The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 372: The main factory was raided.

  Li Yao's apology statement came out, many netizens were completely fried. As soon as Li Yao's apology statement came out, many netizens were completely blown away.

   [What's the situation, what happened to you, Yaobao, who is so bad and blinded you? 】

   [Can't you understand, Yaobao was deceived by the "Moonlight" crew, it means that the program crew used Yan Xuqiao's desserts to pretend to be Tiffana's desserts. 】

  【Representative of the class in the building. But I have a question. It is possible that I was deceived by the program team on the show. Why didn't I find out after sharing the daily life, Bao, didn't you buy Tiffana? 】

   [Internal news, Zhao Xin was fired, I probably understand, Zhao Xin collected money and deceived Yaobao together with others. 】

[Are fans all brain-damaged, what Li Yao says is what? I think Li Yao is clearly handled by Yan Xuqiao's public relations, tsk tsk, the actress relied on this wave and stepped on it and turned it around, making money. . 】

  【Sunspot go away! It is legal responsibility to spread rumors! 】

  【Li Yao recommended Tiffana without any selfishness at all and did not charge a penny! She was deceived, and the show crew, assistants and Tiffana couldn't get rid of it! 】

  [After eating Yan Xuqiao and Tiffana's comments, I once thought that I had a problem with my taste buds! Obviously Yan Xuqiao is more delicious, fresh and bright, sweet and not greasy, if my wallet does not allow me to eat it! I got tired of Tiffana after taking a few mouthfuls. It smelled a strong milky fragrance, but it really seemed like it was added. 】

  【I saw the goddess recommending Tiffana, so I ate Tiffana for a while, and I can only say that it is really not delicious. 】

  【Me too, I once suspected that boars couldn't eat fine bran. 】

  【Li Yao, did you collect money! Can anyone still trust you now? Can you compensate for the problem? 】

  Li Yao solemnly apologized for every comment that mentioned running to eat Tiffana.

   Fans know what kind of temperament she is, and they must blame themselves.

   Of course, some of them made sarcastic remarks, saying that they did not comment on the whole situation, and some said that the bullets would fly for a while, and maybe there would be a reversal.

   These people claim to be sober in the world, and analyze that this is basically a malicious competition between two companies and smear each other. Sure enough, every pore of capital is flowing with dirty blood.

   There are also some extreme fans who can't stand the collapse of Li Yao's upright image, so they have posted on Weibo to get rid of fans.


   Mr. He has been in charge of the public relations department these days, so as soon as Li Yao's apology statement came out, the public relations department immediately informed him.

  In the study, Mr. He looked at He Linjun and asked in a deep voice, "What's the matter with that female star's apology statement?"

   When He Linjun showed him the program "The Place Illuminated by the Moonlight", he kept saying that the desserts Li Yao ate were made by He Yuye himself.

   As a result, he was so bold that he even deceived himself!

   Mr. He became angrier the more he thought about it, "Speak up!"

   He Linjun: "That female star has a low status, what can she tell from the bad? She doesn't like Tiffana's desserts, so I can only do this."

   He thought that everything was foolproof, even if Li Yao found out later, after all, the mistake had become an established fact, in order to protect her reputation, she should choose to remain silent and slowly wait for the limelight to pass.

  Who knew that woman was so ignorant of praise, and actually issued an apology.

   As if it wasn't her who lost fans now, and it wasn't her who was being scolded.

   "Damn!" Mr. He was so angry that he smashed the ashtray on the ground.

   Whether it is He Linjun and He Yuye, they are his own grandson and granddaughter after all, and he has high hopes.

  I thought that the two brothers and sisters would definitely win against He Xinyan when they joined forces. In the end, the two of them had to rely on stealing to win the approval of others. It felt ironic to think about it.

  He Linjun: "The current situation is not irreversible. That female star is only a one-sided statement, and there is no evidence. We can also jointly issue a statement with the "Moonlight" program team to condemn rumors, slander and malicious smearing."

   Mr. He calmed down his anger. The matter was over, he had to think about how to save the situation.

   He closed his eyes and had to make the last move, although he felt sorry for his late son.

   "Don't you and that Qian Chun still want to make a fuss about Xinyan's life experience?" Mr. He threw a USB flash drive over, "You can take the things here and post them online."

   "The adopted daughter is the adopted daughter. Her behavior towards the He family is not in line with everyone's kindness. This is the point that she will never be clean."

   "The adopted daughter is ungrateful and ungrateful. This time, she is also revenge on the He family and framed."

   Mr. He opened his eyes, it was cold inside.

  Finally, this day has come.

   "No, Mr. He, our main factory has been raided!" The assistant rushed in in a panic.

   Mr. He frowned: "What's the panic, just make a surprise inspection."

   He didn't expect He Xinyan to have such great ability. A report letter can get so much attention from the above. No wonder he can bring down the Ling family by himself.

   But it doesn't matter, he reminded He Linjun to deal with it as early as last time.

   Mr. He always knew that in order to save costs, He Lin would let people purchase some cheap raw materials and mix them with them.

   He didn't want to interfere with his grandson's behavior, and he also didn't think there was anything wrong with doing so. As long as he controlled it well, it would be fine not to be discovered.

   He Linjun's expression suddenly changed, and he stood up.

   Mr. He's heart suddenly stunned, "Don't you think you didn't deal with it?"

   He Linjun's face was ugly, "How can I deal with it, I can't deal with too much!"

   Mr. He's heart sank: "How much?"

   He Linjun: "...more than 90%."

   Mr. He sat slumped on the chair, as if he had completely lost his energy and became much older in an instant.


  He Xinyan gave the information obtained from He Linjun's computer directly to Shi Rin.

   Those are all shoddy evidence of He Linjun's command.

   He Linjun was a little more restrained in his previous life and did not dare to make such a big splash, so the problem was that the trans fatty acids were seriously exceeded.

   In this life, he probably has frequently targeted himself, he needs to buy people's hearts to manipulate public opinion, and he has spent a lot of money, but the He Group has not been able to turn losses into profits.

   The directors of the company probably did not expect that a dignified company president, the largest shareholder, would actually do this kind of dehydration to enrich his own pockets.

   So she said that He Linjun was short-sighted, and it was not false at all, that is, a fool whose mind was flooded with water.

   The phone on the table rang, it was Lin Xuxu's call.

   "Have you seen He Yuye's Moments?" Lin Xuxu hurriedly asked as soon as the call was connected.

   Although she firmly believes that He Xinyan and Shi Lin can solve all problems, it is not about Yan Xuqiao, and she has no way to ignore it.

   Besides, there was so much noise on the hot search, Lin Zheyu even sent a screenshot to her when she saw it, sneering.

   "I said long ago that you women have long hair and short knowledge, and you can't do business. You see. Fortunately, you don't own a lot of shares, and you were kicked out of the management. In the future, you should get married and have children soon!"

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