The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 339: Yan Xuqiao's face may be He Xinyan's face

   Chapter 339 Yan Xuqiao's face may be He Xinyan's face

   Mr. He always knew clearly that He Linjun had been spoiled since he was a child.

  The eldest son and grandson of the He family had leukemia since he was a child.

   After finally finding He Xinyan and relying on He Xinyan to rescue He Linjun, but because of a long-term illness in his youth, He Linjun's temperament was crooked, and he could not integrate into school life completely.

   His grades are not good, he is too out of touch with his classmates, and his temperament is irritable and unbearable. Mr. He even secretly planned to train He Xinyan to be He Linjun's wife.

   But after his grandson was completely healed, he decisively dismissed the idea. He Linjun's marriage needed to be improved, and He Xinyan was obviously not in line.

   But even so, he still wanted to treat He Xinyan well, not only because of his son's entrustment, but also because of the super business talent that He Xinyan occasionally showed.

   When He Xinyan's identity was revealed, he took He Xinyan to do charity, which made He Group's stock rise again and again.

   At that time, He Xinyan was by his side. In order to try to prove her worth, he put forward some opinions and suggestions, but every one of them conformed to the trend of economic development and was confirmed after many years.

   Although Mr. He did not adopt all of them, he has benefited a lot from the parts he adopted.

   And He Linjun's various performances since he joined the group have been unsatisfactory, and he is not even worse than He Xinyan.

   Mr. He wanted to keep He Xinyan in the He's house, as He Linjun's whetstone, to sharpen the other's temperament.

   Go back to He Yuye to find it... This child lived a good life in the past, but the adoptive parents said that they would leave it behind. The coldness in his bones is evident.

   Therefore, he also needs He Xinyan to grind He Yuye's mind.

   However, it backfired, and now he has nothing to hide.

   Mr. He: "Do you think things are so simple? Have you ever thought about why the brand called Yan Xuqiao can develop so well?"

   He Linjun was stunned for a moment, they were talking about He Xinyan, why did they pull out Yan Xuqiao again?

   Of course he knew that Yan Xuqiao was developing very well in Donglin City, and he was well-known even in the wealthy circles. The traffic and daily flow of the shop made him jealous for a time.

   At that time, he also took action against Yan Xuqiao, reported it, sent people to grab customers at the door, and splashed dirty water, but to no avail.

   The group of idiots who were sent to grab customers was actually treated as a fat sheep by those little people in the market, and they tried their best to pluck their wool, causing him to lose a lot of money.

   But he later asked He Yuye to go to the new product of Yanxuqiao, and because they did a good job in advertising, the price was low, and they made a lot of money, so this wave is not a loss.

   Mr. He took out a packaging bag of Yan Xuqiao and pointed to the exquisite LOGO: "Have you ever thought that Yan Xuqiao's face might be He Xinyan's face?"

  He Linjun's pupils shrank, and he stood up: "This is impossible!"

   Mr. He only guessed that his friend heard some news, but couldn't find more.

   Including this report, the other party can only tip off the report, but it cannot stop the pace of inspection.

"Whether you believe it or not, this is probably the truth. I can be sure that Yan Xuqiao and Xinyan are inextricably linked." Mr. He paused, "Linjun, grandpa is old, I hope The He Group can be carried forward well in the hands of your brothers and sisters, and the He Group's foundation can last for a hundred years."

   "Don't let down Grandpa's expectations." Finally, Mr. He said.


   He Linjun was about to go crazy.

   He resisted his temper and left the He's house, and when he returned to the company, he immediately smashed everything on the desk.

The assistant    was too frightened to speak out.

   He Linjun rubbed his brows, and suddenly sneered again, "Dare to fight with me? Very good, I see how you can keep fighting."

   He arranged several big plays for He Xinyan, originally thinking that when He Xinyan was about to take the college entrance examination, she would take the stage one by one, so that she could enjoy the fear of falling from heaven to hell.

   Now he is impatient and can't wait to kill He Xinyan.


  He Xinyan received a phone call after school in the afternoon. Luo Yuan on the other end of the phone said that a program team came to her door and wanted to invite them, Yan Xuqiao, to participate in the recording of the first episode.

   It was a slow-life program that invited celebrities to travel around the mountains and waters to experience the fun of slow life. One of the links was that the guests had to find a famous dessert chef to learn how to make amazing desserts, and finally PK with each other.

  The idea of ​​the program group is well written, not only can Michelin be able to make exquisite and delicious desserts, but also affordable and delicious desserts that belong to ordinary people can be found in the market.

  He Xinyan: "Oh, no, our desserts are not cheaper than three Michelin stars, which doesn't fit the program's positioning."

  Luo Yuan was a little surprised: "But aren't we planning to do a low-end line?"

   The program team promised various benefits, and the free publicity alone was very tempting.

   After all, the guests in this issue are famous actresses, and the other party, Xiying, has returned to the family for many years, but only recently came back. It is said that her hobbies are making desserts and eating desserts.

  The actress once complained in an interview with reporters that it is difficult to eat sweet and low-calorie desserts, and life is really painful.

   Because this complaint is too real, it resonated with many sweets lovers. It seems that the actress is both down-to-earth and real, and has attracted a wave of fans.

  Luo Yuan is fully confident that their desserts from Yan Xuqiao can conquer the actress's taste buds, and at the same time conquer the actress's body fat, so as to ensure that there will be no messy growth.

   That's why she is so active in advancing this matter.

  He Xinyan raised her head and stared at Tiffana's coupons in the trash: "The Yanxuqiao brand doesn't do low-end lines, low-end lines... already available."

   She looked down at the trash can and found that there were quite a lot of coupons thrown in there.

  How much did Cheng Jiaxing send out? It's kind of frustrating.

   The other party probably wanted to rely on the coupons to stimulate and cultivate the consumption habits of the students. The goal was very precise, the positioning was very clear, and it was not without brains.

   After all, the classmates of Yongxing High School are from good families. Once they develop consumption habits, these people will become the most loyal users of Tiffany, and even affect the circles and people around them.

   There was someone close to the breath, and the breath was very familiar, so He Xinyan looked back at random, "Four young masters."

   Shi Rin lowered her eyelashes, glanced at the coupons in the trash can, and thoughtfully: "The low-end line you're talking about, is this?"

  He Xinyan was silent for a moment: "Yes, no."

She would not want the brand Tiffana. It was a brand created by He Linjun for his dear sister. According to the development trajectory of his previous life, although he experienced thunderstorms, it was the franchisees who suffered bad luck and losses. He Linjun just took the blame and resigned, and He gently plucked himself out.

   Later, He Yuye became popular, and she was always unhappy about Tiffana's affairs, so she tried her best to put Tiffana down. As a result, because of her business savvy, she actually enlarged the Tiffany brand.

   (end of this chapter)

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