The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 370: it will be cold soon

  The filming was temporarily interrupted, and Li Yao finally left Zhao Xin and went to the CBD commercial center downstairs in disguise.

   There are several Yanxu Bridges and one Tiffana, not too far apart.

   She changed into the clothes she borrowed from the magazine, and went to Tiffany first to order some desserts.

   Then went to Yan Xuqiao and ordered the same dessert.


   Zhao Xin is really puzzled. Li Yao has always been serious about her work and is known for her dedication in the industry. Why is the entire film crew waiting for her today?

   She helped the agent handle things, and couldn't help but go out and look downstairs, "Sister Yao has been out for 50 minutes, right? Why are you in such a hurry?"

  I don't know if she is guilty of being a thief. When she remembered that there are Yanxuqiao and Tiffana's stores near the CBD, she couldn't help but think about it.

   But it shouldn't be possible, Li Yao is a big star, usually try to avoid public appearance.

   Not to mention that this is still at work, and it is even more unnecessary.

  The agent came over, "Xiao Zhao, do you have anything to explain to me?"

   Zhao Xin's heart jumped, "Brother Xie, I don't understand what you are talking about."

The agent    smiled, "It's nothing, I'm joking."

   The elevator dinged, Zhao Xin turned around and saw that Li Yao was back, and hurried over, "Sister Yao, where are you going? I'm so anxious."

   "What are you in a hurry? What's the hurry?" Li Yao didn't smile.

   Zhao Xin: "I'm not afraid of delaying others for too long. Those people will say that you are playing a big name. Those sunspots on the Internet are very annoying, and they always make things out of nothing."

  Li Yao: "This is something that every artist must face. After all, there is no guarantee that everyone will like it. These are not important. I never care about those false rumors."

   After a pause, she continued, "What I care about is those real mistakes and black spots. After all, doing something wrong is doing something wrong."

  Seeing Li Yao's serious expression, Zhao Xin was inexplicably frightened, "Sister Yao, you have always cherished feathers, there are no black spots at all, don't worry about them."

   "But I have it now, I stand for Tiffana."

   As if a thunderstorm rang in his ear, Zhao Xin shook his hand and let go of Li Yao's arm.

   "Zhao Xin, won't you give me an explanation? Why am I not doing well enough for you to collude with others to frame me?" Li Yao asked calmly.


   Zhao Xin didn't know how she left.

When    promised He Linjun, she thought about the day she would be found out, but she always held the mentality of luck and felt that Li Yaonian would not do anything about the friendship between the two for many years.

   After all, she always spent a higher price to buy Yan Xuqiao, and then replaced Tiffana's packaging, but reimbursed Li Yao for Tiffany's price, which was a lot less money, so she still lost money.

  Li Yao has never been willing to treat the people around him badly. He has always paid attention to these details, and most of them have noticed.

   But Li Yao didn't mention it, and told her to leave.

   Zhao Xin's anxiety is getting bigger and bigger. She seems to have really touched Li Yao's bottom line this time... She won't be fired, will she?

   It didn't take long for the agent, Brother Xie, to come out and inform her that she would not use it for work in the future.

   Zhao Xin was completely frightened: "Brother Xie, can you help me beg Sister Yao for mercy? I didn't mean it... Besides, didn't Sister Yao lose anything?"

  Li Yao only posted a Weibo to support Tiffana on Weibo, but shared his daily life on the Internet, which many netizens in China could not see.

   Besides, even the program crew of "The Place Illuminated by the Moonlight" did this, Li Yao's program has been recorded, everything has been said, and with the notice fee, you can't speak ill of the sponsor.

   Now many artists participate in variety shows, not all of them want to broadcast the advertisements of the gold masters, and all kinds of praise.

   is not an official endorsement. Even if there is a problem, you can completely clear the relationship.

   And she doesn't believe that Tiffana will have problems... He Linjun is so smart and capable, I heard that Tiffana's offline dessert shop franchise model is very profitable, and many capitals are optimistic.

"Do you think so? Do you know why I turn down so many advertising endorsements every year?" The agent was dizzy with anger, "Falsification will be discovered sooner or later, and by that day, Li Yao's reputation will be completely damaged, and her The commercial value will also plummet. Besides, Li Yao hates cheating the most! This is a matter of principle!"

   Zhao Xin: "...But Tiffana has done a very successful job, there won't be such a day."

   Agent: "Oh, that day will come soon. It's not good for them to step on someone. If they offend someone who can't be offended, they'll be cold soon. You go, we're different."

   Zhao Xin's face gradually turned pale, she did not expect Li Yao to be so heartless.

   She hesitated for a moment, then turned around and got off the elevator. Now that she was fired, she also had to plan for her future.

   He Linjun contacted her this time, and expressed her goodness frequently and tenderly and considerately. She was very useful in her heart, and she always fantasized about the day she married into a wealthy family.

  Since this is the case, she doesn't need to be a celebrity assistant, isn't it good to be the president's wife?

   That's right, since Li Yao has already discovered it, she still mentions someone who can't be offended in her words. She has to inform He Linjun of the news as soon as possible!

   Zhao Xin called He Linjun while walking, full of expectations for a better life and sweet love.

   However, the phone kept ringing and no one answered. Zhao Xin continued to call, this time with a busy tone.

   After ten calls in a row, all were busy, and Zhao Xin finally realized that she had been blocked.


  He Linjun looked at the hot search list, shook his red wine glass, and smiled proudly.

   Just half an hour ago, the entry "Miss Treasure Dessert Chef is He Yuye" and "The dessert Li Yao complained about in the show is Yan Xuqiao" both became popular searches.

   After so much foreshadowing, his goal was finally achieved.

   The day that made He Yuye popular and Yan Xuqiao ruined is finally coming.

   "Mr. He, congratulations." The man in front of him smiled and touched a glass with him.

   This is the producer of the program "Where the Moonlight Lights Up". After learning that Tiffana is the Lu family's favorite, he has been trying his best to cooperate with He Linjun.

   In fact, he really read it right, He Linjun was not only willing to spend money, but also well versed in hype.

   This did not rely on the controversy to successfully advertise the show, and the popularity of the show was hyped, so there is no need to worry about the next season's investment promotion meeting!

  The producer was delighted and couldn't help but compliment: "Mr. He is really well-connected. I didn't expect that not only the gold broker Qian Ge is your best friend, but the young master of the Lu family in the imperial capital also has a close relationship with you."

   He Linjun: "That's because I have a good sister."

  He Yuye was born to be a big star who deserves the attention of everyone and is admired by everyone. He Linjun has never doubted this.

   This time, it will be the starting point for He Yuye to take off completely.

   The phone on the table rang, He Linjun glanced at it, and pressed the mute button calmly.

   However, that stupid woman was not at all funny, and when he called again, He Linjun simply blocked the number.

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