The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 377: If you have a brain, read the news first

   A few reporters who were still outraged with them, were blown away by the cold wind, and they all said that they had something to do and left immediately after not holding on for a while.

   Even Lin Yunshu was full of anger at the beginning, accusing He Xinyan of all kinds of evil deeds, but she was a pampered lady after all, and after a while, her voice became hoarse.

  He Yuye regretted running over here. If He Xinyan didn't show up for a day today, wouldn't they even be able to see anyone?

   So what's the point of doing that?

Does    affect the business in the store? It doesn't seem to have much impact. Those customers, who should enter the door to consume, don't give them a look.

   "Mom, are you hungry? Let's go back, what if you're starving?" He Yuye persuaded.

  Lin Yunshu also backed down a bit: "...It's okay, after all, everyone is tired."

   She turned her head and glanced at the few people beside her.

   "Thank you for coming with us, it's been hard work for you, why don't you... let's go back first."

  The Cheng family looked at each other and smiled politely, "It's not hard, Mrs. He, you are too polite."

  The parents of the Cheng family were encouraged by Cheng Jiaxing.

  The son vowed to say that this time Tiffana's crisis was caused by He Xinyan's revenge and frame-up.

   Now Tiffany is in a bit of trouble, and the franchise store where the Cheng family invested a lot of money is about to open. If Tiffany has a problem at this time, won't they lose everything?

   Although the Cheng family felt that their son was worrying too much, no matter what, the son's willingness to care about the family's business and his attitude should be encouraged.

   So the couple came together and wanted to accompany the He family to find that student He Xinyan for an explanation.

   Not only that, but the son also found several good classmates, probably trying to use public opinion to make that classmate He Xinyan jealous.

   But with so many arrangements, what's the use of the other party refusing to answer.

   This group of people sat at the door all morning like idiots, and now there is only a lot of embarrassment left between them.

  Since Lin Yunshu has died, of course there is no need for everyone to stay.

   "Then everyone should leave."


   "It's not good, I just came here, you have to leave." He Xinyan got out of the car and came over and said with a smile.

  Cheng Jiaxing immediately clenched his fists, his eyes almost spitting fire: "He Xinyan! You dare to come!"

  He Xinyan: "Didn't you ask me to come? If not, forget it, I'm leaving."

   Everyone didn't have a good relationship with each other, so she was too lazy to receive this group of people.

   Seeing that she really turned around and was about to get into the car, Cheng Jiaxing was in a hurry. He ran over and tried to hold her, "You can't go! Why, are you guilty of doing something bad and dare not confront us?"

   A voice came from behind, "I advise you not to touch her, have you forgotten Liu Jiayi's lessons?"

  Lin said slowly and walked over. She didn't come alone, and there were a group of people behind her.

   In addition to the people from the first class of the third year, there are also people from the third class of the third year, and even Xi Mengjun and Bai Yulan came here.

  Lin Xuxu and Qiao Yuqiao, as the small bosses of Yan Xuqiao, of course, were the first to know that there was trouble in the store here.

   Originally, He Xinyan couldn't come, so they didn't plan to pay attention.

   It's not like He Xinyan is here, of course they have to show up.

   Knowing that Cheng Jiaxing had also fooled a few good classmates to come to be a lobbyist, Lin Xuxu thought about it carefully and felt that he could not lose the battle.

   She also said in the class group, but the last classmate who came over was a bit unexpected.

   Many students who came over spontaneously said that the treasure of Yongxing High School cannot be bullied like this.

   The Yanshen that everyone is holding in your palms, it’s okay if you bully them once or twice, do you still plan to ride on someone’s head to open a dye shop? Nothing so cheap.

   This is literally hitting all the students in Yongxing High School in the face! Must not agree!

  Because the Chinese New Year is coming up, they have nothing to do, and promised Cheng Jiaxing to come over to denounce He Xinyan. A few classmates who watched the fun by the way saw Bai Yulan and Xi Mengjun, and they immediately fainted.

  Why are both the student council president and vice president here? This is too suffocating.

   Originally, I just wanted to join in the fun. I didn't plan to really help Cheng Jiaxing. I didn't expect that he accidentally kicked the iron plate.

   Several male classmates glanced at each other quickly, and stood a little further away, so as not to be mistakenly thought that they were with Cheng Jiaxing.

  Cheng Jiaxing took a step back in shock, but when he thought of He Yuye and his parents standing behind him, he suddenly plucked up his courage again.

   The reason is not loud. What is the use of He Xinyan to find so many people to support him? He doesn't believe it anymore. These people are all the same.

Cheng Jiaxing clenched his fists, "He Xinyan, you don't have to be shy. You left us in the cold wind all morning, don't you just want to see our jokes? Now that the jokes are over, I just want to ask you to raise your hands and let Tiffana go. Let go of us innocent franchisees."

   "Are you talking about the incident at Tiffana's main factory last night?"

   "You really know!" He Yuye was shocked and saddened.

  He Xinyan thought for a while: "Is there any surprise? Of course I know it was reported by me."

  Cheng Jiaxing came back to his senses. He had thought that the other party would deny the prevarication. Now that He Xinyan has admitted it, it will be easier to handle.

"You framed Tiffany so badly, isn't it enough? Our family invested more than one million to open a store, and now we can't open a store without earning a penny. Do you know how many franchisees are the same as our family? Please? You hold your hand high and let our little people live."

   Cheng's parents looked at each other and didn't speak.

  The conditions of their family are relatively good, so they can send their son to Yongxing High School.

   But more than one million is also a lot of money for them, and no matter what, they can’t just watch it go to waste.

  If the cause of the incident is really the girl in front of them...then they still want their son to intercede and try.

  He Xinyan: "You can't imagine that I bought those cheap raw materials from Tiffana's main factory, and I also added salmonella on purpose?"

   "Isn't it?" Cheng Jiaxing became emotional, "You can't do anything to suppress your opponent for malicious competition!"

  He Xinyan turned to look at Cheng's parents, "You don't believe it, do you?"

The Cheng family was a little embarrassed, they didn't quite believe it, but their son made a promise, and the Mrs. He said a lot of bad things about He Xinyan all the way, and portrayed the other party as a daring, ungrateful, vicious and vengeful villain. biased.

  He Xinyan: "As long as you have a brain, read the news first. Oh, other media may not have detailed information, but Donglin Daily will definitely have detailed special reports."

"90% of the raw materials at Tiffana's main factory are cheap locally sourced materials that are labeled and shoddy; a large amount of salmonella has been detected in these raw materials, and the raw materials of the incoming channel are infected with a large amount of salmonella. You also Say this is what I did?"

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