"I don't understand, why don't you teach me?" Shi Rin chuckled lightly, his eyes turned cold the next second, and he simply kicked him neatly.

   "With such a dirty mouth, don't you know you'll be beaten?"

   The man screamed in pain, fell to the ground, looked at him in horror, and instantly realized that he had kicked the iron plate.

  When the housekeeper took the bodyguard to pick up the luggage, he rushed over and said, "Master, are you alright?"

   He was about to freak out, how could these fans be so unreasonable!

   "Master, you don't need to bother with these people yourself, let the bodyguards handle it." After all, Master has a habit of cleanliness.

  Shi Lin fiddled with the beads in his hand a few times and calmed down the anger in his heart: "I'm fine, just smash his camera for me."

  The man was terrified and quickly shielded his camera, this is the guy he eats.

   "You can't be like this! Rich people are amazing, is there any kingly law?"

Shen Jinzhou, who had just been squeezed out of the crowd, finally squeezed in, "Wang Fa? Okay, then I'll tell you about the law of sex. You violate other people's **** and portrait rights, harass others, and disrupt public order. You've already violated the law. There are several laws, why don't we call the police and try to see who doesn't have the king's law."

   The man's face turned pale, and he didn't dare to speak. He was afraid that he wouldn't be able to get any advantage by calling the police.

   The bodyguard snorted coldly and smashed the camera directly.

   There is a photo of his own young master in it. Of course, it has to be smashed, which can be regarded as a lesson for the other party.

   Proxy shooting is originally a gray industry, but in the past it was difficult for celebrities to be held accountable for various reasons.

   The man's face was aching, and the scene was silent.

   Everyone looked at Shi Lin in astonishment and guessed who this little brother was?

   In the past, it wasn't that there were no more grumpy stars who were provoked and conflicted with acting filmmakers, but every time they were caught on hot searches and scolded for being rude and playing big names.

   Later, no one dared to do this. After all, celebrities have to be concerned about influence and have more tolerance for being violated than the public.


   "What happened over there, why does there seem to be a conflict?" Yu Han stretched his neck and looked around.

   "It seems like a fan picks up the plane, which star is this?"

  Gu Zhen glanced at random and saw the sign held by the fans, Ji Geze? do not know.

   He never did anything in the entertainment industry, so he didn't care much, "Let's go quickly."

  Yuhan knew that he had a quiet temperament and didn't like to join in the fun, so he had to follow him with big strides.

  The two got into the car, and Yu Han said a little depressedly, "Last time Aunt Luo went to Licheng in person, the old lady of the Su family refused to see her face to face, she said that people are recuperating in other places."

   "Afterwards, I inquired about the news, and they didn't leave Licheng at all, okay?"

   Thinking about it makes me feel a little sullen, let Aunt Luo run for nothing and be disappointed.

  The Yu family is also a respectable family in the imperial capital. I didn't expect that the Su family was polite on the surface, but it was like this in private.

   Fortunately, there is a grand banquet in the Su family on New Year's Day, to connect with partners and relatives from all sides and consolidate cooperation. This is an inevitable process every year.

  The old lady of the Su family would definitely attend, so they had to run over to block people.

  Gu Zhen is quite calm: "We take the liberty to disturb, and it is normal for others to guard us."…

   But it is precisely because of the actions of the Su family that he has become more determined. The Tahitian black pearl in the opponent's hand is very likely to be problematic.

  Yuhan suddenly thought of a question: "Old Mrs. Su avoided seeing her, shouldn't she be bragging? In fact, there are no super-sized beads of 20mm at all?"

   Although it is not good to speculate on an old man like this, the old lady of the Su family is indeed not very well-reviewed in the circle.

   It is said that she has long boasted that she has a Tahitian black pearl with an oversized pearl. That was 16 years ago, and Gu Zhen's sister hadn't been lost yet.

   Later, she was exposed by her nemesis, and she didn't have any face at all. At that time, she made a fuss, and Mrs. Su didn't dare to go out to see anyone for several months.

   If the old man told such a lie in order to save face, it would not be impossible.

The more Yu Han thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case. When the old man heard that they wanted to see the black pearl, of course they had to avoid it.

  Gu Zhen paused, but did not deny his guess, "Anyway, I can always ask clearly this time."


   Gu Nian really didn't expect that it was such a coincidence that he ran into He Xinyan again.

  Thinking of the humiliation that day, she couldn't tell how uncomfortable she was, and ordered the tall bodyguard beside her, "Hurry up and take a picture with your phone! Just take a picture of that woman!"

  The bodyguard didn't move, "Miss Nianzhen, sir, asked me to ensure your safety and not let you run around."

   Originally, it was wrong for Gu Nianzhen to squeeze in when he saw someone holding Ji Geze's sign. If it wasn't for her being hurt, the bodyguards wouldn't help her squeeze in.

   This eldest lady is too arrogant and completely spoiled by her parents.

   Yesterday, he went back and filed a complaint, saying that he was beaten, and that he wanted revenge, that the husband would bankrupt the He family and ban the woman.

Mr.    did not agree with her chasing stars. Of course, it is not that chasing stars is wrong, but because Gu Nianzhen is chasing stars like crazy.

  The book is also not well read, and all day long chasing stars travel all over the world, and even stalking and peeping harassment.

Mr.    wanted her to go to work and learn how to manage business operations in a company, but she couldn't hold on at all.

   Yesterday's remarks were too naive, and the slightest conflict caused a lot of shouting and killing. The husband's face turned black on the spot, but this one didn't even realize it.

   Gu Nian stomped his feet in anger, "Do you listen to me? If you don't listen, be careful I'll let my uncle kick you out!"

  The bodyguard was unmoved: "Okay, you also saw a star that you didn't want to chase, so let's go, Mr. is coming out soon."

  Gu Nian really knew that he couldn't count on him, so he had to stand on tiptoe and secretly take a few pictures, then glared at the bodyguard, turned and walked out.

   Not long after they went out, they saw a group of people.

   The man who walked in the front was not young, with a lot of white hair on his temples, but his temperament was very gentle, elegant and personable.

   As he walked, he tilted his head and listened attentively to the young man next to him giving a report, followed by more than a dozen group elites, and his aura looked very unusual.

  Because he pays attention to body management, his body is tall and straight, and his face is very handsome and handsome, and he has the charm and attractiveness of a mature man.

  Many people came to see it.

  Gu Nianzhen saw the man's eyes lit up and ran over excitedly, "Uncle!"

   She likes this little uncle very much, not only because he can give her countless pocket money.

   It's more because her uncle is really handsome, and he is no less than a movie star.


  The airport security quickly rushed over and took the troublemaker away.

   They didn't really want to care about it at first. Those acting shooters were actually backed by the capital of the entertainment industry, and they were often chasing and blocking stars at the airport.

  Some of them are at the level of nail-biting households, and they are very annoying, but they are not easy to manage. After all, no one wants to cause trouble, so they can only turn a blind eye.

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