The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 371: Li Yao's apology statement

  He Chenxiao stood upstairs, looking at the woman standing downstairs through the huge floor-to-ceiling glass window.

  Tsk tsk, this is because it has been discovered that He Linjun's phone can't get through, right?

   The other party is not the first person in He Linjun's pit. That Mr. He, who hides in the dark like a despicable sewer mouse, with a little kindness and little kindness, tricked every fool into working for him.

   When something really happens, the other party is always the first to get out and push the fool out to block the knife.

   It’s just that the ones in front got the benefits anyway, and this one, a fake bag, is willing to work for others.

   She didn't even think about it, how could someone like He Linjun, who has eyes above the top and was irritable and irritable, really like her?

   He Chenxiao sighed twice and made a phone call.

  The moment the phone was connected, he immediately jumped for joy: "Fourth brother, things have been done!"

   Shirin: "It's hard work."

  He Chenxiao was flattered: "It's not hard or hard, this is what I should do."

   Ever since he was thrown back to the imperial capital by the fourth brother, he has suffered a lot... Not only did he get He Xinyan, but he also couldn't go back to the days when he was with the fourth brother.

  He Chenxiao's mood has always been a bit complicated. On the one hand, he is Shi Rin's poisonous only, and he thinks what the fourth brother does is right; on the other hand, he always thinks of He Xinyan, the kind that will laugh when he thinks of dreams.

   It happens that the two people he loves the most in the world not only cannot have them at the same time, but also lose them almost at the same time...

  He Chenxiao also gradually came to understand, how can he be qualified to compete with the fourth brother?

  He Xinyan is too dazzling, how could he pick such a girl?

   The only thing he can do is to wish the two of them to be together. Although thinking about it like this makes his heart twitch occasionally, this is another form of his simultaneous possession.

  The fourth brother called and explained to him to do something. Of course he was bound to do something, and he was even full of joy.

   It's too late to be happy to be able to do things for the fourth brother he admires and the girl he likes the most at the same time!

  He Chenxiao hesitated for a while, "Fourth brother, are you going to celebrate the New Year in Donglin City? Can I go to you?"

   "No." Shi Lin said in a light voice, "Don't even think about it."

   "Oh." He Chenxiao thought about it, in that case, he should not bother for the time being.


   Shi Lin hung up the phone and looked up at He Xinyan, "It's alright."

  Because it was inconvenient to talk outside, he was invited into He Xinyan's villa and became the first person outside Xia Yanbin to set foot in the villa.

  Since the villa area of ​​Jinshuiwan is sometimes an investment of Rin, of course he is very clear about the floor plan of the house here.

  He Xinyan asked Uncle Tao to help with the decoration. The design was made by himself. Like Yan Xuqiao, every small design revealed his intentions.

  Shi Rin retracted his gaze and said calmly, "I don't know yet, your computer skills are so good."

A lot of evidence they retrieved came from Shi Rin's banknote ability and He Xinyan's super ability. Her computer skills were so good that she quickly invaded the idiot's private life in front of him. computer and mobile phone.

  He Xinyan doesn't care whether it is exposed or not, "Yes, as long as I think about it, most of them have no privacy in front of me, but the problem is, this is illegal, and I don't want to be a legal coffee."

  The computer technology she possesses has advanced the world for hundreds of years, and it is of course easy to hack into some people's computers.

   Especially this guy He Linjun is stupid and pretentious, she can invade without any effort.

Shi Lin stared at her for a long time. She was strangely contradictory and harmonious. She clearly had a great sense of revenge against the He family. She seemed to have no sense of morality. The rules of the high school are strictly followed.

   Shi Rin couldn't help but chuckled, "Only the strongest will restrain their power and prevent the blade from falling at will."

   This is He Xinyan's tenderness and compassion, others may not understand it, but he thinks he understands it very well.

  It is a kind of tenderness and compassion to shun the world by yourself.

  Because he was able to see the direction of a person's luck since he was a child, and glimpsed the trajectory of fate, he didn't understand it when he was young, and he interfered at will.

  After huge rewards, it often brings inflated ambitions and desires, but instead makes the fate of some people go to the downside.

   Later, he gradually understood that the most correct way is to not interfere with the direction of fate by being merciful to the world.

   "But now, the tip of my knife is about to fall." He Xinyan said calmly.

   Unlike He Yuye, she has always advertised herself as a moral model. On the contrary, she has always felt that she is not moral and has never given up on taking revenge.

  He Linjun's behavior and reactions of that idiot were all she expected. Legal coffee is worthy of being a legal coffee, and he does things as always.

   As long as she is dormant, she can see the other party committing suicide.

   Shi Rin: "What kind of revenge is that, the He family is to blame."


  He Yuye also worked hard in the company's R&D room during the winter vacation.

   She doesn't think that He Xinyan is really better than herself... After all, Yan Xuqiao has three people, and Tiffana has only her.

  Lin Xuxu and Qiao Yuqiao can mobilize all the resources of the family to support them, but she can't. She can only rely on He Linjun in the He family, and the resources to mobilize are limited.

   So what does He Xinyan have to be proud of?

  After Lu Qilin was willing to help, He Yuye was full of confidence. She wanted to develop desserts that were even more delicious than Yan Xuqiao, to prove that she was definitely no worse than He Xinyan.

   During the break, she glanced at her phone, only to realize that there were many reminders in the background of the phone's Weibo.

  He Yuye opened it and found out that he was on the hot search.

   Two weeks ago, she helped actress Li Yao and the others to record a show and make desserts. The hard work at that time has finally paid off. Not only Li Yao is full of praise for her, but netizens are also full of praise.

  He Yuye couldn't help but post the screenshot to the circle of friends, and by the way, he made a wave of advertisements: [Tiffana recommended by the actress Li Yao, you deserve it. If you like it, you can find me a coupon. 】

   After sending out, she was looking forward to waiting for the classmates from Yongxing High School to collect the coupons.

   However, instead of waiting for the classmates from Yongxing High School, they instead waited for the classmates from the former No. 1 High School.

  He Yuye thought about it, those classmates were probably slapped in the face, sorry.

   After all, Yan Xuqiao, who they supported, lost so much face, and negative entries were all searched, and people all over the country knew about it.


   This evening, Li Yao's fans all knew that her trip today was to shoot a magazine cover, waiting for the studio to share her shooting routine with Li Yao.

   However, instead of waiting for the daily sharing, they waited for an apology from Li Yao.

  The statement said that for some reasons, she has been deceived and wrongly spoke and stood for the Tiffana brand. Now she corrects the statement that she has always eaten Yan Xuqiao's desserts, and it is Yan Xuqiao who really needs to be recommended.

   It is her fault for failing to find out the problem in time, and I would like to express my deep apologies to Yan Xuqiao and the vast number of netizens and fans who caused the injury.

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