The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 306: That cake was made by Xinyan herself

   The mobile phone on the table buzzed, and Shi Rin picked up the phone and glanced at the message.

   said that they had stopped Lin Yunxian, and the other party decided to leave Licheng when the opportunity was not good.

   Shi Rin turned off the phone as usual, treating it as a trivial matter.

  Su Zhelong is very loyal, and he does everything by himself, no matter what, he refuses to admit that someone is behind the instigation.

   But the other party is not smart, and the phone is checked and it is revealed.

   This time, the Su family has completely kicked the iron plate and offended Gu Zhen and Gu Zhengran. With Gu Zhengran's temperament, this matter will definitely be dealt with seriously.

  Since that's the case, why didn't he do a favor and find out Lin Yunxian who was behind the scenes.

   It is convenient for Gu Zhengran to settle accounts together.

  Shi Lin looked up at Gu Zhen opposite, "How about it, Shao Gu has seen the photo of the black pearl, have you confirmed anything?"

  Gu Zhengran asked people to book a large private room, and there is a place to drink tea on the terrace next to it. Pulling the sliding door just separated a quiet and undisturbed environment, which was convenient for conversation.

  Gu Zhen shouted directly in front of Gu Zhengran and walked in, indicating that he didn't want to be known, so he could only watch and didn't dare to come to disturb him.

   "I'm almost certain that the black pearl belongs to Zhen Zhen, by the way, He..." Gu Zhen thought for a while, not knowing what to call He Xinyan.

   The two of them obviously have people they know in common, but they have been going around for so long, and they didn't meet until today.

   Shirin: "You can call her Xinyan, this is her name."

  Gu Zhen is good-natured, "Has she seen the photos of Xinyan, what does she say?"

   Shirin: "She didn't say anything, but I can infer from her expression, most likely she also has useful information."

  Gu Zhen couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and then he couldn't help covering his face and choked up, "It's her! She's really Zhen Zhen!"

  Shi Lin looked at him calmly, tapped his finger and tapped the coffee table lightly, "Let me remind you that you can only be 100% sure if you have done a paternity test, and everything is just speculation at the moment."

   "I know." But that still didn't stop him from being happy, sincerely happy.

  If the final result is really not... no no no, there is no such result at all.

"The black pearl on Zhen Zhen's body was given to her by my grandmother." Gu Zhen calmed down and said, "My grandmother has a lot of jewelry, but she felt that no matter which one was too conspicuous, she gave a few. Give the black pearl to Zhen Zhen and let her wear it to play with."

   The little girl who was supposed to grow up by her family's side suddenly disappeared one day, and no matter how they looked for it, they couldn't hear from her.

After   , the mother had a mental breakdown, so severe that she had to go abroad for treatment. Before that, when my mother was sober occasionally, she insisted on divorce from her father.

   In the end, we got married and divorced, and our family was separated.

"Whether Zhen Zhen wants to recognize me and my mother or not, but I have to persuade her not to go to Gu's house." Gu Zhen said, "Gu Zhengran still doesn't know about my search for Black Pearl, and I hope you can help keep it a secret, Gu's family is afraid ...not safe."

   He actually had several objects of suspicion, but those people were all relatives of Gu Zhengran.

  Gu Zhengran has his own home and relatives who he thinks are very important. From the moment the other party agreed to divorce, he and his mother were no longer each other's family members and became familiar strangers.

   Shi Rin didn't look surprised at Gu Zhen's remarks, but instead reminded, "Did Su Qi'an refuse to sell that black pearl?"

  Gu Zhen: "I was going to exchange the imperial green jade necklace with a value much higher than that of the black pearl, but Su Qi'an refused. He said that it was a family heirloom of his fiancée and could not be easily sold or given away."

   "Family heirloom?" Shi Rin chewed these words with some playfulness, and said with a smile, "Why don't you do this, leave this to me to handle."

  Gu Zhen did not hesitate: "Okay."

   Shirin was a little surprised, "Aren't you worried that I screwed up?"

  Gu Zhen smiled, "I still have a little eye for people, so I can rest assured."

   Besides, how could the person who can make Su Zheng jealous and make Shi Zhao obey his orders, how could he be the wealthy idler in the legend.

   When Gu Zhen got up and was about to open the door of the compartment, Shi Rin suddenly said, "I don't know if I should say something, but I think Xinyan wouldn't mind letting you know."

   He got up and looked at Gu Zhen, and said lightly, "The birthday cake that Xu Jingyang took back that night should be made by Xinyan herself."

  Gu Zhen couldn't help widening his eyes, and when he wanted to ask something, a faint scent of thuja cedar passed by the tip of his nose, and Shi Rin had already passed him and walked out of the cubicle first.

   Xu Jingyang was so curious, how could Cousin Zhen talk to Shi Rin?

   Seeing the sliding door open, Shi Rin came out. He walked over and saw Gu Zhen standing inside, and couldn't help but feel a little stunned.

   "Cousin Zhen, what's the matter with you?" Cousin Zhen's expression was very wrong. He wanted to ask for a long time. Tonight, cousin Zhen and Mr. Gu paid too much attention to He Xinyan.

  Gu Zhen still maintained the movement of raising his hand to cover his eyes, his voice was a little dull, "It's nothing."

   He just felt very happy. Now that he recalled the taste of the cake that night, it was so sweet to his heart.

  Xu Jingyang hesitated for a while, cousin Zhen doesn't look like it's nothing.

   "Well, if the surname said something, don't take it to heart."

  Gu Zhen: "Let me ask you, you know Xinyan very well, right? Can you tell me more about her when you go back later?"

   Xu Jingyang: "Of course! No problem!"

   When he mentioned the person he liked, he couldn't help but puff out his chest and felt a sense of pride.

  He Xinyan's excellence, it really can't be said for three days and three nights.


   Shen Yuzhu was really complaining, she called He Xinyan over, of course not to discuss math problems.

   In fact, when she was studying, she paid more attention to literature and less rational, and she was a little serious about subject matter, and she couldn't solve the problem of mathematics.

   I thought I had graduated from college and I would never have to face math problems again, but I still couldn’t escape.

   What the **** is that fool who used this excuse to come out and die!

  ...Forget it, it seems that she has proposed it too. After all, He Xinyan is indifferent to other invitations, and only expressed a bit of interest when someone suggested her to come over and ask questions.

   In order to do what she likes, her group of classmates who are engaged in literature and art are not scratching their ears at the math problems one by one.

   This is the price of wanting to be close to the little beauty.

   Shen Yuzhu sneaked out her phone and glanced at WeChat.

   The latest from one of her friends, a slightly dim photo of a woman being taken away by the police.

  Shen Yuzhu is absolutely certain that that woman is Lin Yunxian, she can recognize her when she turns into ashes!

  Wow, this is such a big game that someone could actually get past the Su family and take Lin Yunxian directly to the police station.

   She couldn't help but cast her admiring eyes on He Xinyan, this kind-looking little beauty was really interesting.

   made her firm up her determination to make friends with people, and she liked this kind of ruthless character who did what she said.

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