The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 307: So why don't you hurry up?

  The three-day vacation is over, and the students who have returned to school have a lot to talk about.

   First of all, of course, it was about He Xinyan's lawsuit with Ling Xuan. Not only that He Xinyan won the lawsuit, but Ling Xuan directly gave up the appeal.

   The boy at the front table turned his head and said faintly, "Yan Shen, what are you hiding from everyone, why don't you talk about it together, no matter how many surprises, we can stand it."

   "Yes, yes, I was stunned. I thought it was a big surprise for Fu Yuhuan and the others to be on TV."

   "But Yan Shen, you don't actually participate in the show. Fu Yuhuan's shows are all trending, you know?"

  Lin Xuxu: "Surprises always have to be revealed slowly before surprises, don't you think?"

   This wave of He Xinyan has received unprecedented attention. After all, the song "Liang Chan" was so popular at the beginning, but it turned out to be He Xinyan's work.

  My God, how old was He Xinyan five years ago to be able to write such an amazing work.

   It's no wonder that Xinxin's songwriting can make Lu Sichuan top the major music charts, and he can also be popular with the sound idiot.

   Recently, many music journals, music bloggers, music producers, etc. have all studied and analyzed several songs produced by He Xinyan. Except for a few Heizi and Sour Chicken, they are all praises.

   People in the music circle feel that with the combination of Lu Sichuan and He Xinyan, it is entirely possible for the music world to reshape its former glory!

   Even many people have a keen sense of smell and feel that He Xinyan is likely to make her debut. After all, her appearance kills many female stars who are famous for their beauty.

   Therefore, in addition to asking He Xinyan to make a high-priced song, there are also many label merchants handing over olive branches, wanting to lead He Xinyan to be the spokesperson.

   is not a short-term endorsement, but a one-year contract.

   This is only a first-line treatment among official stars. After all, merchants also have to evaluate the artist's risk and ability to bring goods, and they will not sign long-term contracts easily.

   This is an olive branch given by the brand after a comprehensive evaluation and feels that He Xinyan has great potential, and hopes to cooperate and win-win.

  He Xinyan rejected the endorsement contract, and she was not short of money for the time being, so she did not consider endorsement for other brands.

   Not to mention, this endorsement brand that has extended an olive branch is also an offline coffee brand, which is a competitor to her dessert shop.

   Of course, there is another big news about the holiday. Fu Yuhuan and the others were hotly searched on the New Year's Day stage.

   In this cooperation with the TV station, the choreography has been changed, making it more youthful and upward.

   In addition, He Xinyan's song itself incorporates elements of national style. This time, the interpretation of national style has a different flavor, which is very eye-catching.

   I have to say that Fu Yuhuai's own choreography talent is really high, and his friends are also very powerful, not all of He Xinyan's credit.

   At noon, Fu Yuhuan and a few girls took the initiative to come to He Xinyan for dinner.

   By the way, let’s talk about what happened to the TV station that day.

"The producer sister said that she didn't plan to buy a hit for our show, but the news that you won the case went on the hot search, and the Internet is commenting on your five works, everyone adds up, no, our song is also How can your works only be five songs, just posted a clip on Weibo, and I didn’t expect it to become a hot search all of a sudden.”

   TV station's New Year's Day party has invited many artists. Their show is really not up to standard, and they shouldn't be on the hot search.

   But who made He Xinyan have her own hot search physique, and the traffic is ridiculously large. With He Xinyan's entry, passers-by can't help but poke in and take a look.

   In the eyes of the TV station, this is an unexpected joy. After all, He Xinyan forfeited the copyright fee for this song, and the appearance fees of Fu Yuhuan and these little girls are not expensive.

   "By the way, Yan Shen, where did you go on New Year's Day?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

   The other party neither participated in the New Year's Eve activities nor in the New Year's Day garden activities. Many people felt very regretful.

  He Xinyan: "I went to Licheng."

   "Li Cheng?" On the table behind her, someone couldn't help but make an unexpected voice, and the voice was full of surprise.

   A group of people looked up one after another, and Zhao Wei also looked at Liu Jiayi in surprise, "Brother Yi, is there a problem?"

   Liu Jiayi clenched his chopsticks, his voice was a little heavy, "Xu Jingyang also went to Licheng on New Year's Day."

   After he finished speaking, his heart sank, it was impossible, how could He Xinyan be with Xu Jingyang and travel together.

   It must be Xu Jingyang shameless to follow the past, it must be like this, the other party is too aggressive and too clingy.

   He looked up at He Xinyan with a complicated expression. He had heard about He Xinyan's victory, so why didn't she say it before?

   If I said it earlier, I wouldn't misunderstand her that much, and I wanted to drive her away for a while.

   Liu Jiayi thought about it and said to He Xinyan, "I won't misunderstand you, don't worry."

  He Xinyan: "???"

   She looked at each other blankly, "Are you filling your head with too much water, do you want me to help you control the water? Or do you want me to help you recall the content of our bet?"

  Liu Jiayi hesitated for a moment: "I still can't."

   "Oh, so why don't you get out?"

   Liu Jiayi pursed his lips, got up and took the plate to leave.

   Zhao Wei was stunned: "No, Brother Yi, why are you so obedient?"

  Although Liu Jiayi lost the bet, it's been a long time since it happened, so there's no need to hold on to it, right?

   His brother Yi is the school bully of Yongxing High School anyway, so he has to have the prestige and face of a school bully. It really hurts one's self-esteem to let the other party go away in public.

  ...If it was in private, it would be different. After all, He Xinyan is still quite powerful, and she is also beautiful. She is different from ordinary women. Even if she has a bad temper, they are willing to tolerate it.

  Liu Jiayi: "I'm full, can't I leave? I want you to mind your own business!"

   Zhao Wei: "…"

   Yes, of course, but if you don't yell at He Xinyan, why are you yelling at me?

   Zhao Wei felt a little wronged. Brother Yi just didn't care about anything recently. He was still temperamental, and it was harder to serve him than before.

  Liu Jiayi: "You are all full, hurry up with me!"

   A group of the most difficult school tyrants in Yongxing High School just left in such a daze, and everyone in the first class was used to it.

   Anyway, the filter of Liu Jiayi's schoolmaster has long been dropped, and it is so broken that it can't be put back together. It is not surprising that he is so obedient. This is called a man who knows the times.

   After all, Liu Jiayi has personally experienced He Xinyan's ability. The memory of shame is too deep and unforgettable, and he probably doesn't want to experience it a second time.

   Not to mention, because He Xinyan has set a good example, the girls in Yongxing High School are more serious about physical education.

  Since force deterrence works for school bullies, it works even more for others.

  A fight is indecent, but losing a fight is even more indecent, so it must be avoided.

   Of course, although the students of Yongxing High School are very individual, they all have brains and will not fight easily.

  Unfortunately, there are still many idiots without brains. Lin Xuxu thought blankly, raised his head unhappily, "What are you doing here?"

  Cheng Jiaxing was a little excited, "He Xinyan, don't go too far!"

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