The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 308: I dare to take responsibility for every word I say

  He Xinyan didn't speak, and even Liu Jiayi, who had planned to leave, stopped and stared at Cheng Jiaxing with bad eyes.

   "How the **** did you talk?"

  Zhao Wei: "...Brother Yi, aren't we going to leave, so don't worry about this?"

   He doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the fun. His group of people just ate here with He Xinyan, and of course he is happy to watch others trouble He Xinyan.

   Liu Jiayi was so annoyed that he came over and kicked on the stool next to him, "You dare to trouble He Xinyan? I don't even dare to trouble her. Are you trying to prove that you are better than me?"

   Zhao Wei: "…"

   This angle is really strange and tenable, as expected of his handsome and arrogant brother Yi! The school domineering demeanor remains the same!

  Cheng Jiaxing was so frightened that he was as quiet as a quail and did not dare to speak.

   The reason why he dared to dance cheerfully in front of He Xinyan was because he thought that He Xinyan would not do anything to him, but Liu Jiayi was different, the other party would really beat people.

  He Xinyan raised her head, fortunately she had already finished her meal, otherwise it would have been distasteful.

   "I'll give you five minutes to speak quickly."

  Cheng Jiaxing hesitated for a while, and finally summoned up the courage to confront He Xinyan, he didn't want to just give up.

   Just as he was about to say something, there was a commotion not far away.

  Xu Jingyang arrived late, and when he saw Liu Jiayi and Cheng Jiaxing standing next to He Xinyan, he was a little upset.

  Master, he was delayed for a while because of something, and heard someone tipped off. Liu Jiayi danced in front of He Xinyan again!

   Others don't know what Liu Jiayi is thinking, but he can't understand it any more, and he's so angry that he wants to pry him into the corner while he's not there!

  No, there is nothing so cheap in the world.

   He glanced at Cheng Jiaxing and said angrily, "What are you doing here? Get out of the way, you're taking my place!"

   finally summoned up the courage to condemn He Xinyan's Cheng Jiaxing: "..."

If    made a mistake, he shouldn't confront He Xinyan in public.

   But he was looking for it in private. He was a little bit afraid of He Xinyan, worried that there was no way for everyone to see He Xinyan's ugly face.

  He Xinyan: "You all turn off the wheat for me first, okay, you can talk."

   She glanced at Liu Jiayi and Xu Jingyang with a warning, and then said to Cheng Jiaxing.

   Mainly because she doesn't want to waste time. Of course, the thing that can be solved is to cut the mess and solve it quickly.

   Besides, the other party provokes her, does she really think she is a clay sculpture and has no temper? Of course, let the other party make it clear.

   Xu Jingyang and Liu Jiayi stopped talking, the surroundings were quiet, and everyone turned their attention to Cheng Jiaxing, wanting to see what he had to say.

  Cheng Jiaxing felt encouraged and clenched his fists. He still believed that the students would stand firm on his side once they knew the truth.

   Most of the classmates in Yongxing High School are sensible, and only a few are unreasonable... For example, those who were confused by He Xinyan.

"He Xinyan, don't you think you're going too far? It's fine if you curse Tiffana's thunderstorm, but you still spread rumors that eating Tiffana's desserts and chocolate will cause fever, vomiting and diarrhea! Are you trying to insinuate? ?"

  He Xinyan didn't understand much, but it didn't prevent her from expressing her position, "I don't need to insinuate, if Tiffana has those problems, I will report it directly for salmonella."

   "Sure enough! You are too vicious. You know that food safety issues can destroy a brand. The He family will support you anyway. Why do you want to bankrupt the He Group!"

   Cheng Jiaxing asked angrily, he was so angry, he didn't expect her to be so sinister.

Winter is approaching the New Year again, which is the peak season for chocolate sales. Tiffana brand is also an eventful season. The spokesperson Ling Xuan was exposed to the negative news of plagiarism. .

   The situation finally stabilized, but he has heard another rumor at school in recent days.

  Some people said that many students recently had symptoms of fever, vomiting and diarrhea, which were caused by eating Tiffana's desserts and chocolates.

During the   Christmas afternoon tea event, Cheng Jiaxing diligently persuaded many classes to set the event venue at Tiffany.

  Although he was selfish and wanted to help He Yuye, he really helped his classmates get a lot of benefits, and he also gave away a lot of things in addition to the package.

   I didn’t intend to ask my classmates to say thank you, but you can’t be slandered by malicious rumors like this, right?

   The key is that it seems that many classmates have listened to the rumors and began to alienate him intentionally or unintentionally.

  Cheng Jiaxing felt so uncomfortable. After finishing junior high school and high school in Yongxing High School, he knew a lot of people. In addition, his mild temper can play a very good role in reconciling, and his popularity is not bad.

   Now that he is well, he has somehow become a crowded existence by his classmates, and the gap can be imagined.

   The key is that his parents have invested a lot of money in Tiffana, and the store is about to be renovated. Of course, I don't want anything to happen to Tiffana.

  He Xinyan didn't expect that she hadn't found Tiffany's trouble, but was approached by her classmates first and questioned her about Tiffany's rumors.

   "Although I'm not obliged to explain anything to you, this is not what I did."

   As she said just now, she disdains to join forces with He Linjun and try to use some inferior means to attack her opponent.

   She will only report directly to the local area, and the Food Supervision Bureau will intervene to check whether it is there or not.

   "If you are talking about the recent incident of fever, vomiting and diarrhea among classmates, that should be what I said." Qiao Yuqiao raised his hand.

She pushed up her glasses, thought about it, and said, "I'm not targeting anyone or making rumors, I have a basis. This time, many students in the school have a fever, and many people think it's just a cold in winter, and some students have mild symptoms. , or even just pulling a few times on the stomach, it didn't attract everyone's attention."

"But I did a survey and found that the symptomatic crowd mainly appeared in the third grade, about 52 people. The common feature of these classmates was that they had eaten Tiffany, and symptoms appeared one after another after Christmas. By the way, almost In the third year of high school, there were people in every class who had symptoms of vomiting or diarrhea, but only our class did not."

   Group 1 went to Yan Xuqiao for the Christmas afternoon tea event, and no one had touched Tiffana.

  Qiaoyuqiao: "So of course I have reason to suspect that this time the students' fever, vomiting and diarrhea incident is related to Tiffana. I'm just stating my speculation, isn't it too much?"

   Originally, she didn't plan to advertise it widely. After all, it was just a small private investigation. She noticed something was wrong and only reminded her acquaintance.

   Those classmates didn't talk about it everywhere, otherwise it would have been widely spread on campus.

   Cheng Jiaxing insisted on coming to the door, so she had no scruples.

   "I dare to be responsible for every word I have said. If you think I am spreading rumors, you can sue me."

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