The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 226: He always felt that the other's eyebrows were familiar.

   Chapter 226 He always feels that the other person's eyebrows and eyes are familiar

   "Enough!" Ling Xuan took a deep breath and asked coldly, "You mean, I can't sell my albums in the future, and no one will watch the TV series I star in, so I can only blame the audience for not knowing the goods?"

  Cheng Jiaxing did not dare to speak.

   Zhou Hao: "Xuanbao, don't be angry, it is true that some people are boars who can't eat fine chaff, so there is no need to take it to heart."

   After a pause, he raised his voice, "It's not like some people actually dance a girl group dance to make a crowd. The audience likes to be curious, so they just voted for them."

  Ling Xuan was startled for a moment, then looked at Lu Sichuan, Tang Zheng, and He Xinyan next to him.

   His eyes turned slightly cold.

  He Xinyan didn't intend to pay attention to the group, but the assistants of the other party deliberately pointed out that Sang scolded Huai, so there was no need to get used to it.

"Only people who are incompetent will make excuses all day long. It's the audience's lack of appreciation. They feel that their songs are high and low, and the drama is a cold art, and the audience is wrong and the audience is blind." He Xinyan said , The voice changed, "Since you look down on the audience so much, why come to the entertainment circle?"

   Zhou Hao: "Who are you talking about? How did you talk?!"

  He Xinyan thought for a while, then said with a smile, "Am I not clear enough? Of course it's about Ling Xuan!"

  Zhou Hao was stunned for a while, and his heart suddenly burst into flames. Mom's new hatred and old hatred were counted together. He wanted to give He Xinyan some color for a long time.

  Lu Sichuan blocked in front of He Xinyan, and his face became cold, "What do you want to do, beat someone in public?"

  He Xinyan: "Probably he wants to go to our school's security office for a half-day tour."

  Many students were reminded by this sentence, take a closer look, ho! Isn't this man the same extrajudicial madman who intended to commit murder last time? At that time, the classmates who were brave and righteous were sent directly to the security office.

   It's been a long time since everyone almost forgot about it. Now, the way they look at Zhou Hao and Ling Xuan has changed.

   So in the end, did Ling Xuan send someone to harass Yan Shen?

  Lin took a step forward slowly and reminded everyone, "Tian Weiyue, who put the crazy woman in tonight, seems to be a fan of Senior Ling Xuan."

   Others were also talking about it.

   "It's true, Tian Weiyue is a big fan."

   "I also saw Tian Weiyue take Tiffana's takeout to the top floor and talked to this assistant for a while."

   "So Tian Weiyue's behavior is really suspicious. She doesn't know He Xinyan, so how can she be so malicious."

   "We also have two fans of Ling Xuan in our class. I don't hate Senior Ling Xuan, but I really hate those fans. I feel like there is something wrong with my brain."

   "There is a saying that fans follow the master, maybe you misunderstood your two classmates."


   Zhou Hao blushed, angry, anxious and angry.

   He sow discord in front of Tian Weiyue, trying to incite everyone's emotions to resist He Xinyan.

   It's best to give He Xinyan some trouble and make her suffer.

   See if she dares to shamelessly touch Ci Lingxuan and get hot.

   But he doesn't know that crazy woman. How can he listen to what everyone is saying? Not only is it related to Tian Weiyue, but he also counts everything on his own head?

   "What crazy woman?" Ling Xuan suddenly asked.

   Zhou Hao thought, is this the time to ask this?

   He looked at the group of people angrily: "Don't talk nonsense, be careful if you talk nonsense again, I will sue you for slander!"

   "Shut up!" Ling Xuan scolded coldly, still staring at He Xinyan, "Is there something wrong with the woman who came to you before? Didn't you have contact with her husband?"

   He Xinyan was not surprised that Ling Xuan would know about this, and it was not surprising that Ling Xuan would not eat all the melons.

   She didn't know much about it before, but later she realized that the other party probably disliked her from a humble background, so she decided that she was stubborn, got one-sided information, and sentenced her to a crime.

  Qiaoyuqiao: "No, there is no contact. They don't even know each other. Mr. Ling, please pay attention to what you say, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble to my classmates."

Can    stars just talk nonsense? As a public figure, you should be more cautious in your words and deeds.

  The atmosphere in the backstage instantly became tense. Everyone looked at Ling Xuan with more or less conflicted expressions on their faces.

  After all, the behavior of fans, idols pay.

   Besides, if Zhou Hao hadn't fanned the flames, the ghosts wouldn't believe it.

   Zhou Hao thought it was absurd, these classmates are all brains, this is Ling Xuan! Big star Ling Xuan!

   He didn't rush to curry favor, yet he dared to have an opinion on Ling Xuan's stinky face? !

  He Xinyan glanced at Ling Xuan, then looked at his four bodyguards, then turned around and said, "Okay, it's time for the awards ceremony. Don't you want to be the presenter, Brother Zheng? Hurry up and leave."

   She didn't think that Ling Xuan did this game, but after all, Ling Xuan's assistant helped to fuel the flames.

   She didn't plan to let it go, but there was no need to drag her classmates into the water.

  Ling Xuan came back to perform for free as a well-known alumnus after all, there is no need for everyone to conflict with him and make trouble unhappy.

  His agent is the best at selling tragic fans, and she won't send free hype materials to the other party this time around.


  Yu Han didn't see his cousin much all night.

   He sat in the auditorium and watched the whole party carefully, and suddenly understood why he was scolded by the students.

   The girl named He Xinyan is really amazing. Not only does she have good academic performance, but she also has a girl group style in singing and dancing, so she can make her solo debut.

   He has invested in some projects in the entertainment industry, and has also invested in talent shows. In all fairness, he has the urge to sign others.

   The most rare thing is, are the lyrics and music still original? That's really something.

   And both Lu Sichuan and Tang Zheng are here, so is this the important itinerary their company said?

  Yu Han, as an upstart in the business world, has a keen sense of smell. When he saw Fu Ran appear in the awards ceremony, he immediately thought of something.

   He got up and went outside to make a phone call.

   "He Xinyan? It seems to be called this name, right, it's the one who wrote the song, but please help to keep this matter a secret." He finally asked.

  Yuhan of course understands, if the news of Xinxin's songwriting is disclosed, many people will definitely come to ask for songs.

  Of course those who know the news must hold tight, whether it is out of selfishness or self-interest.

  【Azhen, I may have really misunderstood the little girl. 】 After sending this sentence, he turned back to the auditorium with a complicated mood.

The    is over, parents and students are leaving one after another, and some people are taking pictures on the stage and refusing to leave.

  His good cousin, Shenlong was very busy all night, and was helping everyone take pictures.

   "Cousin, walk in the middle!" Xu Jingyang stared at the camera and shouted at Lu Sichuan.

   He shouted very naturally. Anyway, he called his cousin all night, and the students around him were used to it.

  Yuhan: "…"

   So he doesn't even guarantee his cousin's status?

   Before leaving, Yu Han took one last look at the little girl with bright eyebrows on the stage.

   She looks so good-looking and dazzling, no wonder so many people like her.

   And he didn't know what was going on. He always felt that the other person's eyebrows and eyes were familiar, but after thinking about it carefully, he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

   Most beauties have similarities!

   (end of this chapter)

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