The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 389: You probably haven't woken up from a dream

  Lin Xuxu: "No!"

  Lin Zheyu: "If you don't have it, you won't have it. Why are you so fierce? Be careful that you won't get married."

   He didn't care much, there was no red envelope... Couldn't he make one up?

   Anyway, there is a photo of Lin Xuxu and Shi Junheng having a New Year's Eve dinner together, and others believe whatever he says.

  Lin Xuxu didn't bother to expose it. Her parents didn't plan to discipline her son. Does she, a sister, have to bother to discipline her younger brother?

  The Lin family's parents are also more careful with Lin Xuxu. They have tried Shi Lin's methods and know that the fourth young master is not easy to mess with. Now that even Shi Junheng has appeared, they have long been scared.

   Even though Lin Xuxu has long felt chills towards her parents, some relatives in the Lin family treat her very well.

   As soon as Qiaoyu Bridge and Lin Xuxu left, only He Xinyan was left at home.

   Shi Rin began to run on both sides, arriving at the Jinshuiwan Villa early every morning, leaving on time at 9 o'clock in the evening, and going back to Rinyue Manor to sleep.

  He Xinyan also felt that it was not good to take time occasionally, and seemed to use the other party as a servant... Although it was used quite smoothly.

   "You don't have to come to my side every day, it's not good." On this day, she thought about it and said solemnly.

   Shirin's hand on the table and chopsticks paused slightly, and asked calmly, "...Not good? What's wrong?"

  He Xinyan: "...I'm too busy to take care of you."

   Speaking of this, Shi Lin's expression was slightly condensed, looking at He Xinyan, "What are you busy with? Or, what are you anxious about?"

  He Xinyan was a little stunned, is she anxious?

   Probably, waking up in the middle of the night, occasionally feeling more and more malicious malice.

   It was like there was an eye hidden in the darkness that was watching her all the time, that gaze was like the temperament of a viper, sticky and sinister.

   Swapping the paternity test made her a little alert... After all, she has experienced many worlds and is as familiar with the system as she is, so she won't think that the other party is as low-minded and incompetent as Xiao Fan.

   Shirin's dark eyes stared at her, with a hint of clarity in his eyes, "Is it about the exchange of the paternity test results? Do you know who did it?"

   He and Gu Zhengran were both investigating this matter, but they couldn't find any problems.

   Thinking of the black qi surrounding He Xinyan, he couldn't help but tighten his heart and had a bad premonition.

   "…Maybe, this was not man-made, right?"

  He Xinyan thought for a while and said, "It can't be said that it's not artificial, it's just that the other party is hiding too deep, and all I have to do is fight back."

The    villain transformation system once revealed that it comes from the future and is a transformation system developed by scientists in the future to deal with her, the villain who will be destroyed in the future.

  Since it was created by man, it also represents the will of man.

   Hiding behind her back and secretly manipulating her fate, it must be a human being.

   Shi Rin was silent for a moment, raised his hand, and suddenly hugged He Xinyan into his arms.

  He Xinyan: "???"

   She was stunned, what's going on? ! The other party has always adhered to the social bottom line, kept a distance, and always been gentle and polite. This is the first time that he has crossed the line like this.

   Shirin: "Although I don't know what you are doing, but with my good luck blessing, you will definitely go well."

  He Xinyan: "...Ah, thank you."

   She smelled the scent of thuja wood stained on the front of the other's clothes, and she felt a little peaceful.

   The aura of this person is as holy as a Buddha and a fairy. She used to think that he had a cleanliness addiction, but later found out that it was not entirely true.

   What he hates is contact with people. After contact with people, he needs to use the handkerchief or prayer beads offered before the incense to clean.

The amulet    gave her was also very effective. Whenever she put it on the edge of the pillow, the malicious prying eyes seldom visited at night.

   Maybe he really brought good luck with that ability.

   "What are you doing?" A voice suddenly sounded in the empty villa.

  Xu Jingyang is really about to explode. The Xu family is a big family. He will inevitably be escorted by his parents to visit relatives, but the more he thinks about it, the more worried he becomes.

   Fortunately, he is here today! Otherwise, I was almost deceived!

   He thought that Shi Rin's face was pure and holy, and he was too heartless. He really regretted it, and he even drank with the other party on New Year's Eve!

  Xu Jingyang: "Xinyan, come here quickly, I will protect you!"

  He Xinyan's head was full of black lines: "Shut up, where are you thinking? Okay, I'm going to work, you all go out."

   Shi Rin walked out first, followed by Xu Jingyang.

   He was so angry that he had to tell Shi Rin some things clearly.

   "Xinyan will be on the same account book as me in the future, I hope you..."

   "The same household registration book?" Shi Lin chuckled, her eyes were lazy, and the tears at the corners of her eyes flickered, "You probably haven't woken up from a dream, do you need me to help you wake up?"

   When facing He Xinyan, his temperament was always gentle and restrained, but when he looked at Xu Jingyang, those restrained auras instantly radiated, and the sense of oppression from the superior immediately made people sweat.

   Xu Jingyang: "…"

   When the other party was far away, Xu Jingyang slammed his fist against the wall.

   was so irritating, he was a little shocked at that moment!

   So this guy is a big-tailed wolf no longer pretending to be a little sheep? He Xinyan wouldn't really like this one, would he?


  The New Year is over, and it’s time to start school again.

   This year is the end of the New Year’s Eve, the school starts in late February, and there are only three months left before the college entrance examination.

  The biggest event that happened during the winter vacation was that after the negative news of Tiffany broke out, the offline franchise stores closed down one after another. It is conceivable that the stock of He's Group will plummet all the way after the market opens.

   And because Mr. He stood up and apologized when he first broke the question, he was also ridiculed by netizens that the tears of capitalists were equal to the tears of crocodiles.

  What will be rectified and the management of franchisees will be strengthened. As a result, the problem is that there is a problem with your Tiffana headquarters, and you are too embarrassed to rely on franchisees?

   Mr. He's reputation accumulated from charity in his early years was considered a clean defeat this time.

   Even after the He Group issued several apology statements, netizens said they did not buy it.

   Probably too busy with Tiffany's affairs, after the unsuccessful solicitation of the He family on New Year's Eve, no one came to harass He Xinyan again.

  He Xinyan is happy to be pure, but never take it lightly.

   She has stated that it was Tiffana who reported it by herself. According to the revenge of the He family, it is absolutely impossible to let her go so easily.

   Besides, her case against He Linjun for defamation is about to start in the past two days, and she refused the mediation of the judge. It is impossible for the He family to sit still.

   But she hadn't waited for the news of the He family, but the news of the Lu family.

   On the first day of the new semester, the housekeeper of the Lu family came to the school to go through the transfer procedures for Lu Qilin.

Xu Jingyang secretly gossips with everyone: "Lu Qilin wanted to suppress the negative news of Tiffany this time, but he spent a lot of money on the Lu family's connections and was unable to suppress it... I heard that the people on the board of directors were dissatisfied and questioned whether Lu Qilin was wrong. It's not the ability to take over the Lu family."

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