The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 392: Miss, please do well

   He placed too much importance on his identity and blood, ignoring those true talents and practical learning, but reality gave him a slap in the face.

   insisted on investing in Tiffana, and mobilized all the resources and money he could mobilize. He thought it would be impressive and prove his investment vision and strength.

   However, in the eyes of others, he is like a clown jumping off a beam.

  Lu Qilin walked into the main house of the Lu family. Father Lu was already waiting in the study.

  On the table is the latest planning book, Father Lu was very angry, "Tell me honestly, what is your relationship with that He Yuye, in this situation, you still want to protect Tiffana?"

   It’s okay for young people to make mistakes, the Lu family has enough trial and error costs.

   But the problem is, because of this incident, their Lu family is about to become a joke in the circle of the imperial capital.

Anyone who has eaten Yan Xuqiao and Tiffana knows what a truly delicious dessert is. Just Tiffany's pile of additives, and now Salmonella has exploded. Even a fool knows to get out in time, but Lu Qilin is still alive. Heart, want to continue to invest and flip public opinion?

  The son seemed to have been poured into ecstasy soup, and Father Lu was utterly disappointed.

  Lu Qilin was startled, "She and I are just ordinary friends."

   "Just ordinary friends? Ordinary friends can make you fall so badly?" Father Lu was deeply suspicious.

  Lu Qilin's expression was stiff, and he couldn't explain why. Every time He Yuye cried in front of him, he couldn't help but feel protective.

   It was as if he saw on the other side the young and helpless self who was thrown into Donglin City back then.

   He is open-minded, but what about He Yuye? Every time he couldn't help himself crying, the other party would always take the initiative to lean on his shoulder.

  Lu Qilin seems to have re-examined his relationship with He Yuye at this time, and the more he looks, the more sober he becomes.

  He Yuye said that he regarded himself as a friend, but those seemingly unconscious little actions definitely transcended the boundaries of friends.


   The Lu family moved quickly to clear things up. oo.

   The person in charge of the Lu Group came forward quickly, indicating that the Lu Group had no intention of investing in Tiffana, and the deep cooperation with the He Group previously reported on the Internet was nonsense.

   Not only that, Lu Qilin also quietly transferred the shares of Tiffana he held.

   Tiffana broke out such a big scandal, and it is still struggling to support it now, all because there are rumors that the Lu Group is optimistic about Tiffana and wants to invest in Tiffany.

   And the solemn statement of the Lu Group became the last straw that broke Tiffana.

   The stores that franchisees were struggling to support at a loss have closed down one after another. The chocolates of the Tiffana series are the first to be affected, and sales have plummeted.

   Even if the mall offers a 50% discount, no one cares.


When   Cheng's family saw the news, they thought that was the case.

   Fortunately, the Cheng family stopped their losses in time. They did not believe in the cakes drawn by the He Group, like some franchisees, and felt that Tiffana would definitely be able to come back to life.

   Many people also think that such a large dessert shop, backed by the He's Group and the Lu's Group, can't have any problems.

   As long as you survive this period of time, you can definitely continue.

   However, the reality is that the more people who hold this kind of thinking, the more they invest, the more money they lose.


  Cheng Jiaxing's expression was a little stunned. They had an official franchisee group, but the group was banned.

   He added a private franchisee group...and then gained a lot of gossip.

"Yuye persuaded those big franchisees one by one a few years ago, saying that as long as they persisted, the Lu Group would soon have a large investment infusion, and Tiffana would be able to fight a beautiful turnaround. She also said that she would not Regardless of everyone, if there is a problem, I am willing to sell the shares to give everyone the bottom line."

After   Cheng Jiaxing finished speaking, his heart was a little complicated.

   Actually, He Yuye also pulled He Xinyan out for comparison, saying that He Xinyan was an adopted daughter and sold the shares of the He family before buying the villa in Jinshuiwan.

   This sentence made many people who were hesitant to decide to follow her.

   After all, the adopted daughter can get so much money, it makes no sense that the eldest Miss He family has no money.

   Cheng's father and Cheng's mother looked at each other, and couldn't help but be glad that they took their son away decisively that day.

  Otherwise, the Cheng family would probably also buy goods and open a store. After all, everyone is like this, and the sunk costs invested are too much, so they will not be willing to withdraw.

   Then, like those franchisees, they will lose money and lose more.

  The Cheng family has only lost the franchise fee and the money for the store. Although it is not a small amount, it still has some savings and can live a good life.

  Father Cheng: "Speaking of which, I still have to thank He Xinyan. If it weren't for her, our family might be in serious trouble."

   He and his wife were thinking that they could buy more stores with their savings.

   If all of this is really invested, all the money you have worked hard for decades will be wasted, and the family will have to tighten their belts to live.

  Cheng Jiaxing listened and pursed his lips.

   Although he was also very grateful to He Xinyan, he felt that he should not have misunderstood him before.

   But he was more worried about He Yuye.

   Now many people in the group are clamoring for He Yuye to be held responsible, and some people scold it hard, and the foul language is unbearable.

   I don't know if she is okay now or if she has been wronged.

   She is so kind, and she will definitely use all her savings to cover for those people, but with so many people and such a huge loss, how can she make it through.


  He Xinyan has been busy typing codes these days, stepping to and from school every day.

   She was the first to walk out of the school gate again that day, and when she walked to Xia Yanbin's car parked on the side of the road, a middle-aged woman suddenly rushed out from nowhere.

  The other party planned to kowtow to her without saying a word.

   He Xinyan reacted quickly and pulled a hand, if she knocked it down, her head would bleed.

  The woman took the opportunity and hugged her leg.

  Xia Yanbin in the car saw it, and hurriedly got out of the car, and asked in a stern tone: "What are you doing, let go quickly."

   He was stunned, what was the situation, did this woman come to touch porcelain on purpose?

   In broad daylight, is it too exaggerated?

   "Miss Xinyan, don't be afraid, don't pay attention to this kind of person, hurry up and get in the car." Xia Yanbin said and stretched out his hand to pull away the middle-aged woman.

  He Xinyan looked up and looked around... Although she didn't see any suspicious people, the feeling of being watched came back.

  The villa in Jinshuiwan is her site. She has spent a lot of effort to build a firewall and a shielding network, which can already block the sense of surveillance.

   But there is no way to do it outside...

   She thought for a while, then lowered her head to look at the woman in front of her, a completely unfamiliar face, she confirmed that she did not know.

  Although he can completely ignore it and walk away, He Xinyan still has something to verify.

   "What is your appeal? Say it and listen."

  The woman burst into tears, crying so hard, "Miss, please do well, save us!"

   "Our family's life savings has been wiped out like this. My husband is so angry that he can't handle it, and the child is still in elementary school. I really have no choice!"

  Almighty boss refuses to be a villain

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