The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 341: He, we are here to find you

   Chapter 341 He, we are here to find you

  Lin Xuxu stood beside the bushes and listened to the conversation over there. In addition to being unexpected, he felt it was right.

   Xu Shao is still too simple, how could he be Shi Rin's opponent.

   She and Qiao Yuqiao were the first to pay attention to this matter. It wasn't that they reminded them secretly, but it didn't work at all. This person was quite determined.

Yan Xuqiao received a lot of help from him, and it spread smoothly in major cities across the country. He was low-key and pragmatic. Although he refused to join the model, it cost a lot of money, but he made more money. People are startled.

   She and Qiao Yuqiao fully realized the happiness of following the big guy to win, their net worth has also risen, and they have achieved financial freedom.

   Shirin sent professional managers to help them manage the company, but he would never overstep his authority and scramble for the right to speak. She and Qiao Yuqiao bear the title of President Lin and Qiao.

  Lin Xuxu likes this feeling very much. He is making progress every day, and his studies and career are progressing well.

   Of course, she didn't forget about profit and righteousness. She felt that Shi Rin was rich, so she pushed He Xinyan up.

   Instead, he saw Shi Lin's firmness and determination. This person is like a trickle, silently filling He Xinyan's life;

   She also accepted it. The young master from a wealthy family who was like an immortal actually descended to the world. He directly said that he was old and put himself in a low position.

  Since this is the case, why does she continue to stop the other party?

  Lin Xuxu smiled, just about to call Xu Jingyang to go with him, but the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

   "Xu Xu, have you finished school yet?" On the other end of the phone, the woman's voice was softer than ever.

  Lin Xuxu: "Come on, what's the matter with Mom?"

   Strangely, she has been busy going out early and coming back late recently. Her parents never asked, why did she make a special call?

   "Can't I come to you if I'm okay?" Mother Lin said strangely, "You've been studying hard recently. I made soup for you to nourish your body. Your dad and your brother are also here. Let's eat out as a family at night."

  Lin Xuxu: "Mom, wait for me for a few minutes, I'll go right over."

   Her parents rarely came to pick her up from school, so she hurriedly turned around and went upstairs to get her schoolbag, determined to relax tonight and not study at school in the evening.

   She just waited until she hurried to the school gate and looked around and saw no one at all. Instead, the security guard took the initiative to remind her that her parents and brother had already entered the school.

   After all, she is He Xinyan's good friend. Everyone in the security department knows her. Her parents insisted on going to the school... The security department had to let someone register and let her go.

  Lin Xuxu had to turn around and look for someone.

   She thought as she walked, maybe her parents were anxious to wait, and her mother was worried that the soup would be cold, so she hurried in to find her own.

   On New Year's Day, her parents took her younger brother on vacation without telling her. She once thought that her parents were still angry with her for borrowing money half a year ago.

   Now it seems that her parents still care about her.


  He Xinyan came out of the Academic Affairs Building and just walked a few steps when she heard someone calling her name.

   She looked back and found several unfamiliar faces, "Sorry, may I ask who you are?"

   The three people who appeared in front of them were obviously a family of three, parents and sons. They were well-dressed, but their eyes were a bit straightforward.

   Mother Lin took a step forward and smiled warmly: "Hello, classmate He, I'm Lin Xuxu's mother, come to pick us up slowly from school."

  He Xinyan nodded: "Hello auntie, hello uncle."

  Mother Lin waited and saw that her attitude was not very enthusiastic, so she had to take the initiative to mention, "We didn't find Xu Xu, can I ask you to help lead the way? I heard that you and Xu Xu are the best friends."

  He Xinyan: "Are you going to the teaching building to find Xu Xu? Then come with me."

   She took people to the bottom of the teaching building, "Go up from the elevator on the left side of the hall, the third classroom on the left side of the sixth floor is."

   "Aren't you going up with us?" Mother Lin was stunned for a moment.

  He Xinyan: "No, I'm after school, I'm going home, bye."

  The three people who had been holding back their tempers suddenly became anxious. This was different from what they expected. Why did this woman not play cards according to the rules of the cards?

  Lin Zheyu couldn't bear it for a long time, this woman was too ignorant of them.

   "He Xinyan, you are in a hurry to leave, is it because of your guilty conscience that you dare not face us?"

   His voice was very loud, and He Xinyan herself was a celebrity in the school, so many classmates came to watch it.

  Father Lin couldn't help but feel a little proud, and sure enough, his son was reliable. He held it back for a day today, and the shock in his heart still hasn't gone away for a long time. He must see what He Xinyan said.

   "Student He, we are here to find you. We have something to talk to you about." Father Lin stepped forward and acted like an elder.

  He Xinyan was not surprised at all. How should I put it, among the three, Mother Lin could still hide things, but the two men were obviously more impatient than the other.

   Especially the little one, the hostility in his eyes was about to overflow, and it was obvious that the visitor was not good.

   She probably guessed why the other party came to the door.

At noon, I was chatting in the Yanxuqiao company group. Some employees said that a family of three parents and sons came to the store in the morning. It was strange, and they didn't buy anything. They inquired about the daily flow of the store and opened a number of branches, suspecting that it was the opposite family. .

   This kind of thing is not uncommon, but this combination is very strange, He Xinyan kept an eye on it at that time.

   Sure enough, the other party came to the door.

   But she didn't want to make a big fuss. After all, this is Lin Xuxu's parents and family, and it's not good for Lin Xuxu to make a big fuss.

  He Xinyan smiled and said, "Since it's looking for me, let's find a place to sit down and talk."

   Mother Lin winked, Father Lin coughed lightly, and said with his hands behind his back, "Okay, then let's go to Lanxi's private kitchen to cook."

   He Xinyan's smile deepened. She only said to find a place to sit and chat, but the other party directly turned the chat into a meal.

   The named Lanxi private kitchen is still a very high-end private kitchen nearby. The per capita consumption is 3,000 yuan, but according to the recent economic conditions of Lin Xuxu’s family, it is not a family that can invite classmates to eat in such a high-end restaurant casually.

   He Xinyan guessed that most of the family wanted her to pay for it.

   Mother Lin saw that He Xinyan didn't speak, and added with a smile, "We just want to take Xu Xu to eat some delicious tonic, after all, she has been studying hard recently."

  He Xinyan nodded and said simply, "Okay, let's go. Xu Xu is probably busy over there, so I'll send you a text message later."

   She wanted to hear what the family was going to say first. It would be better for Lin Xuxu not to be there for the time being.

   Lin's parents and Lin's mother were also planning to do this, and they followed her every step of the way.

  Lin Zheyu also hurried to keep up, only to realize that the woman's legs were long and fast, and the family of three trotted all the way to keep up. In the winter, they were all sweaty.


  When He Xinyan was on the road, she made a reservation for a private room and ordered dishes on the phone while walking.

   As soon as they arrived at Lanxi's private kitchen, the manager immediately came over and brought them into the private room.

   (end of this chapter)

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