The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 369: Meaning, you've been scammed!

The assistant    put the dessert in the same package up.

  Li Yao's eyes were sharp, and when he saw the dessert with Yan Xuqiao's LOGO on his assistant's hand, his face suddenly didn't look good.

   "Why do you always come to promote Yan Xuqiao?"

  He Chenxiao: "You have eaten Yan Xuqiao for so long, and you still have an opinion on Yan Xuqiao. It's not good."

  Li Yao: "What did you say? Impossible, I just ate Yan Xuqiao once while recording the show."

   But that experience made her pull Yan Xuqiao into the blacklist.

She paused, then added, "I know I'm upsetting Tiffany's behavior, and I know it's offensive to criticize Yan Xuqiao's behavior on the show. But I'm just telling the truth, you're not here with me. To do kung fu, it is better to go back and work on the raw materials and taste, at least it is worthy of its expensive price."

   "Even if you want to collect IQ tax, please be careful."

  In the past two days, someone came to help Yan Xuqiao to intercede, which has angered her a bit.

   She could swear to God that she didn't charge Tiffana a penny, she just recommended it based on her personal hobbies.

   For this reason, the agent and the studio's friends have said that she has several times, and should not be a brand platform.

   But who makes people so good that they are willing to recommend them even if they don’t charge money? After all, the quality is cheap and the profit is really meager considering the cost. She doesn't want such a conscientious dessert shop to be buried, and wants more people to see it. Is it wrong?

   The agent was a little anxious, he didn't expect so many people behind the little Yan Xuqiao.

"We Li Yao didn't expect the show team to bring Yan Xuqiao to give her a taste that day. She didn't know about Yan Xuqiao before, so she just took a bite. It was all based on personal preference. I didn't expect the show team to actually put this paragraph It's our fault to put it on have a negative impact on Yan Xuqiao."

   He also looked at the trend on the Internet. The show team did not put it up there because it was deliberately trying to cause controversy to gain attention and popularity.

  He Chenxiao didn't say much, just asked the assistant to take the two boxes of desserts apart and place them side by side on the table.

   "You have a prejudice against Yan Xuqiao, and you don't want to touch Yan Xuqiao. It's okay, but what about Tiffana? I said I would pay you one, please enjoy."

  Li Yao didn't know what medicine he sold in the gourd, so he picked up a small spoon and tasted Tiffana.

The moment    entered, she couldn't help frowning.

   The taste is sweet and the milky fragrance is strong. If you are ordinary people, you may be deceived by your taste buds, but real gourmets will not be fooled.

   This kind of taste is obviously a taste synthesized by adding too many additives!

   Don’t ask, trans fatty acids are definitely over the limit.

  Li Yao looked up at He Chenxiao: "This is definitely not Tiffana! Did you do something?"

   She has eaten Tiffana for half a month and is familiar with Tiffana's style. Even if she eats a new product this time, Tiffana will never be so sweet and greasy, and she will never add so many additives!

  He Chenxiao: "This is Tiffany. You can buy this kind of thing in any Tiffany store, on the premise that you have to buy it yourself in a low-key manner."

  Li Yao was startled, "What do you mean?"

"Meaning, you were deceived! He Linjun, the president of the He Group, and your assistant set up a partnership to deceive you!" He Chenxiao handed the phone to the other party, "This is what my fourth brother found out, and your life assistant is called Zhao. Xin, used to be He Linjun's college classmate. Half a month ago, he invited your assistant out and gave her a Hermes bag. "

  Li Yao: "That doesn't mean anything, does it?"

   Zhao Xin has signed an agreement and knows what to do and what not to do. How could he be so daring and change his position for half a month?

   Besides, her friendship with Zhao Xin is extraordinary. She once helped Zhao Xin, and the other party reciprocated, and has always tried her best to her, and it is impossible to backstab her for a bag.

  He Chenxiao: "Look further down."

  Li Yao patiently looked at it again. There was another piece of surveillance on the phone, and it should be in the villa area where she lived.

   A hint of doubt flashed in her heart. The villa area where she was located was a well-known and wealthy area in the imperial capital. In order to protect the privacy of the residents, it was basically difficult to obtain surveillance.

   The Holy Harmony Group has such great ability to get surveillance?

   Zhao Xin took out a cake from the bag, unpacked it quickly and skillfully, and put the cake back into the empty box she prepared.

  Li Yao's heart froze instantly. The video could not be faked. She could clearly see that the package that Zhao Xin had unpacked before belonged to Yan Xuqiao.

   In the video, Zhao Xin threw Yan Xuqiao's packaging box and packaging bag into the trash can, and then left with Tiffana's packaging bag.

  He Chenxiao: "My fourth brother got the video. As you know in your community, the surveillance is not rumored at all. If not, your assistant probably wouldn't change the packaging under the surveillance."

   The agent was stunned: "Is Xiao Zhao crazy?"

   The key to helping outsiders deceive their bosses is just for a bag!

  Li Yao has always been generous to the people around her, which is why she insisted on promoting Tiffana for free, and he did not resolutely stop it.

   But Zhao Xin turned around and stabbed Li Yao for a bag with a salary far higher than the same industry!

  Li Yao felt a little dizzy, "I need to confirm this in person, I don't want to wrong people casually."

   There was a knock on the door, and the magazine staff couldn't help reminding, "Sister Yao, are you here? We're going to shoot quickly."

  This studio is the best studio in the imperial capital. Not only is the rent high, but it is also difficult to rent. They only rented it for half a day.

  Li Yao remembered this, and understood that the work still had to be completed as soon as possible, but after sitting down, how could he feel calm?

   She knew that she couldn't be in this state, and I'm afraid she would delay the shooting progress today, and she couldn't help but feel even worse.

  He Chenxiao: "You don't have to worry about the studio, my fourth brother also rented you the afternoon."

  Li Yao raised his head, looked at each other through the mirror, and couldn't help asking, "Who is your fourth brother?"

  His grandmother, this person is so annoying, he is proud to show off his fourth brother's supernatural abilities inside and outside the words, when no one can hear it!

  He Chenxiao cleared his throat: "My fourth brother is Shi Rin."

   "Shi Lin?" Li Yao was stunned for a moment. The husband she married was a famous wealthy businessman in the imperial capital, so she also knew some secrets of the wealthy circle of the imperial capital.

She is really not unfamiliar with the name    Shirin. Correspondingly, the rumors she knows are completely contrary to what she sees today.

   "I wrote it down, thank him for me." Li Yao said solemnly.

   In any case, the person who can make the heir of the Shenghe Group boast like a brainless fan must be a talent.

   That Shirin must not be underestimated.

  The manager was completely at a loss, Shirin, who?

   "My fourth brother also said that he has far more evidence in his hands than you think, and he will launch a public opinion counterattack on the Internet soon. I advise you to get out of here before it's too late."

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