The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 340: Today's young people are too ignorant of martial arts

   Chapter 340 Today's young people are too ignorant of martial arts

   This is also one of the achievements that fans must brag about every time they fight with their opponents. How many female stars can do this? She saved tens of thousands of broken families!

  Ironically, as far as He Xinyan knew, the compensation was just a matter of watching the dishes, and most people didn't get the money.

   Those people's losses are not a big deal, but there are hundreds of thousands more.

  He Xinyan reported Tiffana's offline dessert shop. Since things have happened, she can't stand by and allow this kind of food that is harmful to human health to exist.

   She is also not a virgin to try to save Tiffana for irrelevant people... So the best way, of course, is to wait for Tiffana to take over the offline channels and resource equipment after the thunderstorm.

   Those franchisees, if they want to open a store, she can also open up their places so that they will not go bankrupt.

   This can be regarded as her revenge against He Linjun, and the motive is not simple.

   Not only Tiffana, but even the stock of He's Group. Taking advantage of Ling Xuan's endorsement scandal some time ago, the stock plummeted. She also manipulated the backside to buy a lot of scattered stocks on the market.

   Waiting for Tiffana's thunderstorm, which affects the stock of He's Group, she will buy it again.

   Her goal has always been single-minded, never deviating from it, that is, to completely change the owner of the He Group and become her possession.

   Although He Xinyan never showed her ambition, she never concealed her ambition.

   Shi Rin has worked with her for so long, some of her actions, Luo Yuan can't see, Qiao Yuqiao and Lin Xuxu can't see, but they can't escape Shi Rin's eyes.

   "Have I told you that I've never been a good person?" He Xinyan smiled lightly, "Someone told me that I'm actually a sinister and vicious villain."

  The villain's transformation plan system failed to transform her successfully, which shows that there is no cure at all, so she decided to live according to her heart.

   In the winter, the warm sun is falling, the air is very cold, and the warm light is plated on Shi Lin's face, as if a soft light filter is turned on, making his whole person look warm and beautiful.

   "Really, who said that? Who wrote the script?" Shi Rin looked at her for a moment, "Why do you believe him, bring someone else on the stage, and pay for the show?"

  He Xinyan was startled.

"Forget it." Shi Lin stepped over and grabbed her wrist, "According to your current net worth, to invite you to play the villain, you must have the financial resources of the sometimes family. Since the other party can't afford the money, There's no need to bother."

   He Xinyan couldn't help laughing after she reacted.

  Yeah, how could someone like Shirin accept a script written by someone else? Not even the King of Heaven.

   So the system determined that she is the villain, has she been paid for the appearance? Why should she play with it?

  He Xinyan followed Shi Lin forward, the dazzling sunset gave her an illusion, as if following this holy person, she could walk towards the light step by step.

   "What are you doing?" A voice sounded beside him.

  Xu Jingyang first suspected that he was dazzled, and when he saw it clearly, he almost exploded.

   He walked over quickly and said vigilantly, "Xinyan, hurry up, Mr. Wen is looking for you."

   There are still a few days before the final exam, and then the holiday. He has all planned. He can invite He Xinyan to play together at that time. It is best to persuade He Xinyan to come to his house for the New Year.

   This rounding means that He Xinyan will meet his parents with him.

   Of course, if He Xinyan is not willing, he can go to He Xinyan's house to celebrate the New Year.

   It happened to congratulate Xinyan on moving to a new house. The custom of Donglin City required a conservatory to celebrate the housewarming. He could organize his classmates and go to He Xinyan's new villa to play together.

   Anyway, the students are tired of playing the major attractions at home and abroad, and the college entrance examination is like the sword of Damoris hanging overhead, so they will not consider traveling.

   Not to mention that this can be regarded as a benefit, even students from other classes want to apply to join, and they all want to go to Yan Shen's house to see where she lives.

   And the housewarming is just convenient for everyone to give gifts! Some with careful thinking, have already secretly rubbed the gift.

  He Xinyan took two steps away, then stopped and looked at Xu Jingyang, "Aren't you going to come with me?"

  Xu Jingyang put his hands in his pockets, smiling brightly and openly, "I won't go, and Teacher Wen didn't look for me."

  He Xinyan shrugged, don't go if you don't go. Strange, this guy is too inactive today.

Before   , he had to get together every time, probably because he thought he could give him some approval. When he got impatient and spoke with his fist, he would be honest.

  To be so honest today is a lot of peace of mind.

As soon as He Xinyan left, the smile on Xu Jingyang's face disappeared. He took a deep breath and said to Shi Rin, "Fourth Young Master, thank you for taking care of Xinyan, but you won't have bad intentions for Xinyan, right? That's not good. Well, after all, you are many years apart."

   Shirin: "…"

   This is a very novel experience, and I was actually approached by a spirit boy to warn me.

Xu Jingyang mustered up his courage, it was a man who couldn't back down at this time, "You were in a big family, the eldest son inherited the family business, and the youngest son was of course a business marriage. I think the family values ​​you very much, and your fiancee must have a high status. "

   And since He Xinyan is not the eldest Miss of the Gu family, obviously she will not be accepted by a big family like the Shi family.

  Shi Lin: "The Xu family has no demands on your fiancee?"

  Xu Jingyang: "Of course there is... as long as I like it! Besides, Xinyan is so good, my parents are very supportive of me, and the family even has dowry and a big villa ready."

  If you are acquainted, then quickly retreat from the difficulties, you are really not suitable!

   Shirin: "Really, my family also supports me very much, and my family even has the dowry and the big villa ready."

   Mainly what he wants to do, no one will dare to object.

  Xu Jingyang suddenly became anxious, "I'm not kidding!"

   He was so dizzy with anger, why is this person still so calm? Damn, not only Liu Jiayi's stupid critic is arguing with him, but Shi Lin has no intention of giving in at all.

   "Xinyan and I are childhood sweethearts and will go to college together in the future. We are about the same age and have the same experience. Obviously, we have more emotional resonance and common language."

  You are a social person, how dare you fight with our young people, and you have no shame?

Shi Lin glanced at the vigorous young man in front of him, squinted his eyes, and the moles on the corners of his eyes flickered, "You reminded me that I have to guard against wild bees and butterflies outside in the future, young people today are too ignorant of martial arts. "

  Ever since he knew Xu Jingyang, he has secretly ate vinegar many times, just because he is not good at getting older and arguing with high school kids.

   doesn't mean he doesn't care at all.

   "You are still young and you are not in a hurry to solve the marriage problem. I am different. After all, when you are old, you will be a bachelor for the rest of your life if you don't work hard. Of course, you have to do everything in your power to pursue it." Shi Rin said with a smile.

   Xu Jingyang: "…"

   God is **** old, God is **** bachelor!

  You are only five years older than us. With the boomerang stuck on your body, Xu Jingyang knew how much blood he vomited.

   (end of this chapter)

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