The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 271: Don't care about things that shouldn't be yours!

   Chapter 271 Don't care about the things you shouldn't be in!

  He Xinyan didn't know if Brother Qian was retributed after her death, but she believed that when those crazy little fans grew up, they would definitely hate Brother Qian for brainwashing fans.

   Public opinion has always called on the star studio to take responsibility and play a positive role in guiding fans.

   But Brother Qian has been taking advantage of the young age of fans, unformed three views, impulsive personality, etc., to abuse and purify fans again and again, making small fans who can’t tell right from wrong more extreme and do some extreme behaviors.

  The group pet Zhou Hao is the window he created to connect with the little fans.

   Anyway, when there is a need, let Zhou Hao go to the fans to lay the groundwork, and guide the fans to flush sales and data to invest and raise money.

  When there is no need, it is the behavior of fans not to become a star.

   There are thousands of routines. When you are deeply involved in it, you can't tell the difference. After being harvested by PUA, when you grow up, you can wake up to some extent.

  He Xinyan is not disgusted by the small fans, but disgusted by the cancer in the entertainment industry like Brother Qian.

   She wants to unplug this tumor.

   Besides, the two of them have had a relationship. In the last life, Brother Qian led fans to abuse himself online, and she will not forget this hatred.


   Although the Su family married the Lin family, He Xinyan came to Licheng for the first time.

  Because it is New Year's Day holiday, the airport is also full of festive atmosphere.

When   , the housekeeper comforted He Xinyan and said, "regardless of whether there is gain or not, it is a relaxing trip."

  He Xinyan nodded, "I think so too."

  Forcing senior high school students to have no holidays, Qiao Yuqiao and Lin Xuxu regarded the Christmas afternoon tea as the last unbridled carnival, and then naturally refused the New Year's Eve activities.

  On New Year's Day, it is a matter of course to do the paperwork at home, and then take advantage of the holiday to hold online business meetings from time to time.

   As the founder, even a senior in high school can’t be a complete boss, and the modules they are responsible for are well managed.

  Because Yan Xuqiao has expanded rapidly in the imperial capital and other first-tier cities, the company has grown in size, and some other management have also been recruited.

  The position of the two people has really become a high-level, with a large group of people under them.

  Although these can be handled by professional managers... but Lin Xuxu is completely the kind of character who is prepared for a rainy day and is unwilling to admit defeat. He has to do everything himself.

   She knew very well that there would not be such a good platform for her to exercise and grow, and listed this job as being as important as her studies.

   As for Qiao Yuqiao, her temperament was originally soft and waxy, but after she broke off her marriage with Ling Chen, she became completely supportive.

   She saw the helplessness of her parents at the beginning, and she must prove that she can also take care of the company and be on her own.

   You don't need to marry a wealthy family and be an obedient and good daughter-in-law, and you can also have the ability to control your own destiny.

   On the contrary, He Xinyan, the boss, is more serious about delegating power, and is willing to give others to exercise.

   If she didn't get anything from her visit to Licheng this time, then she would take it as a distraction, bring some gifts back to everyone, and treat everyone.

   Shi Rin looked up at her and smiled when she saw her calm expression.

   He also looks like he's on vacation, wearing a casual long coat and turtleneck sweater, and his body condition is very good.

  He Xinyan noticed that he had just closed his eyes and fell asleep on the plane and was listening to music with headphones.

   She glanced at the earphone curiously, a very expensive brand, guessing that it should be used to play Buddhist scriptures or the Great Compassion Mantra.

  Which earphone is still hanging around the neck, the whole person is very fashionable and young, and it looks very suitable for shooting airport LOOK, or OOTD.

   When the crowd rushed over, Shi Lin subconsciously kept He Xinyan behind him.

   He Xinyan knew that he was worried that those people were coming for him.

   After all, he has been on several hot searches, and after the lawsuit with Ling Xuan, many media also expressed their desire to interview her.

   But these are obviously not the media, but fans and proxy shooters. The long guns and short guns are very complete.

  The person who took the photo was not himself...but Shirin.

   Many girls were screaming loudly, holding the sign "Ji Geze" in their hands.

   "Ji Geze!"

   "Ji Geze look here!"

   "Ahhh, the real person is so handsome, 10,000 times more handsome than on TV, I'm going to faint!"

   Can you not be 10,000 times more handsome? It's two people after all.

  He Xinyan reminded aloud, "Stop filming, you are looking for the wrong person."

   In fact, several station sisters and proxy photographers were the first to find out that they had made a mistake. After all, they are the people closest to idols. Of course, they knew that Ji Geze did not have such superior appearance conditions.

   Many stars live in filters. Most of the Reuters photos, airport photos and red carpet photos that fans brag about on the Internet are from PS.

   But the face of the man in front of him is enough to overwhelm all beings. What is rare is that he has both a sense of nobility and an elegant temperament.

   The more sensitive proxy shooters refused to put down their cameras even if they were reminded, but continued to shoot wildly with the spotlight on.

   Anyway, if you don’t take pictures for nothing, this person is so outstanding, maybe he will become popular soon, and these photos can be sold for a good price.

  He Xinyan saw that the camera was about to hit Shi Lin's face, she stepped forward and raised her hand to hold the camera, "I said don't shoot."

  The one was taken aback, and when she saw her cold face, she immediately became unhappy.

   "I didn't photograph you again, so I want you to be too busy?" As he said, he wanted to pull He Xinyan away, "Maybe others would like to be photographed, do you know who I am? I am..."

  He Xinyan was afraid that the habit of cleanliness would break out at the time, so she simply pushed the guy who didn't listen to the persuasion with his collar and forcibly pushed it out.

   "I don't know, but I'm your father." She said coldly.

   "I'm your father!" The man was furious.

   "He Xinyan! I know you, you are He Xinyan!" A sharp and excited voice sounded.

The female fans standing beside    were obviously excited, looking like they wanted to go forward but didn't dare.

  The man was stunned for a moment, looked at He Xinyan's face, and suddenly realized, "Are you that He Xinyan? It turns out that you are really pretty, no wonder you can hook up with so many rich second-generations."

   He doesn't stay on the hot search every day, but occasionally he needs to know which newcomers are emerging in the circle.

   When I heard the name He Xinyan, I thought it was a newly signed female artist, but it turned out to be an amateur.

  Although many Lan V's clarifications were a bit grand, he wouldn't believe them, they must all be deceitful.

   After all, how can holes come to the wind? There must be a reason for the incident, and it must be that this woman was taken care of by a rich old man.

  Tsk tsk, to be called Xiaomi when she was in high school, it's really cheap, he looks down on her.

  He Xinyan has always known that some people seem to be wrapped in their cerebellum and only want to believe what they want to believe.

  Even if you throw the evidence in their face, they will refuse to accept it, and even maliciously speculate whether you have a gold owner.

  The man wanted to leave with the camera in hand, but he was still saying bad luck. After taking two steps, his neck suddenly tightened, and he was pulled back by the collar.

   "What are you doing?" The man looked at Shi Rin unhappily, and warned, "You shouldn't be in charge of the things you're doing! Does a little transparent know how to keep a low profile?"

   (end of this chapter)

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