The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 378: You have to apologize and thank classmate He Xinyan

  The Cheng family hurried to read the news of Donglin Daily.

   As expected, it was posted not long ago today, and it was specially made into a special report.

   After reading the report, the Cheng family's heart was cold. They only heard from their son that the Tiffana factory was raided last night. It was He Xinyan's ghost who deliberately created negative news and caused panic.

  The son also assured them again and again that there is absolutely no problem with Tiffana's raw materials!

   The problem is only a small part, it was framed by He Xinyan!

   In the end, after a long time, this is not the case at all!

   Such a large amount cannot be done by He Xinyan at all. It can only be said that Tiffana has been shoddy for a long time, fooling franchisees and consumers!

  The Cheng family turned their heads to look at their son, and Cheng's father sullenly said, "Son, this matter has nothing to do with Yan Xuqiao, let's go home quickly."

  They have been waiting here all morning, and they have already lost too much time.

   Now we have to hurry back to deal with the franchise store, so as not to be pitted for nothing.

  Cheng Jiaxing: "No, Mom and Dad, did you get fired with just a few words?"

  The blue veins on Father Cheng's forehead jumped abruptly, and he turned his head sharply, "Shut up! Idiot! They use you as a gunman, do you understand!"

  Cheng Jiaxing took two steps back in disbelief. His family relationship was very harmonious. His father never said a harsh word to him, and suddenly scolded him in public... He couldn't accept it.

   He turned his head sharply and stared at He Xinyan angrily.

  He Xinyan felt a little inexplicable, "Why are you staring at me, you can't blame me for being stupid."

   "You said a long time ago that Tiffana was going to have a thunderstorm, and you still reported it. How did you know that there was a problem with Tiffana? Of course, you moved your hands and feet, and the thief shouted to catch the thief!"

  He Xinyan: "Then please show evidence, don't rely on your mouth, I can sue you for slander."

  The Cheng family and his wife don't seem to be able to carry it out. How could the son born to be such a stubborn idiot.

"A few months ago, I kindly reminded you not to invest in Tiffany. If you didn't listen, I encouraged your parents to invest. At least half of the blame for your family's situation today lies with you, and you are to blame. ."

   The responsibility of the other half of course lies with the He family and He Yuye.

  He Xinyan also figured it out, she didn't have to be responsible for Cheng Jiaxing and the Cheng family, and it wasn't her who made He Yuye transfer to the third shift, nor did she make Cheng Jiaxing and He Yuye close.

   Who would have thought that He Yuye's protagonist's halo had such a radiant intensity that all the supporting characters around him were so infatuated with her.

   vividly shows how the male supporting roles charge for love, and they can give up all their wealth, parents, future and reputation.

   "Is there such a thing? Son, why didn't you tell me!" Father Cheng was a little dizzy with anger.

  Mother Cheng also changed her face, "You kept telling me how good Tiffany was when you went home, and she was very popular among Yongxing's classmates, but did they all lie to us?"

   Seeing his parents who had always been kind and cheerful lose their temper, Cheng Jiaxing finally panicked.

   "I didn't mean to harm our family, I just, I just..."

   He just couldn't see He Yuye frowning, always thinking that he could help each other share a little.

  He Xinyan is not optimistic about Tiffana, so he has to fight for He Yuye and pull his parents to join the investment. Is this also wrong?

   "Okay son, you don't need to say more, let's go home first." Mother Cheng said calmly, and she glanced at He Yuye.

  How can a mother not see her son's intentions?

   Originally thought it was just a beautiful throbbing of adolescence, but now it seems that it may also be a heart-wrenching setback and lesson.

  Father Cheng: "No, you have to apologize and thank classmate He Xinyan. You can't be right or wrong."

  Lin Yunshu couldn't help it anymore. She wanted the Cheng family to be the first to deal with He Xinyan. Why did she thank He Xinyan after only a few words?

"Are you crazy, and you still want to thank He Xinyan? Your sons have said that He Xinyan said a few months ago that Tiffana was going to have a thunderstorm, which proves that she had a plan!" Lin Yunshu said, "Don't think she did it. If it didn't, she had already made a fortune with shamelessness. I understand, what can't she do to get revenge on our He family? "

  Lin Yunshu cried and complained in front of the media all morning, thinking that she had made it clear enough that He Xinyan was uneasy and kind to the He family.

  How can these people still turn their backs? The stance is too firm!

   Father Cheng said coldly, "Mrs. He, we have our own judgment."

   He has a lot of opinion on the He family, but because his son is stupid, he can't say anything about others, but he will definitely not have a good face.

   After he finished speaking, he ignored Lin Yunshu, apologized to He Xinyan, grabbed Cheng Jiaxing, who was lost, and turned and left with Cheng's mother.

  Lin Yunshu can afford it here and wants to flip the public opinion, but they can't afford it and must hurry back to deal with the matter.

  Cheng Jiaxing has left, and the classmates he called are even more embarrassed. It is neither to leave nor to stay. They can only shrink in the corner and minimize their presence.

  Lin Yunshu was so angry, He Yuye said resentfully, "What classmates do you have, so unreliable? Don't interact with each other in the future."

   He Yuye was startled for a moment, if she didn't communicate with Cheng Jiaxing, then she didn't know who else she could communicate with.

   She flipped the broken hair on her temples, turned her head to look at He Xinyan firmly, "I said, you can come at me with anything, please raise your hand and let the He family go."

Seeing that He Xinyan didn't speak, she breathed for a while, and continued, "Grandpa is old, you can bear his old man's sadness? Zixiao is still young, and such a big change happened in the family, it is very difficult for him to be caught in the middle. And mother, After all, you are with your mother and daughter…”

  He Xinyan: "So you are here to beg me, not to expose my evil deeds?"

   He Yuye choked for a while, begging this word is too ugly.

  Why does the other party always play cards not according to the rules of the card, and he said that he wanted to kidnap her morally, but how could she let herself beg for granted?

   She glanced at the classmates around her, all of them were indifferent and had no humaneness at all.

   "Okay, I beg you." He Yuye said while holding back tears, "If this is what you want to see."

   "Bitch! He Xinyan, you slut!" Lin Yunshu couldn't bear it anymore, how could her jade leaf bow to He Xinyan?

  He Xinyan should always be low in the mud, why compare with her precious daughter?

  The anger that had been accumulated for a long time broke out at this moment, and Lin Yunshu rushed up, "Bitch, I will teach you a lesson today!"

  Lin Xuxu was taken aback, and before he had time to rush forward to stop it, two figures quickly came to Lin Yunshu's side, clasping Lin Yunshu's arms from left to right.

  Xiaowu: "It's not good to hit people."

  Ali: "I advise you not to move, she is not someone you can move."

  He Xinyan raised her head and looked at the two people with a low sense of presence.

   She knew Xiao Wu, and by coincidence, she also knew another woman who rescued Luo Mingwei in the tea room last time.

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