The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 270: Good thing he got something

   Chapter 270 Fortunately, he got something

   As soon as this apology statement came out, there was an uproar on the Internet.

  According to the rhythm of the morning, many people will subconsciously favor Ling Xuan, thinking that there may be hidden feelings.

   Since the studio dared to continue to appeal, it means that things are not so simple.

  Take ten thousand steps back, as long as Ling Xuan himself does not admit that he plagiarized other people's works, there will be room for fantasies, and someone will defend him.

   But now Ling Xuan directly admits that he is a thief, directly shattering everyone's illusions, leaving no room for him.

   Many fans in the fan group couldn't stand it, and said on the spot that they wanted to get rid of their fans.

   They worked hard to defend their idols, but Ling Xuan acted so recklessly that he actually backstabbed them.

   This makes them how to fight with other opponents in the future, do you have to be brought up every time your brother admits that he is a thief?

  Many fans expressed that they were too disappointed and uncomfortable. Since they didn’t speak up before, why didn’t they keep silent?

   So what if you really plagiarize, as long as you don't say or admit it, what can the verdict represent?

  Ling Xuan did not consider the fans' feelings at all.

   He Yuye brushed Ling Xuan's apology statement, and instantly felt hot on his face, like being slapped in the air.

   How relieved she was when she posted on Weibo, how embarrassing she is now.

  Many netizens were still reluctant and asked her what she meant by believing in Ling Xuan's character. Couldn't they see the news and the court ruled that Ling Xuan lost the case?

  He Yuye felt so uncomfortable, she really didn't expect that netizens would have so many dramas, chasing after her.

  I am not the party involved, who knows what happened.

   She just admired Ling Xuan's act of taking the initiative to block rotten eggs. He was very just, bright, kind and gentle, while He Xinyan gave her the impression of being aggressive and fierce.

  He Yuye quickly deleted the Weibo supporting Ling Xuan.

   Her fans explained that she was too kind and simple, she didn't know the situation until she came out to speak, and after knowing the truth, she realized that it was inappropriate to delete Weibo, isn't it normal?

   Doesn't Neiyu hope to have more stars who dare to tell the truth and have flesh and blood? Why are others condemned when they tell the truth?

When did    true temperament become a bad character?

   But some passers-by kept biting on it, thinking that He Yuye was just trying to get hot, and decided to untie it when he found that he couldn't get on and there might be trouble.

   Running so fast is not a white-eyed wolf.

  He Yuye was very depressed when he saw these remarks.

   Those netizens were too much, she didn't expect that she would encounter a second wave of cyber violence.


  In a high-rise building in Donglin City, Lingxuan Studio

   Brother Qian was completely stunned, and his face flushed with anger. At this moment, the backlog of dissatisfaction that had been building up for several days finally erupted. He picked up an ornament and smashed it into pieces.

  Ling Xuan, this little bastard, is so good, he dares to stab himself in the back.

   He roared angrily, "Who manages the account today, quickly delete Weibo for me!"

   Someone quickly replied, "It can't be deleted, the account password has been changed."

  Ling Xuan's Weibo has always been managed by a special person, and every Weibo post has to be reviewed by Brother Qian. This is the management method of many artists' Weibo.

  The artist himself directly manages, or even directly posts Weibo, very few.

  Idols have been losing their voices, and sometimes they may be unwilling or unable to speak up. After all, there are so many entanglements in interests, and some artists have no right to speak at all.

   But Ling Xuan is not! I have always cooperated with him happily.

   I didn't see the other party's opinion when I was full of flowers before, but now I just encountered a little setback. Ling Xuan actually wanted to overturn the whole boat?

  It’s not that easy, I don’t agree to it anyway!

   Brother Qian called Ling Xuan: "What do you mean by doing this? You can't be so ungrateful and forget how you became popular in the first place."

  Ling Xuan: "Whatever you want."

   Brother Qian: "What do you mean?"

  Ling Xuan said indifferently: "Whatever you want, whether you want to use your relationship to block, hide me, or you want to expose my black material, it's all up to you anyway."

   Brother Qian was so angry that he directly smashed the phone. When Ling Xuan was selected from a group of contestants, he was optimistic about his external conditions and family background, and secondly, he was optimistic about his intelligence and sobriety.

   I didn't expect Ling Xuan to be so ignorant of praise, it's really hateful.

   What's even more hateful is that he still has no way to deal with Ling Xuan, and he broke Ling Xuan's black material. Isn't that the same as shaking out what he has done?

   Besides, with Ling Xuan's current status, and his open-minded attitude of admitting his mistakes, he has really recovered some reputation.

   is more effective than spending money to hire a sailor to set the rhythm.

  The executives of the company used to believe in Brother Qian’s idea, and they felt that although it was a little more radical, it could bring huge benefits, so it was not listed.

   But recently, Brother Qian has failed several times in succession. The money is smashed, and the face is still lost, which has caused many high-level dissatisfaction.

   Brother Qian knew clearly in his heart that capital was the pursuit of profit, and he would not give up Ling Xuan easily.

   At that time, there must be fifty big boards each.

   But he couldn't deal with Ling Xuan, but he could deal with He Xinyan.

   Someone revealed to him that the reason why Ling Xuan was so insane was that he was bewitched by that **** He Xinyan.

   That woman does have a face that makes people lustful and soulful. If she deliberately seduces, it is no wonder that Ling Xuan will not be able to hold it.

   Brother Qian thought that his public relations methods had encountered Waterloo several times in front of He Xinyan, and he hated his teeth.

  Fortunately, he got some things, which are very exciting, and if he works well, maybe he can get something else.

   This time, the new hatred and the old hatred are counted together to see who regrets it.


  He Xinyan turned off the phone with a calm expression after reading the trend on the Internet.

  Although he was surprised by Ling Xuan's last move, the other party was very smart and took this opportunity to kick Brother Qian away.

   In the last life, Ling Xuan also terminated the contract with Brother Qian, but at that time, he and He Yuye both won the crown of the best actor and the queen, and they were both in the limelight for a while.

   Even if the contract is terminated, Shuangfa is still peaceful, just saying that the contract has expired.

But the insider revealed that Ling Xuan and Brother Qian had long been at odds, and the two sides often clashed in their ideas. Ling Xuan has successfully transformed, and Brother Qian is still abusing fans and solid fans, which is no longer in line with Ling Xuan's route. .

   It was a matter of time before the two sides parted ways, but the termination of the contract at that time actually made Brother Qian's reputation as a gold broker.

   The other party will bring artists later, probably thinking that there is a successful case Ling Xuan ahead, and become more crazy.

   On the one hand, they frantically squeeze the artists, in order to hype up the itinerary of the buskers, and even condone the rich illegitimate fans to follow and peep and harass the artists.

   On the one hand, they continued to frantically squeeze fans. News that young fans stole money from their parents for medical treatment to invest in artists appeared from time to time, and they were suppressed by Brother Qian.

   A certain newcomer and little girl brought by Brother Qian, because of her gentle temperament, finally could not stand the pressure of Brother Qian and jumped down from the high building.

   (end of this chapter)

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