The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 373: To clarify, it is better to close down as soon as possible

  Lin Xuxu didn't want to pay attention to the idiot, but was still so angry that he immediately opened the door and rushed downstairs, asking if Lin Zheyu wanted to make trouble.

   Father Lin's face turned black immediately, and scolded her with the majesty of the patriarch if she wanted to make the house uneasy.

  Lin Xuxu didn't say goodbye, and immediately held the phone high, ready to make a call.

   Those few people were terrified. After all, the lesson from the past had just passed, and they no longer wanted to be greeted by the big man in black knocking on the door.

   Father Lin changed his face immediately, turned his head and reprimanded Lin Zheyu and quickly apologized.

   Afterwards, he coaxed Lin Xuxu upstairs with a smiling face.

  Lin Xuxu guessed that they would still gossip secretly after they left. Look at the hot search to see Yan Xuqiao's jokes. After all, the three of them are a family.

   But she doesn't care, as long as she doesn't dance in front of her, she is still very good at talking.

  Lin Xu Xu retracted his thoughts and said solemnly, "He Yuye is secretly issuing coupons again, but basically no one wants to pay attention to her."

   It's been a while since the Moments were posted. Lin Xuxu added a lot of classmates' WeChat, but she still can't see the likes.

   But Lin Xuxu's friend from the school said that He Yuye was giving out coupons and red envelopes in the middle group, so it was very lively.

  He Xinyan: "I have blocked her circle of friends for a long time, don't pay attention to her."

   She took a look at her mobile phone WeChat... Many classmates who cared about her came to ask her what was going on, and it was obvious that Yan Xuqiao had been tricked again.

   Even a lot of people have come out. After the equity of an investor in "The Place Illuminated by the Moonlight" penetrated, it was actually controlled by the Imperial Capital Lu Group.

  The class group was silent, and many students suspected that this was the dirty water splashed by Lu Qilin.

   It is a lie to say that it is not uncomfortable. After all, Lu Qilin is also the squad leader they once trusted the most.

  Lin Xuxu: "Well, I saw Li Yao's apology statement."

   "Our clarification Weibo has also been posted, and it will be trending soon." He Xinyan said.

  Lin Xu Xu was refreshed, "Really? Show me the way, I'll see it right away!"

After    hung up the phone, He Xinyan resumed information to the classmates who cared about her one by one. Considering that everyone was worried, let's just clarify that Weibo all point the way to everyone, so that you can eat melon as soon as possible.

   That night, an hour after the actress Li Yao issued an apology statement, a big V posted a Weibo, so that netizens who spun around like the melon field finally got the melon.

  Big V provided detailed evidence, including screenshots and videos, to confirm the behavior of the program crew of "Where the Moonlights".

   That day, the program team originally prepared Tiffana's dessert, but who knew that Li Yao put it aside after taking a bite, which immediately made the program team anxious.

  Because they received money, today they are going to use Li Yao's name on the show to help Tiffana's marketing, but Li Yao doesn't buy it, how can the marketing continue.

   Finally, someone thought of a good way for Li Dai to be peach stiff, and bought Yan Xuqiao's desserts. Li Yao was full of praise, and the plan was implemented.

   So what Li Yao praised in the program group that day was Yan Xuqiao who had changed the packaging, and what Li Yao complained was Tiffany who had changed the packaging.

   Participated in this matter, as well as Mr. He of the He's Group, the parent company of the Tiffany brand.

   The other party and Li Yao's assistant Zhao are college classmates. With a fake bag, they successfully turned against Li Yao's assistant. They go to great lengths to buy Yan Xuqiao every day to replace it with Tiffana's packaging.

   By the way, have the majority of netizens noticed that although the names of these two products are different, they basically look exactly the same?

   That's because Tiffana shamelessly copied Yan Xuqiao!

   There are also pictures and the truth. The first is that Yan Xuqiao opened earlier than Tiffana. Some desserts, Yan Xuqiao, were sold from the beginning, but Tiffana dessert shop didn’t even have a shadow;

   The second is that Yan Xuqiao tried to apply for the intellectual property rights of desserts for a long time, but unfortunately there is a lack of domestic management of food intellectual property rights, which is why your family sells bubble milk tea.

   But Yan Xuqiao's desserts are not bubble tea, they have their own unique recipes, and these recipes have applied for intellectual property rights.

  Tiffana's desserts are too different from Yan Xuqiao's in taste, but they are similar in shape but not in spirit. According to the current law, they cannot reach the level of illegal infringement.

   But in any case, if a sub-brand of a listed company cannot even walk independently, it will only be a copycat. It is better to close down as soon as possible to avoid laughing.

  Lin Xuxu read the entire length of Weibo and found that his face was almost painful from laughter.

  The blogger's text is witty and humorous, and all kinds of stalks are readily available, which makes people very willing to read.

   The key is that this blog post is really informative, with pictures, videos, and even Yan Xuqiao’s takeaway order records.

  Even if it's a sunspot, he has to find a breakthrough point with the blog post in his arms.

   But I can't find it, Lin Xuxu thought to himself.

   She flipped through the comment area, and was shocked.

   [After reading this blog post, I finally understand why Li Yao is so angry, she must be considered miserable. 】

  【But Fan Liyao apologized one step later, this blog post is published first, and she will also be ruined. 】

  【I'm really convinced by Tiffana's operation, as long as you have the heart to cheat, you can develop products well! 】

  【I understand, expensive is not necessarily good, but cheap is definitely not good! 】

  【Don’t expect capitalists to have a conscience and not make money, how can they make money at the price of the materials used in the show? 】

  【He Linjun is also the CEO of a listed company, is he so inattentive? refreshed my cognition. 】

  【The brand of Tiffana is really bad. The raw materials provided include salmonella, and it is also framed on the franchisee. For such an expensive franchise fee, anyone's blood must be sucked. 】

  [I understand now that Tiffana is trying to divert her attention. This wave of crisis public relations 666 was almost deceived by it. 】

   The reversal of public opinion has also made more netizens reflect on the whole incident itself and return to the essence of the matter. It is always an indisputable fact that Tiffana was found to have salmonella, falsified and fake Yanxuqiao.

   Netizens have @Heshi Group and asked to speak out.

   Even He Yuye, who was still on the hot search, became a target. She almost ate a wave of bonuses and became popular. Of course, netizens would not let her go.

  Lin Xuxu swiped his phone, a friend just shared it, and He Yuye only sent a red envelope a minute ago.

   It seems that he hasn't reacted yet, he still seems to be nothing.


   He Yuye wondered why no one robbed the red envelope he sent out this time.

   The WeChat group, which was still lively just now, is inexplicably quiet now.

   She glanced at the time, it turned out that it was almost ten o'clock in the evening.

   Everyone is probably busy taking a shower.

   He Yuye quit WeChat and wanted to take a look on Weibo.

   She just got on board for a while, but the phone freezes. Too many messages completely cause the background program to freeze.

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