The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 379: Panic that their mother-daughter bond is cracked

  Xiaowu raised his head and said to Xu Jingyang and Liu Jiayi who rushed up, "Just leave this kind of thing to us, you children don't need to get involved."

   Liu Jiayi looked at this young man with a strange face. He has developed motor nerves, so he can become a school bully.

   Obviously he and Xu Jingyang were closer, but the two of them arrived much faster than them.

The instantaneous explosive power of    muscles is simply amazing, so is this professional training?

   The identity and status of someone who can drive this level of bodyguard is definitely not low... At least the Liu family can't do it for the time being.

   Xu Jingyang recognizes Xiao Wu, isn't this the person Shi Zhao is following?

   He turned his head to look, but did not see Shi Zhao, but saw the low-key Bentley that had been parked quietly not far away.

   He walked over and knocked on the car window, "Since everyone is here, why don't you come down and talk together."

  Why is this guy playing such a big show, and he directly compares himself to a passer-by.

   No, you must let the other party stand with you in the crowd, and make him Yanshen's little brother.

   A chuckle came from inside the car, and Shirin opened the door and walked out.

  Rao was a classmate who had seen each other a few times, and when Shirin stood in front of them, he still felt his breathing stagnate slightly.

   With wide shoulders, narrow waist and long legs, he has a cold and noble temperament, and with that stunning and cold-like face, no matter how many times you look at it, you will still feel amazing.

  Lin Yunshu: "It's you."

   "Of course it's me." Shi Lin walked over and looked at Lin Yunshu, "I want to ask Mrs. He if she never took me seriously. Or you Lin family, who like to challenge my patience."

  Lin Yunshu had been making trouble all morning. Seeing that no one drove them away, he thought that Shi Lin didn't pay much attention to Yan Xuqiao, and he was relieved.

  I didn't expect Shi Rin to show up in person... It's going to be New Year's Day tomorrow, what is the other party still doing in Donglin City?

   He never really fell in love with He Xinyan and planned to marry him and go home?

   Mrs. Lin told her not long ago not to offend He Xinyan, coax as much as you can... Especially pay attention to Shi Rin behind He Xinyan.

  Lin Yunshu doesn't understand what this sentence means. What if Shi Lin is the youngest son of the Shi family? Now it's a high profile. I heard that several families in Donglin City have been reprimanded for the matter of Yan Xuqiao, and they have been warned not to make crooked ideas.

   But even so, it is a fox and a tiger, with no inheritance rights, no money, and no resources and contacts of Shijia, and the other party is just an ordinary rich second generation.

  The Shi family is now in power by Shi Zhao. Brothers in the rich and powerful family often break into the wall, not to mention that the two brothers were not born by the same mother, and the two were at odds with each other.

   Shi Rin has achieved nothing for so many years, maybe it is the result of Shi Zhao's secret suppression.

   Funny, could she still be afraid of the other party's failure.

   "Master Shi, please hurry up and let your people let go of me. Even if you have a big family, it's not good if you let Shi always know that you are bullying others."

   Shi Lin glanced at Lin Yunshu, and He Xinyan understood what he meant.

   "She is an abandoned child of the Lin family, and Mrs. Lin doesn't regard her as her own, so it's impossible to share all the information with her."

   Of course there is a factor that Lin Yunshu can't hide, but what's more, Mrs. Lin's contempt and contempt for this stupid daughter.

   "Bitch, what are you talking about!" Lin Yunshu was so angry that she wanted to scratch He Xinyan's face.

   Shi Rin's eyes suddenly turned cold, and Xiao Wuyin asked sadly, "Do you look down on me, Mrs. He, this is not good, do you want me to communicate with you properly?"

  Ali was silent and prepared to take people down.

  Lin Yunshu panicked now. This woman's hands were so strong that she was dying of pain. She hurriedly sat on the ground and shouted, "Murder! Yuye, call the police!"

   He Yuye blushed, she hesitated for a moment, walked over to help Lin Yunshu, "Mom, get up quickly."

   With so many people watching, she felt ashamed.

  He Xinyan walked in front of Lin Yunshu, and the black pearl in her hand flashed past, "This is what Mrs. Lin went to Su's house to ask for it back to me. She didn't tell you."

  Lin Yunshu's head was stunned: " are talking nonsense!"

  He Xinyan: "You might as well call your mother and two older brothers now to see if they know about it."

   Lin Yunshu gritted her teeth and stopped talking, she was already shaken.

   That black pearl is so big and shiny, it is the one that I gave to Mrs. Lin back then!

   "Your sister-in-law is still involved in a lawsuit, and Lin Yunxian is also unable to protect herself because of food poisoning. Of course, the most important thing is that the old lady practiced medicine illegally. In order to protect herself and the Lin family, there is nothing she can't do."

"Such a **** pearl was very valuable at that time. How could you mistake me for your daughter?" He Xinyan's voice was slow and slow, "Tell me, you brought me into the He family back then. , is it intentional; what is your purpose, even your own daughter can be abandoned?"

   He Yuye was stunned, and his eyes widened suddenly.

  He Xinyan means...Lin Yunshuming knew that she was holding the wrong child at the beginning, but she deliberately held the wrong child and abandoned her outside without looking for it?

   All the hardships she lived for more than ten years were caused by Lin Yunshu deliberately?

  No no no, how is that possible! No matter Lin Yunshu or He Linjun, they both love her so much, condemning and hating He Xinyan for the missing ten years.

   As a result, all of this is fake?

  He Yuye looked at Lin Yunshu with a pale face, "Mom..."

  Lin Yunshu was completely panicked, panicking that their mother-daughter relationship was cracked.

   She shook her head desperately, "I don't, I'm not! Yu Ye, you believe me!"

   He Yuye couldn't believe her.

   As long as she thought that this woman had abandoned her, she couldn't help but feel resentment and hatred in her heart.

   For more than ten years, for more than ten years, she was raised by a rich family in an ordinary family, and her vision and thinking were almost assimilated by those mediocre ordinary people.

   If it wasn't for her wise mind and noble character, she would have perished long ago.

  Lin Yunshu's own knowledge is not enough, does she know that she has harmed her whole life?

  If it wasn't for the missing ten years...why can't even He Xinyan compare?

   Seeing that He Yuye's eyes became disappointed and unfamiliar, Lin Yunshu turned pale in shock, and hurriedly grabbed He Yuye's hand, "You are my mother's heart, and what my mother is reluctant to give up is your grandmother's idea..."

   She literally admitted it.

   The onlookers couldn't help sighing in their hearts, it was really true.

   "Then He Yuye is also quite pitiful to meet such a mother."

  Lin Xuxu also sighed, she thought that today's fierce fight was indispensable, but He Xinyan just said a few words and it turned into an ethics drama.

  People are always used to sympathizing with the weak. Aside from the grudges with He Xinyan, He Yuye is indeed a victim when it comes to holding the wrong child.

   Several classmates have been shaken and sympathized with He Yuye.

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