   "This is a fruit platter, you can taste what it tastes like."

  Lu Qilin frowned. He often eats these fruits, and the servants always fail to buy them.

   But as soon as these fruits were in his mouth, he immediately felt the delicate and rich taste changes.

   The housekeeper took all his facial feedback in his eyes and took the initiative to explain, "The fruits at home are all the best, not the cheap ones on the market... So there is no situation where the old lady will treat you harshly."

   The old lady has suffered too much grievance in this matter, and the old man is heartbroken for this grandson.

   But Lu Qilin blamed the old lady for his arrangement in Donglin City, and felt that the old lady did not keep him, but gave up on him.

   But he didn't think about it. When he pushed the woman outside his husband to abort, the husband didn't even care about the relationship between husband and wife, how could he still care about the relationship between father and son?

  The old lady had no choice but to send him away overnight to save her grandson's life.

   Over the years, the old lady has been dealing with the imperial capital to ease the relationship between father and son. The husband has been childless, so he slowly accepted the young master again.

  Lu Qilin's expression froze slightly, he didn't say much, he picked up his favorite piece of pastry on weekdays.

   After just taking a bite, he frowned: "It's too sweet."

   "It's too sweet, after all, it has added double sugar." The housekeeper took the initiative to explain that this was not because Lu Qilin's sense of taste was slowly lost, and he had to do it.

  Lu Qilin took a deep breath, and now he sensed something was wrong.

"what happened?"

Butler: "Master, your sense of taste has gradually diminished since Mrs. 1. At first, the taste was heavy and difficult to detect. When we found out there was a problem, it was too late. I took you for an examination, and Western medicine could not find anything; I also looked for someone to look at it, and then prescribed medicine for you to eat, but it has not worked."

The water    gave Lu Qilin to drink was medicine.

   "The old lady has found a very reliable doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, and plans to give you a diagnosis and treatment as soon as you return to the imperial capital..."

   "I didn't expect you to be cured by someone!" The housekeeper sighed, "By the way, where is the person who cured you? The old lady said that I must thank you!"

   "Wait a minute, so, classmate Lu Qilin, you're all right, right?" The security director couldn't help but interject.

   He raised his finger and pointed, "If it's all right, can you tell the police clearly?"

  The police have already rushed over, but the security guard at the door did not dare to stop them, and brought the two policemen together.

  Lu Qilin: "…"

   The housekeeper explained that it was a misunderstanding, and was criticized by the police for a while. It was a waste of police resources, and it was very bad!

   When He Xinyan came out of Wenwan's office, she saw the group of people standing on the plaza of the Academic Affairs Building.

  The students passing by were quietly pricking up their ears and eating melons.

  The housekeeper was apologizing to the police, and Lu Qilin stood there with his lips pressed together, looking embarrassed.

  He Xinyan took one look and then withdrew her gaze, ignoring it, and walked straight away.


   When He Xinyan returned to the classroom, the gossip had spread.

   "Xinyan, I heard that you beat up Lu Qilin that second-hand guy?" Xu Jingyang said with a smile, "It's a good beating, don't bear it."

  He Xinyan: "Who said I beat him? I'm treating him."

   Of course, it was just a brief dredging of the meridians, which was far from a real cure.

  Lin frowned slowly, "Lu Qilin actually called the police? What is he trying to do? Before he left, he made a big deal and dragged you into the water?"

  Actually, after everyone learned that Lu Qilin was going to transfer schools, they still thought of their former friendship and planned to hold a farewell party.

   As a result, Lu Qilin came to school, but he didn't show up in the class, and he did these things.

   The classmates became disheartened immediately, and no one was willing to go down to see him off.

  He Xinyan thought about it for a while and thought it shouldn't be, "I saw the police just now, but the police didn't stop me, probably it has nothing to do with me."


   On the other side, the housekeeper of the Lu family was so anxious, "Young master, you mean that the taste recovery only takes three days? That classmate must have a way, why don't we go and beg her!"

  Lu Qilin: "I don't think she really has a way."

   "How is that possible? She has a way to restore your sense of taste for a short period of time, there must be a way!"

  Lu Qilin: "You have the final say, or I have the final say?"

   The housekeeper was stunned for a moment, but was silent.

   Lu Qilin is the owner after all, and his servant instructs the little master to do things... Even out of concern, it is a bit out of bounds.

  Lu Qilin: "I didn't mean that, Uncle Huan."

   He also realized that the tone just now was too severe, but how could it be possible to ask him to ask He Xinyan.

   "Before going to the airport, go to the nearest Tiffany, which is still open, and I want to verify some things." But there are some things he has to figure out.


   Seeing Lu Qilin leave without hesitation, He Yuye felt a little lost in his heart.

   She was holding a candy in her hand, which was a surprise she gave Lu Qilin every day.

   The taste of the candy is a little sweet. After all, more sweeteners are added, but she chooses expensive additives, and it is normal for the taste to be stronger.

   People who like sweets, don't they like the sweet taste, can it be sweet to the heart?

  Why suddenly became Lu Qilin's taste problem, and also the candy she made?

   Many people like to eat Tiffany, don't you think the milk taste is very strong and the taste is very sweet?

   Those who say it's not delicious, do they know that pure milk generally doesn't have a strong milky flavor, and the original chocolate is bitter and sour?

  Without additives, in various proportions, how delicious are those things?

  If Lu Qilin turned to He Xinyan, what should she do?


  Lu Qilin not only bought Tiffany, but also tried Yanxu Bridge.

   has been verified many times, no need to say more.

   The one who respected Tiffana in the past and felt confident that she could make Tiffana the first dessert shop was like a ridiculous joke.

   He has always insisted that He Yuye, as a wealthy family, has a high-end aesthetic and character, and has inherited the He family's excellent ability to make chocolate.

   That's why the desserts made are so in harmony with themselves.

   Now it seems that not only does he have a problem with his own taste, but He Yuye's taste buds are also very dull.

How can someone like    be able to make excellent desserts?

   (end of this chapter)

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